Thursday, October 23, 2014

Top 10 Unserious Reasons People Call In Sick At Work

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I still remember when I broke my wrist and had to have a splint for several weeks. That's a good reason to call in sick for a couple of days or so, right? What of when you don't have a good reason and still don't want to go in to work?

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

President Obama Gives Woman A Kiss After Boyfriend Warns "Don't Touch My Girlfriend"

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Mike Jones made news for heckling President Obama yesterday. He was among the early voters in Chicago, along with his girlfriend, who got to vote at the same time as the president for the mid-term elections.

When Mike noticed that his girlfriend, Aia Cooper, was the lucky lady to stand right next to the dashing POTUS, he began seething with jealousy, shouting, "Mr. President, don't touch my girlfriend".

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Zoe Saldana Pole Dances on The Train With Husband

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Zoe Saldana is said to be expecting twins, and ever since her bump popped and she debited it during her ice-bucket challenge, she has been thorughly enjoying herself. And I also love the sweet friendship between her and husband Marco Perego.

The couple were alone on an airport train and both decided to do a little pole dancing. Zoe shared a clip of their mischief on Instagram, captioning it;

“Let’s do that again!!! Absolute boredom at #Dulles airport,” “#poledancing is difficult under these conditions Hahahaha.”

Watch below... She didn’t quite get up or round the pole, but hey…she’s pregnant! LOL...

Unemployed Husband Queues 2 Days To Buy iPhone 6 For Wife Who Dumped Him

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An unemployed man who had been dumped by his wife queued for 44 hours to be the first to buy the new iPhone 6 for his wife and to make her happy. But get this, she had kicked him out because of his obsession with gadgets!

His wife Joanna had called an end to their 20 year marriage 'after she accused him of valuing material possessions over his family'. He 'then decided to make the peace and spend £800 on a new iPhone for her – despite being out of work'. This doesn't make sense to me, but obviously it does to this man.

Darius Wlodarski, 41, started queuing outside the Apple store in Cabot Circus, Bristol at midday on Wednesday to make sure he would definitely be able to get one of the handsets on Friday.

Before their marriage hit the rocks, he'd made to her a promise and was determined to keep it. So he paid for the device on a credit card. Check out his rationale below...

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Another Hot Mugshot Goes Viral - Photos

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Angela Coates is a former Jet magazine Beauty of the Week, but when she was arrested in DeKalb County for disorderly conduct, she had to take a mugshot like all criminals. Well, just like Jeremy Meeks, the fine guy felon of a few months ago, Angela Coates has become an internet celebrity for her attractive mugshot.

Many guys on Twitter offered to help the 22-year-old Tampa native get up her $360 bail. Even the men who called out us women for their admiring Jeremy Meeks were not left out.

Also like Meeks, many modeling offers were issued and soon a ‘Free Angela Coates’ campaign soon popped up with a hashtag on Twitter – with hoards of men expressing their admiration for Coates.

“I got that bond money for you, baby” one Twitter user offered. Another said “I would sell our family house for the bond money, leave my wife and kids homeless.”

 SMH... see a picture of Angela when she won Jet Magazine beauty of the week below...

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Introducing #CockLocks For Men Who Cheat And The Women Who Love Them

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Introducing #CockLocks. For all my ladies in committed relationships with male thots but refuse to leave because the D IS TOO DAMN GOOD. Cock block your man 24/7 with one of these #CockLocks only for 3 easy payments of $69.99. ORDER YOUR TODAY!!!!!

And so Instagram user @Sixteenz captioned a picture of several designs of this device that looks like it will fit a flaccid male penis to a T. I'm thinking there's a design flaw somewhere but those massive locks just won't allow me pay attention. LOL...

Somebody tell me this is just for jokes, please. But if for real, will you get one for yourself, if you're a man, or if you're a woman, for your spouse?

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Peekaboo Surprise - Watch Little Girl's Reaction When Her Dad Shaved His Beard

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A bearded father decided to play peekaboo with his little daughter on the day he shaves off his bushy beard. The little girl seems to be pretty upset over over that, and she doesn't seem to recognize the dad…

Funny, this is not the only time this has happened. See the videos below...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Kaley Cuoco Shares Naughty Picture Mocking Hackers Who Leaked Celebrity Nude Photos

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Kaley Cuoco seems to be taking the recent celebrity nude photo leak with a sense of humour as she jokingly shared a photo of herself and husband Ryan Sweeting on the beach.

The picture shows the Big Bang Theory actress and her husband walking on the beach together and her top and his bottom are pixelated out as if they were not wearing swim suits.

She shared the image on Instagram with the caption;

'What a fun day that was, frolicking with my hubs on the beaches of Mexico! Feels like we forgot something?'

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Groom Arrested Soon After Wedding For Flirting With Pregnant Waitress And Fighting Her Boyfriend

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They say prepare for the marriage and not the wedding, but what happens when the wedding goes so horribly wrong that you want to quit the marriage just hours after "I do"?

Newlywed Edyta Williams has found herself in that position as she watched while her spanking new husband, Mark Williams, was arrested after allegedly trying to force a pregnant waitress to drink alcohol, getting "touchy-feely" with her, and then getting into a brawl with her boyfriend.

Edyta and Mark Williams had just gotten married on a river cruise down Pittsburgh's Monongahela River when all hell broke loose. According to CBS News;

Friday, August 29, 2014

It Makes No Sense! Boy's Hilarously Smart Reaction To His Mom's Pregnancy Goes Viral

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A little boy was not so happy when his mom told him she was expecting another child. While his baby sister sucked away at her pacifier, the boy ranted about the pregnancy announcement being "exasperating", more children being "too much!" and how it makes no sense to him.

Out of the mouths of babes, eh? LOL...

You just have to watch this. Who else has seen a boy this smart mouthed?

Calling Single Guys - Brazilian Village With 600 Beautiful Single Women Needs Husbands!

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Noiva do Cordeiro, a small town in Brazil is made up almost entirely of young women - 600 of them aged between 20 and 35. But while the residents of the village would have it no other way, it has left them with the problem of finding eligible men for dating and marriage.

Nelma Fernandes, 23, admits it's impossible for the girls to find a would-be spouse. She said:

"Here, the only men we single girls meet are either married or related to us, everyone is a cousin. I haven't kissed a man for a long time.

"We all dream of falling in love and getting married. But we like living here and don't want to have to leave the town to find a husband.

"We'd like to get to know men who would leave their own lives and come to be a part of ours. But first they need to agree to do what we say and live according to our rules."

There are several pictures of the pretty ladies on the FB Page of the little agricultural community, and proposals are already beginning to pour in from men all over the world, both single and married... LOL...

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Hilarious! Girl Does The Ice Bucket Challenge After Her Wisdom Tooth Is Removed

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When Meghan Waterman came home from the dentist, drugged up and still with a bloody mouth, she wasn't deterred from doing the Ice Bucket Challenge she had planned to do that day. Her mother was out, and this was her best chance to do something for charity.

She ended up pouring the water on her body, but the most hilarious thing about the video is her slurred speech, what she says, and how she acts. Though the blood!

See the video below...

Friday, August 22, 2014

Dating Naked Contestant Sues VH1 For Showing Her Naked Crotch On TV

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Jessie Nizewitz, a naked reality star in VH1's Dating Naked, is suing the network, claiming they aired uncensored footage of her privates.

The New York model is filing a lawsuit against the show for $10 million, saying that following an uncensored shot of her crotch, she has been insulted and humiliated online. The scene featured Nizewitz performing a playful wrestling move on her date while both of them were naked.

The episode of the racy reality show [contestants have to be naked when they go on dates with each other] she's referring to aired on July 31.

I've been watching the show since I announced it here, and actually saw that episode but I can't remember seeing unblurred privates, TBH. But it really happened since the photo is really out there.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Nicki Minaj Invents A New Dance Style In Anaconda Video - The Plank-Twerk

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Nicki Minaj premiered her Anaconda music video amidst a lot of anticipation and it met a lot of people's expectations. There were bums, bums, and more bums, and most of the time, the bums were twerking. The video was trending all day on Twitter and has amassed almost 10M views on Youtube.

In the midst of all the twerking bums is a new dance style that has not been seen before. Some are saying it has already been decreed that this shall be the hottest dance of 2014, calling it the plank-twerk.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

#EbolaOutbreak - Patience Jonathan Adopts New Greeting Style By Rubbing Palms Together

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Patience Jonathan, the First Lady of Nigeria, is currently visiting Poland, and was pictured greeting officials and aides at the airport. What is striking is the respectable distance she keeps from those who have come to welcome her, and the pecular method of greeting.

Instead of hugging or shaking any of the other women as she would do normally, the first lady simply rubs her own two palms together, while the women do the same.

Some are calling this the new vogue for greeting caused by fear of the Ebola virus and people think of ways to avoid contracting the virus but at the same time, they don't want to be rude or appear so to others.

I think it's a cool thing for whoever came up with the idea.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Monkey Selfie Causes Copyright Controversy Between Wikimedia and Photographer

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In 2011, British photographer David Slater traveled to Indonesia to take pictures of the crested black macaque, and he succeeded. Not only did they accept him into their troop and allow him to take pictures of them, but also during the expedition, one of the monkeys went to where the photographer left his equipment, hijacked a camera and took hundreds of selfies.

Most of the selfies were no good, but a few of them were in focus and fantastic.

Now, David Slater is in a fight with the Wikimedia Foundation about the monkey selfie. They have posted the photo online in their collection of public domain images and refuse to take it down. It argues that "Slater doesn’t own the picture’s copyright because he didn’t take the picture—the monkey did. And since the monkey can’t own the rights, nobody does."

Check out the selfies below, and discuss in the comments who you think owns the images.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Is Jay Z- Really A Time Traveller? Has 1939 Doppelganger And Now A 3-Year-Old Lookalike

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There’s a photo of a little boy who looks just like Jay Z currently going viral on the interwebs. Reddit user BasedMath submitted the photo of a woman and two kids, saying simply, "My friend's son looks like Jay-Z". In the comments some were joking that Jay Z has a secret son.

But someone else brought up Jay Z's 1939 Doppelganger and the thread took another turn as some talked about illuminati and time travel. One comment had me laughing out loud.

No way man, this is how it is. Jay-Z is a pioneer time traveler born in the year 2006. He travelled back to the 1930's with knowledge of which businesses would survive the depression and invested. After depositing his earnings in a high interest bank account, he travelled to the year 1995 where he somehow was able to start his own independent record label with no prior experience. 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Husband's Hilarious Baby Bump Pictures Go Viral After Pregnant Wife Refused Maternity Photoshoot

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Texas dad-to-be Justin Sylvester - Reddit user DruishPrincess69 - posted the pictures, writing, "My wife didn't want to take maternity pictures, so I hired a photographer and took her place."

Sylvester’s photos proudly showcase his plump bare belly as he does things like eat ice cream and pose in Superman underwear while he lovingly gazes at his own gut. And you know how sweet husbands tenderly kiss their wives’ pregnant tummies? Well, one of the photos show Sylvester kissing his own bump.

And no, he's not pregnant, just sticking out his belly :)

Friday, August 1, 2014

19-Year-Old Beyoncifies Pictures With Her Ex-Boyfriend After Bad Breakup [Photos]

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A 19-year-old Toronto native named Cassandra Blackwel is using Beyonce in a way not many have thought of as she goes through a very tough breakup with her boyfriend.

While some ladies will try to get over their breakup by playing Beyonce's Irreplaceable while burning up, throwing out or deleting pictures with the ex, Cassandra decided that she didn't want to let go of those captured memories altogether. She settled on altering her photos to help her cure her breakup pain.

And this is where Beyoncé comes in. Cassandra Blackwel didn't just remove her ex-boyfriend from their pictures together, she photoshopped Beyoncé over his face and/or body, then uploaded all the pictures to a Tumblr page titled, “Beyoncify My Boyfriend.”

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Nigerian Bronze Medalist Strips Down His Shorts To Celebrate His Table Tennis Win

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The Nigerian table tennis representative at the ongoing 2014 Commonwealth Games, Ojo Onaolapo, has won a Bronze medal at the competition after his win over India's Sharath Kamal Achanta.

After a dramatic win, the Nigerian team rushed to Onaolapo and lifted him into the air. And then, the tennis star decided to pull his shorts down and lift up his t-shirt to celebrate his win!

What do you think he was trying to say? LOL...