Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ken Weds Barbie In True Yoruba-Nigerian Style

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I was minding my business on Facebook a few days ago when I saw this image above. I was like, who is this fierce groom, and then I saw the title beside it, Black barbie and Ken's Nigerian Wedding. Of course I had to check it out. I was blown away by the full set of pictures which I got permission from the photographer, Obi Nwokedi, to share with you guys.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Midsummer's Eve Giveaway Hop - International

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It's amazing how fast time flies, it's halfway through summer already. And do you know what else we're halfway through? A million hits on my blog! I almost can't believe that after starting this blog with zero readership, I was able to achieve this in less than three years. More than racking up the numbers are the people I've met through this blog, the connections and the community. Thank you all so much!

Burning Love Web Series Spoofs The Bachelor

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I've been seeing the Burning Love ads around and this past weekend, I finally clicked. The 10mins per episode web series is a one hilarious spoof that got me laughing so much. Just think of all the jaw drapping, wacky things on the ABC's The Bachelor and you'll find it on this show. They are 6 episodes in and it's getting even funnier, the Panda is gone but the Octogenerian and Pregnant woman remain. See the trailer below.

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Tale of Two Girlfriends

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I had a girlfriend once.

Everytime I spent the weekend at her place, she had the exact same routine. She'd wake up sometime after six and before seven. She'd read till about seven thirty. She read everything; news, blogs, magazines...but sometimes she'd be in the middle of an excellent book and she'd wake up and read that. I often woke up to find her reading, tears silently streaming down her face as she got involved in a fictional tragedy.

She would get up at about seven thirty, pee, then brush her teeth. She would put on her running gear and go for a run. sometimes she was back after 10 minutes and sometimes after an hour, but she always went for a run. She'd wash her face, bring me a toothbrush with toothpaste on it and go and make breakfast. I'd brush my teeth and go and see what she was making. That was usually the first time we spoke.

She had speakers everywhere. She'd put on her present favorite album and it would play on repeat all day. really loudly. Then after breakfast, she would write. She was always in the middle of a story in her head. Sometimes, it was mundane and sometimes it was over the top. She was just always somewhere else. Sometimes she'd let me in by discussing her characters. 'Daniel cheated on Gabby, you know? I don't think she can take him back, even though she really wants to.' Then she would sigh. Her characters were always real to her, I could often not tell whether the person she was talking about was created or real.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Sunday Sun Feature - Author Q&A

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I had this interview some months ago with Sola Ojikutu and it has just been published on the Sunday Sun newspaper (June 17, Pg 46). Two of my friends gave me the pleasant surprise of getting pictures and uploading them on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you guys, and enjoy the rest of your Sunday, everyone.

Romance Meets Music: Omawumi - Bottom Belle ft. Flavour

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When I first heard it, I loved the highlife spin which Omawunmi, with the help of Flavor N'Abania, brought to this song. The video for Bottom Belle is finally here, and I have to say that I was a bit disappointed. Directed by Clarence Peters, there are several picture frame shots, and not only has this been done before, but done better. And maybe my expectations were high after the funny skit in the video for Omawunmi's If You Ask Me. Still though, this is a fun video, and the song remains classic.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

How to Fight Fair - Guest Post by Seye Oke

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You come home on a Saturday evening from a night out with your girl friends and you meet your husband seated on the couch. The TV is blaring so loud he can barely hear you come in. You come over and he welcomes you with a peck on the side of your face. You didn’t mind the brevity, he is usually this way when the game is on.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Have You Been To Your Local Park This Summer?

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Join the America Is Your Park Campaign This Summer!
Vote for Your Favorite Park from May 23July 15

Coca-Cola is calling everyone out to the park this summer to vote in the third-annual America Is Your Park campaign, and I was very excited when I received an email from BlogHer informing me that I would be taking part in the campaign. I am of the opinion that parks are a vital part of our communities, providing free spaces and opportunities for us to be active and enjoy the outdoors.

Clearing my Bookshelf Giveaway Hop

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Do you have books sitting on your bookshelves that you've read but will never read again? How about books you've started but just couldn't get through? Review copies you've accepted but have never read? I do, and that's why I joined up with the "Clear Your Shelf" Giveaway Hop, to pass some of the books on to other book lovers.

I will be giving away a book I really enjoyed a couple of Christmases ago after buying at my half-price bookstore. A Gift of Love is an anthology of novellas by well known romance authors including Judith McNaught, Jude Deveraux, Andrea Kane, Judith O'Brien, and Kimberly Cates.

Blogger Wedding - Uche Eze of Bella Naija Marries Bode Pedro

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Some will say popular blogger Uche Eze of Bella Naija Fame is a celebrity, others may just say she's a business woman, albeit an internet entrepreneur. What will not be in doubt is that she is very well known in the online and blogging circles as being an inspiration for a lot of bloggers who have chosen and been able to make money from their blogs. Myself included.