Monday, November 5, 2012

The Real Reasons Men Get Married

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Most of us assume love to be the major and sometimes the only reason people get married, but this is not the case if some studies are to be believed. I won't say I was too surprised to see the real reasons men get married, I think when you're being very realistic, it's hard to deny that there are other reasons men could possibly get married even when they are not, or do not believe, in love. In no particular order, they are...

1. Dinner. You may think the woman making dinner for her man is something out the 1950s, but it's still very much a thing. I know way more women than men who rush home to make dinner for their sweetie every day. Men like to be fed.

2. Laundry. Some men will never learn that you can't put red socks in with white pants. If a woman does your laundry, you're spending less money on white shirts.

3. Comfort. There is something very comfortable about coming home to someone at the end of a long day.

4. Everyone else is doing it. As we mentioned, peer pressure goes a long way with men. No one wants to be the last man standing at the bar at 3 a.m. because all his buddies went home a long time ago with their wives or girlfriends.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Colors of Fall - Weekend Pictures

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Hey everyone, hope your weekend has been going well? With the time being turned back today, Fall is fully here and we're beginning to hunker down for the sorry weather that comes with it. Some days are not terribly bad though, and we had one of those last week which we utilized to the max by walking to the library.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

EBISAN - LOVE STORY: Music Video Romance

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This is Ebisan's first single and the video is directed by mr ak one. The youtube page says Love Story was voted one of the top 50 songs of 2011 on "the top 50 for 2011 #bloggersEdition" and I think I agree. Lovely song and video.

The Place of Women in Marriage and Parenting

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There's a saying that we're the product of the environment in which we grew up. I want to add that we're also who we are; we are unique and sometimes we are different or weird. I grew up in a sheltered home, a typical Nigerian home you may say. My parents were both working class, and Christian. They knew what they wanted of and from us children and they would do their best to see that we toed the line.

I knew it wasn't easy on them, they both worked very hard and sacrificed some things to make sure we were OK. My parents enrolled us in the best schools and after-school lessons, and they would spend their time to tutor us in our studies, help us with homework, or simply see that we did it. I appreciated this aspect of their parenting and it is what has helped me to be who I am today.

But there was another side of the strict upbringing that chafed on my personality. I felt restricted and forced to do some things I didn't want to. From the earliest I can remember, I hardly made any decisions for myself; everything was controlled by my parents. The clothes I wore, when and how to cut my hair, the friends I was allowed to have, and when I could visit them, if at all, all were decisions made my my parents.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Boris Kodjoe and Nicole Parker on Love and Family

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Boris Kodjoe and his wife, Nicole Ari Parker are a celebrity couple that are still going strong after seven years and two children. In a recent interview with, they shared about their life, their marriage, and how they parent their children. I have such a huge crush on Boris Kudjoe and have written about him in celebrity crushes and as an inspiration for a male character in my work in progress. Reading this interview, I was happy for him and his wife, and equally learnt a few things. Hope you do too...

You’ve both been keeping incredibly demanding schedules. Can you fill us in on what you’ve been up to?

Nicole: Well, I just finished a sixteen-week run making my debut on Broadway. I just closed A Street Car Named Desire on July 22, and then I took a much-needed family vacation with Boris and the kids. Being away from home was tough, but the challenge and the thrill of being on Broadway was so fulfilling, and I’m thankful to my husband for making it possible and holding it down at home.

Was it all pleasure? Did you get a chance to see any extended family while you were gone?

Nicole:  We just got back from Germany seeing Boris’ grandmother. Now in a couple of weeks, I’m off to London to do the run of the play on the West End, so that is also very exciting.  I play the character Blanche, and I am fortunate to be the first African-American to play that part. So I’ve really enjoyed my time with this experience.

And what about you Boris?

Boris: I’ve been at home with the kids. I’ve been driving them to surf camp, making sure that they are at ballet and karate, and just doing everything that I’m supposed to do as a father. I’ve also been prepping for my directorial debut. It’s a film called Looking For Jimmy Lee, and I’m really looking forward to that.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pictures of Serena and Venus Williams in Lagos

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Serena and Venus Williams wowed me when they won gold medals at the London Olympics and now they are in Nigeria to inspire and mentor upcoming talent. Serena Williams said at their press conference that she hopes the tour of Nigeria and South Africa with sister Venus, would encourage athletes on the continent to strive for excellence in their sport.

Dear Myne - I Crossed the Line with my Crush

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I had a crush on a friend of mine and i told him today and we cuddled but didn't kiss or have sex. Now i feel so shy and embarrassed with myself. Some background, I used to be in a relationship before i left Nigeria and it was my first relationship and i loved him with my innocence. On getting to Ukraine i decided to be celibate and thanks be to God i have been able to achieve that.

Unfortunately I don't know what to do now with my friend. After we have crossed the line, where do we go from here. Let me add that he stays in d same hostel with me and also his birthday is on Saturday and i already bought him a gift and and i already planed to give it to him at 12midnight on the eve.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

To Love and Let go by Annabella

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Damilola shifted uncomfortably in the plush settee, she had been in one position too long. It was late, 10pm, but to Damilola it was as good as past midnight. She had been expecting him home for the past two hours and his two phones were off. She still sat pensively in front of the TV not really seeing any humour in the antics of Nkem Owoh’s character in the Nollywood movie. For a moment she forgot her anger and said a quick, worried prayer for Dotun.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Passion on the Plains by Sherita Smedley - Author Spotlight

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Sherita Smedley has a Master's of Arts in Creative Writing from National University and her freelance articles for, include "Feminism vs. Womanism", "Post Pregnancy: The Misshapen Body", and "Army Wives, Army Lies". She has also done "how to" articles for Her short story "The Hour", a fictional account of a runaway slave's escape to freedom has been published in National University's GNU.

In her spare time she loves to read, crochet, knit, volunteer in the children ministry at Destiny World Outreach Center, and to spend time with her family. She resides with her husband and two children in Texas. Sherita Smedley's current work is an inspirational historical romance novel titled, "Passion on the Plains."

Be Safe as Hurricane Sandy Makes Land Fall

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The phone calls started yesterday, as friends and family called to be sure it wasn't our Washington that was in the way of Hurricane Sandy. We assured them that was DC and we're all this way over on the other side of the country. I was even flippant, saying it couldn't be worse than maybe some rain and flooding. It was jarring to listen to the evening news after a busy day and hear of death tolls and destruction.