Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Kim and Kourtney Kardashian Lookalike Takes Instagram By Storm!

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Kim Kardashian-West and her older sister Kourtney Kardashian resemble each other, no question about that, but when one person looks so much like both women, then it becomes clear how much alike they really are. That person is an Indian model who goes by the name @Zoeraii on Instagram.

The model opened her Instagram page a few days ago and she already has a large following most of them fans and followers of Kim Kardashian or Kourtney Kardashian or both.

What do you think? Does she look like Kim, or more like Kourtney?

Monday, January 12, 2015

Regalias_mimi94 Is Proud Being A Man With A Big Booty - Shuts Down Haters On Instagram

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20-Year-Old aspiring singer Micah is not hung up on his wide hips, or the fact that he's a man and such big booty are usually found on women. With the user name regalias_mimi94 on all his social media, Micah shares videos and photos which either showcase his singing and songwriting skills or his hourglass figure.

Micah claims to be the man with the biggest natural hips and bum on Instagram, and says his measurements are – chest: 41.5″ waist: 37″ and butt/hips: 63″. For those who slam him for the photos, he says he doesn't care, he's born this way!

'April by Kunbi' Narrates Daytime Armed Robbery Attack In CMS Lagos Traffic

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Nigerian designer to the celebrities, Olakunbi Oyelese of the popular ‘April by Kunbi’ fashion brand has shared her experience of being attacked by armed robbers in broad daylight, along CMS road Lagos. She chalks the attack up to the dangerous security situation in the country, referencing the ongoing election campaigns as well as the terror attacks in northern Nigeria.

She shared the picture above and wrote:

Friday, January 2, 2015

Dan Bilzerian 'King Of Instagram' Rings In The New Year With Sexy New Photos

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Dan Bilzerian is an American actor, poker player and trust fund baby, though he's not so young anymore at 34 years old. He became a social media sensation in late 2013 when he began posting pictures of his lavish lifestyle on Instagram. Right now, he is also hugely popular on Twitter and posted the photo above, saying, "Woke up with this in my bed, I've had a strong year, I wish you all a good 2015."

Dan Bilzerian has over 5 million followers who like his posted pictures of gambling, almost nude club girls, vacationing in exotic locations, wild parties, private jets and guns. These fans live vicariously through the playboy and leave comments stating how they wish they could live like he does. Over the past year, he has shared some pretty wild photos, see some of them below...

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year Artwork For Positive 2015 Goes Viral - Spawns Negative Memes

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An artwork created by Instagram user @Peniel Enchill which depicts a young lady going into the new year with only a positive mindset went viral on the social media site over the past week. While many have reshared the image, with one fashion blogger actually recreating the artwork in real life, hoping to take the example shown in it, others have decided not to leave all the negative stuff behind.

Over the past couple of days, memes of the image have been cropping up in my time line, and below are some of it. Some people predict the young woman will go back to a thuggish boyfriend, or she will get pregnant and be abandoned, or get her wishes for 2015 thwarted by the Spartans from 300. It's funny but it's not. Check on it...

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Morton Salt Warehouse Wall Collapses, Flooding Nearby Acura Dealership Cars

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Part of the warehouse wall at a Morton Salt facility in the Chicago area collapsed a few hours ago, flooding cars at a nearby Acura dealership with tons of salt.

According to ABC news, no one was injured in the avalanche of salt, but at least three vehicles were buried and as many as 11 cars were damaged. Some of them were new to the dealership, others were those of customers waiting for service.

Man's Open Letter To Ex-wife About Their Divorce Goes Viral

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29-year-old divorcee, Anthony D'Ambrosio's deeply personal essay titled 'To my ex-wife: I wish I would have held you tighter' published as part of APP.com's new relationship series has gone viral. But not everyone has received it positively, as comments on the post are divided, and a Gawker columnist bashes the aspiring writer.

Some readers on the post have praised the writer's honesty and lingering love for his ex while others question why he had to make the issues with his ex-wife public.

You see, last month, D'Ambrosio wrote another piece about cheating which also went viral, and in a follow-up Q&A he had written briefly about his past marriage and divorce, saying he would always keep it private out of respect for his ex-wife. That is why many do not understand this new open letter.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Guy Finds Girl With Same Name As Ex To Go On Romantic World Tour With Him

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Remember the guy who was searching online for a girl with the exact same name - Elizabeth Gallagher - as his ex-girlfriend to take her place and go on the trip with him? Read here. Jordan Axani and his girlfriend were planning a round-the-world romantic trip for two this Christmas but then they split up; after he had purchased all the tickets with her name on them.

Now, Jordan, a 28-year-old real estate developer, has found a replacement. She is a 23-year-old student and volunteer charity worker from Cole Harbour in Nova Scotia. That's her beside Jordan in the picture above.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Adorable Video Of Boy Meeting Baby Twins For The First Time Goes Viral

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This adorable video of a confused little boy meeting twin baby girls for the first time has gone viral, and it will definitely melt your heart. The older toddler is named Landon and he seems confused as he sits between the twin baby girls who are wearing identical clothes.

He looks left, looks right, looks left again, and can't seem to figure out what's going on here...lol.  His reaction during the encounter is so endearing.

The video was posted on Youtube yesterday and already has over 1Million views! Watch below..

Friday, November 14, 2014

#AlexFromTarget And The Dark Side Of Internet Fame

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Some of you may have heard about #AlexFromTarget or not. Some say he's a marketing gimmick, others say he's complete hoax. But he is in fact a real person - his name is Alex Lee, he's 16 years old, and works checkout at Target. Though he did not, in any way, plan to become an online viral sensation, that was exactly what he became on Nov, 2, 2014.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

#CosbyMeme - Bill Cosby Starts Funny Meme But Gets Rape Allegations Instead

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Yesterday, Bill Cosby's online publicity team posted a tweet asking fans to meme him, with a link to a meme generator on billcosby.com. Almost immediately, the meme generator was converted to comment on the famous comedian's over 13 rape allegations.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Sweden's Handsome Minister - The World's Sexiest Politician?

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Swedish health minister Gabriel Wikström, 29, is 'the handsome minister', a nickname coined and posted along with a photo by a Turkish fan. The photo has since gone viral!

Since then, the politician says he has been bombarded with messages from his growing number of Turkish fans, as well as others from across Europe.

Do you agree he is the sexiest or most attractive politician? See more pics below...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

#MyLoveLifeIn3Words - What Is Yours?

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So the hast tag '#MyLoveLifeIn3Words was trending on US twitter when I logged on and I decided to check it out. One guy shared the picture above and succintly tweeted "Guy in Blue!" LOL...

See more creative summaries people thought up for their love lives, and do share yours :)

Can You Make Your Boobs Twerk? Sara X Does It To Mozart - WOW!

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Sara X Mills just uploaded her first video to Youtube 3 days ago and in it, she twerks her breasts to Mozart’s “Eine kleine Nachtmusik”. The video has gone viral with over 11Million views since then! She says of the video;

"This recording of Eine Kleine is from the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra's 1936 performance. Yay public domain!"

I think what is more stunning than public domain is her breast movements. I know some body builders, mostly guys, can do it, but a lady this big-breasted? Check it out below..

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

#ReplaceMovieTitleWithEbola Trending Amidst Fears Of Ebola In The US Spreading

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While some are joking around on Twitter with tweets like Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Ebola Too?, or Willy Wonka and the Ebola Factory, several school-age children in Dallas are reported to have been in contact with the Ebola patient. Texas Gov. Rick Perry says the children have been identified and are being monitored for symptoms, according to a new report on CNN.

Also one or two of his family members, are being monitored as well as health workers who had seen to him a couple of days before at the same hospital and discharged him. Read excerpts from the reports below...

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Hilarious! Girl Does The Ice Bucket Challenge After Her Wisdom Tooth Is Removed

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When Meghan Waterman came home from the dentist, drugged up and still with a bloody mouth, she wasn't deterred from doing the Ice Bucket Challenge she had planned to do that day. Her mother was out, and this was her best chance to do something for charity.

She ended up pouring the water on her body, but the most hilarious thing about the video is her slurred speech, what she says, and how she acts. Though the blood!

See the video below...

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Nigerian Celebs Do The ALSIceBucketChallenge - So Genevieve Nnaji Is Such A Diva?

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Nigerian celebrities have joined the ‪#‎ALSIceBucketChallenge‬. It's a fun trend, but because it was so American, I was thinking someone would modify it? Like pour hot water instead of ice, just joking o...

Seriously though, couldn't one of them create a challenge for Ebola awareness, Cancer, or any cause of their choice. But so far, it's copy copy all the way.

The first I watched was of Genevieve Nnaji, uploaded by another blogger, whom as it turned out had done the ice water pouring. And it struck me that Gene threw a tantrum when the water was thrown, not because of the cold, but because she was not ready! SMH... I didn't know she was such a diva.

She later laughed over it sha when she posted the clip. See it below...

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

When The Ice Bucket Challenge Goes Wrong - #IceBucketChallenge

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First, we saw Bill Gates develop a pulley system to do the challenge after he was tagged by Mark Zuckerberg who did it the old fashioned way. Then there was Oprah and other African American celebrities. On a sad note, we read of the man who died of a heart attack after doing the challenge.

But this is the funniest post about the #ALS #IceBucketChallenge, believe me.

From people falling down because their buckets are too heavy, to the buckets falling down and bashing them over the head, there's that and more cases of the Ice Bucket Challenge going wrong.

Enjoy and get some laughs :)

Ice Bucket Challenge - Anna Wintour Accepts Daughter @beeshaffer's #ALS #IceBucketChallenge

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Anna Wintour just accepted her daughter @beeshaffer's #als #icebucketchallenge, and the style and fashion community are going bonkers. Anna Wintour's daughter Bee Shaffer challenged her on Tuesday, and with the 24 hr deadline, the Vogue editor just did hers.

Her young family members are the ones to pour the ice-water over Anna Wintour, and she challenges Roger Federer and Dominic West. Some have said she called out all the young ladies on the current Vogue cover, but that's not true.

Watch the Instagram clip below, and see the full video on Vogue's Facebook page. The children of course then get into water fights, LOL...

Monday, August 18, 2014

Charlie Sheen Pours Cold, Hard Cash In Ice Bucket Challenge, Gives $10,000!

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Actor Charlie Sheen has joined the Ice Bucket Challenge, but instead of the usual bucket of ice water he showers himself with $10,000 in cash, which he said he would donate to the ALS foundation. In his video, released by TMZ, Charlie Sheen said;

"Let's face it. Ice is gonna melt, but this money is actually going to help people." 

Sheen joins the ranks of some of the biggest names who have taken part in the challenge, including Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates.