Tuesday, March 31, 2015

5 Reasons Why Women Live Longer Than Men

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Towering roles imposed on women by society, as well as traditionally-defined roles, almost make being male more enviable than being female. Yet, the same woman who works twice as hard as the man is said to have a longer life span. In this edition, we take a look at some reasons women live longer than men.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Nigerian Girl At Harvard Makes List of Smartest Teenagers, Meets Obama

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19 year old Nigerian Saheela Ibraheem, Harvard student, has been recognized as one of the world's 50 smartest teenagers. At 15, she was accepted for admission by 13 top colleges in the United States, including the MIT, Columbia, Princeton and six other Ivy league colleges. She chose Harvard.

And at 19, she'll be graduating from Harvard in May this year. Saheela also had the opportunity to meet President Barack Obama and the first lady Michelle Obama. See more photos of her below...

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Woman Loses 800lbs After Falsely Confessing To Killing Nephew By Rolling On Him [Photos]

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Mayra Rosales was 1,000lbs, and dubbed the 'half-ton killer' after she falsely confessed to accidentally killing her nephew in 2008. Now, after a trial that saw her sister rightly going to jail for the crime, Rosales has lost 800lbs and weighs within her normal range at 200lbs.

According to Dailymail, she said back then that she'd given up on life and had confessed to killing her nephew in order to protect her sister Jamie. Rosales had told police she had smothered the child by rolling on top of him, but her claim was later disproved when autopsy results revealed the boy had died from multiple injuries to his skull.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Interviewee Abuses Train Passenger Who Turns Out To Be HR Exec at Hiring Company

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It pays to be kind and nice and polite and all things good at all times, and this story is a perfect example of that. HR executive Matt Buckland has narrated how a man pushed past him and told him to go 'f*** himself' as they were both getting off a packed train at Monument Station in central London on Monday Feb. 16th.

He said the man insulted him because he'd stood aside to let a woman off the train. Thinking he was deliberately standing in the way, the man, a job seeker, pushed him aside and told him to f**k off.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Yasmin Eleby Fulfils Promise To Marry Herself At 40 If Still Single - Wedding Photos

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Yasmin Eleby promised herself that if she hadn't found a mate by the time she was 40, she would marry herself, and she kept her promise. For the ceremony, Yasim chose to have one of her sisters who is a minster, help her say vows, in a spiritual ceremony - because you can't legally marry yourself in America.

The ceremony was Yasmin's dream wedding, with a fabulous candlelit ceremony and heartfelt vows to forgive, honor and love herself. She says the best part of her special day was having her family there to "stand up" for her. Her other three sisters were bridesmaids and her mom gave her away; or back to herself in this case. See more pics from the wedding below...

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

7 Ways To Stay Healthy While You Travel

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By Chinelo Ngene

The vacation buzz is upon us finally! When you’re on vacation, you really just want to relax and throw all your dietary problems to the wind. For some of us, the last thing we want to be bothered with is watching what we eat but there are those of us who still remember to count the calories as they count the stars.

If you want to stay healthy on a business trip or vacation, these tips will show you how easy it is to do it. No, you don’t need to thank us. ☺

Monday, December 8, 2014

Overcoming Fears & Finding Purpose - Lupita Nyong’o At Massachusetts Conference for Women

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Lupita Nyong’o, Academy award–winning actress was the keynote speaker for the 10th annual Massachusetts Conference for Women on December 4, 2014 which had a sold-out crowd of 10,000 attendees.

The award winning actress spoke on how she was able to overcome her fears in order to achieve her dream of being an actress and helping to tell stories that matter in front of the camera. She explains dreams as a portal to one's purpose, and talks about how, in order to achieve her's she had to do the following.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

RML Woman - Aloted Omoba - Business Analyst and Super Working Mum

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Aloted is a long time blogger who has transitioned her passion of helping women into being an author and enterpreneur. With a full-time job, she still manages her home and children in addition to managine her growing business. In this exclusive interview, she tells us how it all started and how she pulls it all together.

Q: First off, tell us about yourself and what you do.
I am married to my lovely husband and we have two children a 5 year old daughter and 1+ year old son. I am a business analyst by profession and work with corporate IT organisations to help them improve their business processes. I also run Super Working Mum where I help working mums particularly Christian mums who are overwhelmed achieve balance and fulfilment in their lives whilst still honouring God through their values.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Queen Latifah Writes Encouraging Letter To Self As Show Is Cancelled

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Her show may officially have been cancelled but Queen Latifah is not going to allow that to get her down. She posted a touching letter to herself on her Facebook page, talking about the way being open after the cancellation and having to stay positive. She wrote;

This letter is for me, my staff, my crew, and everyone who was by my side for this incredible journey. The most important thing in life is that you wake up every single day and take chances. No matter what the outcome…believe in yourself and continue to fly.

I watched The Queen Latifah Show a few times and enjoyed it. I also remember that she was very supportive of the Bring Back Our Girls campaign. Here's wishing Queen Latifah all the best in her future endeavors. I love her spirit!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Do You Have a Loved One Suffering from Addiction? Here's How To Help

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By Jenna Brown

We women are known for our intuition. Whether it's trusting our gut feelings or acting as human lie detectors, most of us have finely-tuned instincts that help us out in our everyday lives. But what about those of us who weren't blessed with super-powered female intuition? What if something serious is going on, right before our very eyes, and we can't see it? Take addiction, for example.

RML Woman: Monique Kwachou - Cameroonian Writer, Youth Advocate and Chevening Scholar

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Monique Kwachou is a Cameroonian writer, youth advocate, blogger and currently a Chevening Scholar. She is studying for an M.A in Education, Gender and International Development at the Institute of Education, London.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Nigerian Big-womanism, Fake Friends, And Finding Your Authentic Self - Ekene Onu

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By Ekene Onu

Yesterday, I saw Gina Prince Bythewood, writer/director at a private advance screening of her new film ‪#‎beyondthelights‬ and she has an incredible body of work including love and basketball and the secret life of bees. She answered questions so graciously and carried herself so beautifully, without pretension or arrogance. Even when a woman in the audience joked about auditoning for her, she laughed but offered the woman her casting directors information and treated her with respect.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Top 10 Unserious Reasons People Call In Sick At Work

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I still remember when I broke my wrist and had to have a splint for several weeks. That's a good reason to call in sick for a couple of days or so, right? What of when you don't have a good reason and still don't want to go in to work?

Monday, October 20, 2014

RML Woman: Souraya Christine - Author, CPR Trainer, Domestic Violence Advocate And More

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There is certainly no putting Souraya Christine in a box! She says she is a lover of Christ first, a mother second, an author, CPR trainer, domestic violence advocate, and the founder of W.A.T.C.H, amongst other things. Souraya has preiously published an article on RML titled, Stop Suffering in Silence and Love Yourself.

Please read our exlusive RML woman interview with Christine below...

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Weight Loss Journey - Nelly Agbogu Talks About Losing 40Kg [From Size US 28 - 18]

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Nelly Agbogu is a blogger who shares about her weight loss journey on her blog, and it's quite inspiring to see her before and after pictures. I've visited her  blog a few times after seeing her comments on various blogs and been motivated as well as picking up a few tips.

In the latest episode of Glory Edozien's 'Inspire Series', Nelly Agbogu goes into details of how hard it was for her to go from US Size 28 to 18 and the continuing efforts to keep off the 40Kg lost and go even further.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The 30 Year Old Virgin: Why I’m Waiting for Marriage to Have Sex

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By Nikki Thompson for The Praying Woman

Tomorrow is my 30th birthday. I am officially a 30-year-old virgin. While this may be shocking for some, I know A LOT of women in the same boat with me. I struggled with sharing my story, because of people’s doubt and disbelief. Then it dawned on me that I’d be remiss not to give all the glory to God for what HE did in my sex life, not me. So, here it is.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Tips To Maintain Good Hygiene and Stop Body and Mouth Odor By Uti Nwachukwu

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Model, actor, and events/TV host, Uti Nwachukwu has had to overcome gay rumors for being a metrosexual - the kind of guy that cares that he looks and smells good - but his clean-cut image has aided in his rise within entertainment circles. In this new article, he shares tips for other men, and also women, on good hygiene.

Maintaining good hygiene can be a challenge in hot weather, especially in countries with modest dress codes like Nigeria, where the norm is for long sleeves and long skirts or trousers.

Uti Nwachukeu notes that in his experience, many Nigerians smell, and their friends refuse to tell them the truth so as not to make them feel bad. But he blames the mouth and body odor for causing people social ridicule and believes that with better hygiene comes more success.

Read his article below...

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Calling Someone Fat Makes Them Eat More And Less Interested In Losing Weight

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Experts say that being criticised for their weight drives those who are already sensitive about it to comfort eat. Fear of ridicule may also mean they avoid exercise. Researchers from University College London said  public health campaigns should also avoid making people feel bad about their weight.

Lead author Sarah Jackson advises medics to avoid using the word ‘fat’ where possible and replace it with the terms overweight or obese.

The study, published in the journal Obesity, found that those who were victims of ‘fat shaming’ put on just over 2lb on average over the course of the study. They were also six times as likely to become obese.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

4 Mobile Apps To Help The Busy Working Woman Achieve Work And Family Life Balance

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By Jeroh Tejiri

We all know the personal story of Indra Nooyi - CEO of PepsiCo - how she juxtaposes being one of the most powerful CEOs of our time and the routine that comes with being a mother of two. She has talked about the importance of multi-tasking, delegating responsibilities to reduce your personal workload and having an understanding husband.

While these  are quite inspiring, they may have little to no traction in for all women. Sometimes, the average husband may not be so ‘understanding’, or the mother-in-law may be too busy with her own life, and some househelps can be very ‘unprofessional', thereby making delegating responsibilities a nightmare.

The above issues makes the implementation of some work-life productivity tips quite daunting and creates a void which I believe technology can provide some relief in its own way. Below are real tips on using your smart devices to create the needed balance in your professional and domestic life.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

13-Year-Old Malavath Poorna - The Youngest Girl To Climb Mount Everest

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Malavath Poorna, a 13-year-old Indian girl whose parents are poor farmers successfully climbed to the top of Mount Everest, making her the youngest girl to do so.

The Indian girl said she met with a Nepalese climbing team on the 25th of May in Tibet, who agreed to guide her through the adventure.

However, speaking to the media on Wednesday in New Delhi, the young girl said it wasn't such an easy task as she battled with extreme cold, dead bodies, fear and difficult climbing conditions as she was climbing up the world's tallest mountain.

According to her, "tears of joy" flowed uncontrollably when she made it to the top of the mountain and saw "mighty mountains and morning sunlight" all around her.