Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Wife Material Syndrome - Cooking, Cleaning, No Clubbing?

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In this episode of her vlog series, Toke Makinwa talks about the "wife material syndrome" - women who think they have to behave in very specific ways before the man they're dating will propose. She uses the more common "domestic and homely" examples like cooking, cleaning, and no-clubbing which some Nigerian men and women seem to think is the be all and end all of what makes a woman a wife. Watch and share your thoughts.

Dear Myne - My Girlfriend Lacks Interesting Conversation

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I am a regular reader of your blog and I find a lot of your musings very interesting. I have been dating this girl for about a year now and I can say she has the ideal personality for a wife that any man would want, especially as an African. She can cook, she is hardworking, not obsessed with material things and very respectful. My parents have met her once and they like her a lot. My only problem with her is that she is not as intellectually driven as much as I am.

Cheesy But True - 10 Ways To Know Someone is Interested in You

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In romance novels or movies, they are considered cliche, but the truth is that just as art imitates life, life also imitates art. I have personally experienced a lot of these behaviors from those who were interested in me, and the stories abound from friends who ended up married to those same people who exhibited some of the following ways of showing when you're interested in someone. These are;

Doing Things Alone When You're Already Coupled Up

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This one is for people in a relationship or married. There is the common advice to try to do things together as a couple, and I'm a big fan of that, like I pointed out in this post. However, it can also help sometimes to do your own thing even after you're hitched with the so-called ball and chain. Couples, whether married or single, are not necessarily conjoined at the hip. You're still two different people, and it is OK to have your own individual identities with the attendant likes and dislikes.

Official Photos From The Yemi Sax Wedding Event

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Summer indeed is for weddings. Yesterday it was Matse Uwatse [see updated pictures], today it is saxophonist Yemi Sax, real names Adeyemi Adeosun, who celebrated his marriage to Shola Durojaiye in Lagos this weekend. The couple had already tied the knot traditionally back in April after a sweet public proposal the month prior. Happy married life to them, their wedding photos are so joyful.

Inspirational Quote - Make the most of Everyday

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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Is This Funny or Racist? Confusion Over Asiana Pilots' Names

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So there's some furore over the recent Asiana crash and the details of the pilots who were in the plane at the time of the crash. Some names came to a news channel and they confirmed it with NTSB, the agency in charge of investigating and ensuring transport safety. The names the KTVU station got were - Captain Sum Ting Wong, Wi Tu Lo, Ho Lee Fuk, and Bang Ding Ow.

Eku Edewor and Uti Nwachukwu at the Fascinating Nigeria Launch

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Nigerian traditional outfits when designed and made well can be so attractive. Uti Nwachukwu and Eku Edewor in their modern designs make it look extra special. I love it.

First Photos From Matse Uwatse's Wedding

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Matse Uwatse shared photos of her pre-wedding holiday with fiance, Ekemelu Bertram Nnoli, last week. The couple just got married today in Lagos, and the happy bride shared this photo of her wedding look on instagram. Wishing them all the joys and fulfillment that marriage can bring. See more pictures below...

Do You Wear Thongs or Not?

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I have a confession to make, I don't wear thongs! OK, may I have worn one or two a handful of times over the past decade and more, but I've just never felt comfortable in one. I tried them on when they became the rage while I was in university and it felt so strange having the thong in my crack, like a wedgie that can never go away, so I went back to my cotton briefs.