Wednesday, January 14, 2015

This Girl Can! New Ad Encourages Women To Get Your Sports On

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A new ad campaign by the English Sports Council aka Sport England aims to encourage more women to take up sports and be more physically active.

Tagged, 'This Girl Can' the campaign kicks off with a TV ad which was launched January 12, 2014 featuring women of all shapes, sizes and ages getting stuck into sport and exercise. It has already been followed by print and digital campains featuring the women from the video.

The 90-second video shows normal women – no models were used – giving it their all, to a sound track of Missy Elliott’s Get Ur Freak On.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Gwyneth Paltrow On Being Criticized By Other Women & New Life After Marriage Split

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Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow covers Harper’s Bazaar UK February 2015 issue and in the cover story for the magazine, she discussed with the interviewer about how she met and married her music star ex-husband Chris Martin while he was still 25, their "conscious uncoupling" last year, and her new life back in the United States.

She also shares her thoughts on how women relate with each other, and how personally she has been attacked by other women in the media and forum comments.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Kaley Cuoco On Not Being A Feminist, Cooking For Her Husband And Her Fake Boobs

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Kaley Cuoco who last year got married to her husband, Ryan Sweeting has joined the ranks of female celebs who distance themselves from feminism. The actress also made the news recently for signing a $1million per episode deal with the prooducers of “Big Bang Theory” and becoming one of the highest paid actresses on TV.

In an upcoming, February 2015, issue of Redbook magazine which the  actress covers, the 29 year old says she doesn’t consider herself a feminist because she’s never had to deal with inequality. She also talks about getting fake boobs, and learning from her nude photo leak.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Amal Clooney Named Most Fascinating Person 2014 - But Not For Me

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George Clooney married lawyer Amal Alamuddin on Sept. 27 this year in an expensive celebrity wedding in Italy. In October, she changed her name to Amal Clooney, and now, she has been selected by Barbara Walters for her ABC Special on the 10 Most Fascinating People of 2014.

Amal Clooney is the most fascinating person this year because of what? Her marriage to actor George Clooney! And this is among names like Oprah Winfrey, Elon Musk, George RR Martin, Neil Patrick Harris, Michael Strahan, Taylor Swift, Billionaire David Koch, Chelsea Handler and Scarlett Johansson, who were all listed for their personal achievements and actions.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

3 New Bill Cosby Accusers To Be Represented By Famed Feminist Lawyer Gloria Allred

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Three more women have come forward to accuse Bill Cosby of sexual assault and are being represented by famed feminist lawyer, Gloria Allred. The attorney spoke today at a press conference in Los Angeles, challenging Bill Cosby to waive the statute of limitations and stand trial.

Allred said the ball was now in the comedian's court as she proposed that alternatively he could establish a $100 million fund to settle with the victims, with retired judges ruling on the awards.

Friday, November 28, 2014

To Olamide - Women Saying No Is Not Story For The Gods - It is Rape!

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There are a lot of Nigerian songs I do not bother checking out or listening to when they come out, unless I am specifically recommended by a review of someone I trust their judgment in music. I'll listen to the oldies, 2Face and PSquare, and most of the female singers, but the male hip-hop artistes often lose me completely.

So the Story For The Gods single completely bypassed me till a friend brought it to my attention. Unfortunately, it was not in a good way.

Hello Myne, Please have you heard the song by one Olamide? Story for the gods? Please can you listen to it and tell me if I am over reacting? Am I dreaming or is he trying to glorify 'rape'? I cannot listen to the song but I have seen the lyrics and I am scandalised!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Virginity Tests Mandatory For Female Police Recruits In Indonesia

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Women who want to be police officers in Indonesia, reportedly have to prove they're virgins by undergoing mandatory physical exam to verify the hymen is still intact. This is directly from the Indonesia police recruitment website which says, ‘All women who want to become policewomen should keep their virginity."

Human Rights Watch says they are working with the government to get rid of the practice as its ‘discriminatory and a form of gender-based violence’.

Monday, November 17, 2014

TV Host Karl Stefanovic Wears The Same Blue Suit On Air For a Year & No One Noticed

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Australian TV host Karl Stefanovic, has been wearing the SAME SUIT EVERY DAY FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR on air, and guess what? NOBODY noticed, until HE pointed it out. The Today show co-host wore the exact same fake Burberry suit to prove a point about the double standards women face, especially in the television industry.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Infidelity Double Standards Through The Eyes Of A Non-Feminist

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By Onyinye Orabuike

I have never been accused of being a feminist, neither do I hope to be mistaken for one.

In truth I am not particularly passionate about the plight of women. I found out early that my sentiments are painfully unpopular among girls my age whose goals were either to get married to a very wealthy man and live a life of ease, or ditch men altogether and make their own way in life.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Walk To Inspire – Global Women Mentoring Walk Nigeria To Hold November 15th

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Themed ‘Walking to Inspire’, the Global Mentoring Walk focuses on underscoring the value of women’s leadership and exemplifying the transformative impact women have when they come together to promote positive change throughout the world.

Monday, November 10, 2014

My Nude Photos Leaked During My Honeymoon - Gabrielle Union Vows To Fight Back

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Gabrielle Union had earlier blasted those behind leaking her nude photos, which ended up being shared all over the Internet following the hacking of celebrity iCloud accounts in September [read here]. The hollywood actress has now written an essay where she says she found out about the photo leak during her honeymoon with Dwyane Wade, and it devastated her joy. Read an excerpt from her write-up below...

Friday, November 7, 2014

Loretta Lynch Would Be First Ever Black Woman Attorney General in U.S. History

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That is if she is approved. President Obama is reported to have decided, but yet to announce Loretta Lynch as his nominee for the post of US Attorney General following the resignation of Eric Holder last month.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Online Campaign Forces Victoria's Secret To Change 'Perfect Body' Ad

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Victoria's Secret, one of the most popular brands for women's bras, recently launched a new set of underwear describing the fit of the bras as "the perfect body".

However, not a few people disliked the ad as they felt it would exacerbate the insecurity that women already feel about their bodies.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Comedy Central Drops Artie Lange After Sex Slave Tweets To ESPN's Cari Champion

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Yes, iSupportCari though I'm just hearing this news now. Yesterday, comedian Artie Lange targeted some racist and sexually degrading tweets at Cari Champion, the female African American host of ESPN First Takes. He described her as “my slave” with himself as Thomas Jefferson, and said he was pleasuring himself whilst watching her show.

While outrage spread almost immediately with the hashtag, iSupportCari, the comedian refused to remove the tweets or apologize until today when his gig with Comedy Central's @Midnight was cancelled. See below for his non-apology and the offensive tweets.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Hollaback Actress Shoshana Roberts Gets Rape Threats For Street Harassment Video

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Shoshana Roberts was secretly filmed for 10 hours as she walked the streets of New York for a video on street harassment. The video has since gone viral and the actress has been receiving rape threats since then, with some even saying they want to kill her.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

#BeenRapedNeverReported - Survivors Find Their Voices In Sobering Twitter Hashtag

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#BeenRapedNeverReported, no explanation need, right? In the post about Bill Cosby, we found that Barbara Bowman never reported her assault until years later, and she's not alone. So many woman are assaulted and remain silent, especially when they are raped by those they know.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

FEMEN Women Go Topless As They Protest On The Streets Of Paris [Video]

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Several women under the aegis of FEMEN, an extreme feminist group in Europe which believes in going topless as a protest tool, took to the streets of Paris to support fellow FEMEN member lana Zhdanova, who was earlier this month convicted for “sexual exhibitionism” in a French court.

Iana had been arrested in June for stabbing a wax statue of Russian President Vladimir Putin with a wooden stake while topless, with the words “Kill Putin” painted across her breasts.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Lala Anthony - Don't Be A Basketball Wife, Have Something of Your Own That Defines You

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Lala Anthony has made it very clear that though she is the wife of a basketball star, Carmelo Anthony, she does not look to a man for validation.

There are many of us women who want a rich lifestyle, and believe that dating or marrying someone rich and famous will get them there. There is absolutely nothing wrong with marrying up, but it can be dangerous to be totally dependent on a man.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Serena Williams Blasts Russian Official Who Called Her & Venus, The William's Brothers

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Serena Williams has slammed a Russian Tennis official over some of his remarks which she said were “insensitive,” “sexist” and “racist.”

Serena and Venus Williams are popularly known as the William's Sisters, and between them, they have 25 Grand Slam singles titles, several doubles, with Serena being the current world #1 tennis champion. And to think someone would just so casually insult their efforts because they're black and women? SMH...

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Honored As African Finance Minister of the Year

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Dr Okonjo Iweala with her husband Dr. Ikemba Iweala.

Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has been Nigeria's Finance Minister for almost a decade combined, both under President Obasanjo and now President Goodluck Jonathan. More recently, she has also been the Coordinating Minister for the Economy along with her finance protfolio.

The hardworking woman has been named African Finance Minister of the year 2014 by leading investment & international group, African Investor. Okonjo-Iweala was announced winner yesterday October 10th from a shortlist which included Finance Ministers of Kenya, Angola, Rwanda, Liberia, Seychelles, Zambia and Kingdom of Morocco.