Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What's the most stupid thing you did for Love?

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Ben Affleck has complained that 2003 was the worst year of his life. That was the year he dated JLo - as the younger, less successful man - appeared in her music video (Jenny From The Block), and made Gigli with her, a movie which got stinking reviews and also tanked at the box office. At least he can say that now, they have both moved on - married other people, with children, and still on top of their games.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Dear Myne - I am Celibate, How do I find True Love?

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Hi Myne, I am one of your readers. I am in my early 30s and still a virgin yes, you read me right and i live and work in 9ja. I am pretty and blessed with youthful looks and most people never believe i am older than 26. Now the issue is, it has been a bit challenging for me to have a proper relationship cos most of the guys i meet want sex.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Fun - How well can you type your name?

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The typing game
1. Type your name/a name
2. Type the name with both eyes closed
3. Type the name with eyes closed and one finger.

Have fun and enjoy the rest of your Sunday. See you soon.

Toni Braxton - How Many Ways : Music Video Romance

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How much sweet goodness is there is a pack of Ghirardelli chocolate caramel squares? That's how many ways. And then add a drizzle of warm honey. Dedicated to my one and only. I love you.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Kate Middleton Remains Gracious For Jubilee Tour

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There has been a lot of frenzy over some pictures of Kate Middleton, and her husband Prince William, but they are continuing with their tour of the Far East. I wished more people will focus on what is more important, and maybe the paparazzi will get the message that we don't need them to invade people's privacy in order to titillate us. What was there to see? A young woman enjoying some time off before going on to face a packed schedule of work? SMH...

Friday, September 14, 2012

More Twitter Advice on Marriage and Relationships

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"The rate at which marriages/relationships collapse now is assuming a social symbol status in our society." Ruggedman, a musician in Nigeria started his marriage tips on Twitter this way, and makes me believe this is going to become a trend. I think he means social status symbol, and if that is so, would answer the question in my IK'sTipsonGettingAMan post. I think Ruggedman nails it that it is not getting married that is the problem, but having a marriage that works.

Asaba, Akwa-Ocha, Nsala - Between Lynxxx and I

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For music video romance last week, I selected Lynxxx's Fine Lady video, and threw out a small challenge. I put up that picture above as the clue and the correct answer came in with the first few comments. Since I promised to share some thing on this blog if that happened, this is me sticking to my word. I may not be a Fine Lady, but Atala is just as hunky as Lynxxx, without the pink hat :)

Under the Sea Giveaway - Winner's Book of Choice

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Hello and welcome to my blog to all new visitors and subscribers. This giveaway is strictly for books that have a water theme going on.

I will be giving away a book of the winner's choice, up to $5. This giveaway is open internationally (as long as The Book Depository delivers to your area or you can receive book gifts of Amazon Kindle). Giveaway is open until September 21st.

To enter, fill in the rafflecopter below. The winner will be announced in the rafflecopter and also receive an email within 72 hrs of the close of the giveaway. They have same amount of time to respond or another person will be selected. Goodluck!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

IK Osakioduwa's #TipsTo GettingAMan - Really?

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IK Osakioduwa is a radio show host at Rhythm 93.7 and he is married with two children. He tweeted yesterday that he was vexing on his show, trying to help ladies find guys. Well, he came up with numbered tweets with the hashtag #IksTipsToGettingAMan on Twitter. I saw some discussion around the tips on my timeline and decided to go to his profile and check out all the tips.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dear Myne - Should I get even on my Cheating Husband?

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I discovered a few months back that my husband slept with another lady. This was less than 2mths after our second child, and 2 months to our fourth year wedding anniversary. To say that I was deeply hurt is putting it mildly.... I wept like never before and some of my thoughts included divorce and even suicide.