Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Make The Happy You Want To Be

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Some quotes are cliche until you undergo specific events or experiences. Does one see a white light when they are under general anesthesia or do they float outside and above their body? Does becoming a mother make every woman a conservative republican? You can only live it to know it, LOL. On a personal level, while I've learnt to own my infertility, it becomes more difficult to explain it to someone else.

Like on this blog, I usually do it in a very simple and straightforward manner. I try to tell them the truth as I understand it. The difficulty is that everyone understands it differently, and because procreation is such a big part of life, most people have an opinion, and a strong one at that, on how it should be done. Presenting a more individual, this-is-my-story perspective is often misunderstood.

A few comments have asked why Infertility instead of TTC? But the fact is that this series is more than trying to conceive. If you believe, like I do, that God has given us all things for this life, and to be like Him, through our knowledge of Christ, it gives one a lot of insight. If there's anything I will need in this life, it is already given, and I don't have to beg or cajole or push my own will at God. I only have to trust and to accept and to live my life.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Beyond the Cost of Planning a Wedding

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The cost of planning a wedding in Nigeria is another search #1 which lands on the post about my big fat Nigerian wedding. Nigerian weddings are not unique in being expensive, the 2012 average cost for a wedding in the United States is around $27k (around N4million). One can even say the Nigerian wedding is more cost-effective because there's usually two or three events involved - traditional, court and church wedding.

In my previous post linked above, fellow blogger Doll, who got married in Nigeria in February 2012 says she spent about 4.5M. and my guess is that's probably the cost of an average middle-class wedding in Nigeria these days.

Now not everyone may be able to afford that and it is usually best to remember to cut your coat according to the cloth you have, and not to your size or wants. In this case, it means taking into consideration your savings and your income and trying to keep the wedding expenses within your means.

The first step is to consult both families and then agree with your fiance on the size of the wedding. It is ideal if you are able to make a definitive list of exactly the number of people you want and you can list them by name, but this is difficult to pull off for most Nigerian weddings.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Date Night Movie Review - Cloud Atlas

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I want to start a new series where I share the movies Atala and I see at the cinema. We have very ecletic tastes and see all sorts. Sometimes we both love our selection, or one or the other of us just hate it. On cloud atlas, it was two thumbs up reviews from both Atala and I.

Atala - I first heard about Cloud Atlas from Myne, who herself had seen it in a blogger's "must watch" list. I was intrigued to hear that it dwelt on themes of the interconnectedness of lives across time, because I'm a big fan of movies that explore the deeper issues of life. In addition to this, it promised grand spectacle - something that Myne is very big on. So we made up our minds to watch it when it came out.

I have a favourite saying - happiness is the difference between what you experience and what you expect. Well, in this case, that saying was turned on its head, because what I experienced wasn't better or worse than what I expected - it was just simply different. Different in a good way.

The movie is made up of six different stories which occur at different times, ranging from the nineteenth century to some time far in the future. The stories are very different in style, but I found them all enjoyable in their own different ways. The two stories that I liked the best was one about a composer who faces a conflict because of his sexuality, and one about a 'replicant' - an artificial human being - who ends up setting off a rebellion, because they both explore the agonizing emotions that someone experiences when having to make hard choices.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Bachelor by D'Banj - Music Video Romance

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I'll like to say a few words about the song and Dbanj first, before I talk about the video. When the relationship broke down between Dbanj and Don Jazzy, there was the question of the way forward for the singer. He had been the frontman with Don Jazzy, would he now just be a hanger-on in his new label? Would he still make good music? What would his new sound be like on beats not produced by Don Jazzy?Oyato didn't seem to be a good start but with this, Dbanj has redeemed himself. For me, anyway.

The video? LOL...A lady is angry about the bachelor's philandering ways, and when he refuses to change, she trashes his stuff and skips town. There's honestly nothing too unique about the video when compared to recent international or Nigerian music, it's all about expensive lifestyles and video vixens. Not that I was expecting different from Dbanj. Maybe he'll surprise me one day sha.

Have a great weekend all.

Why Does He hold my hand and hug me in Public?

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This is a search #1 question that I would have thought was very open and shut? If a guy displays affection to you in public, it simply means he is attracted to you and wants you and the people around you to know it too. Most times, he would have said something about his feelings to you. If he hasn't said anything, then you have to be careful, PDAs like holding hands and hugging can also be exchanged among platonic friends.

If it is the case that you are friends with a guy and he hugs you, he may just be the touchy feely type and there may be no romantic feelings involved. If you think you may be reading too much into the person's actions, you can simply ask them?

Friday, November 9, 2012

Doing Things Together as a Couple

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By Nkem Akinsoto

One of the advice given to new couples is to do things together, and even where they have busy schedules, they are encouraged to make time to spend together. When Atala and I got married, he was living in the United States and as we agreed, I had rounded off my stay of three years in the UK in plans to move continents. Luckily, I was able to get my US visa and join him about a month later.

When I arrived, it was March, and if you've heard of Seattle, you've probably heard wet, cloudy, or evergreen in the same sentence. Spring in Seattle is the poster child for dull and depressing weather and that was when I arrived. Add to that fact, I had no job at first and also did not have an American driving license. You can measure my desire to get time outside of the house as well as spend time with my brand new husband.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

For the Love of High Heeled Shoes

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By Nkem Akinsoto

When it comes to shoes, high heels are my weakness. For someone who shops as little as she can get away with, I find my shoe collection embarrassing sometimes, and quite a number of them are high heel shoes, and I mean HIGH HEEL. As in six inches or more.

The best part about high heels for me is how elegant and sexy they make you feel. Your walk changes, and your humdrum figure stick out in all the right places. High heel stilettos will even completely transform any casual clothes one may be wearing.

Even a jeans and T-shirt will look all tushed up when you jazz it up with a pair of stilettos or good pumps. Your feet may be killing you and your toes could developing a million and one corns and bunions, but the compliments will keep you smiling wide.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thankful for Books Giveaway Hop

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November is thanksgiving month and one of the things I'm thankful for are books and the joy of reading. I am also thankful for being able to write and share with those around me. To start off the season, I will be giving away a copy of The Enchanted Truth by Kym Petrie. To win a copy, leave a comment below with a few of the books you're thankful for reading recently. Please include your contact details. Goodluck.

Cayenne Dreams by Mobola

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She shut her eyes as the sun stretched its arms above her. “I’m so glad we took this trip, Mabel”

“Mabel?” she opened one eye by a sliver but her aunt was gone. She sat up and just as she was about to get up and search for her, a being eclipsed the sun on her behalf. Frowning she looked up at the being. ‘Bad idea’ her brain quickly warned. From his toes, to his toned, muscled thighs, to his broad chest, Janet gulped in awe.

“Are you a life guard? Is Mabel okay?” she managed to croak.

“Mabel.”He chuckled, and it sounded like the taste of airy milk chocolate.

“The little old lady over there winking at you?” he licked his lips in a way that made Janet want to jump his bones, right there and then.

“Yea, she’s my aunt!”

“Come with me.”He took her in him arms before she could protest or reply

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Obama Wins Election - Four More Years!

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Obama has been re-elected! When he pulled ahead of the 270 electoral votes required to win, the president tweeted, "Four more years" with the picture above of him hugging his wife, Michelle. Not only did Obama win several key battleground states, he also won the popular vote. What an all-round victory.  Romney has just conceded and congratulated Obama.

And now the man of the day is giving his acceptance speech. The excitement is palpable. Signed, Sealed, Delivered, America is for Obama. Wow! Four More Years! President Obama sure knows how to give a speech. What a day! What an eye opening experience, watching democracy in action.

Congrats to the Obamas and to America.