Thursday, March 7, 2013

Date Night Movie Review - Warm Bodies

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It's been a while since our last review, and it's not because we've not seen some movies recently. We have. The thing was, I decided on a new format for the reviews, something more interactive and which required us to sit down and chat on IM. Well, we finally coordinated our chat, and the review is now ready.

Atala: 'Warm Bodies'.

Myne: I liked the premise... young zombie falls in love and becomes human.

Atala: I agree - I was suckered by the five minute trailer that I saw. It promised a lot of quirky humour.

Myne: Indeed...

Atala: But it looks like I really need to pay attention to my rule - DON'T GET SUCKERED BY TRAILERS!

Myne: Lol... and at the begining it was fresh and engaging. I wanted to know R - the protagonist of the movie - some more. What was it about this new kind of zombie? And who does he fall in love with?

Myne: What did you think of the Julie - his love interest?

Atala: Hm... I didn't feel that her backstory (and the backstory of a lot of the cast) was well fleshed out.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Roast Beef Ribs with Fresh Lettuce and Tomato Salad

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All you need for this one is your pack of beef ribs from the store, and the spices you have for preparing meat.

1. Defrost the ribs in the fridge
2.  Cut into single pieces and rub all over with the spices
3. Put cooking spray on your oven-proof tray and place the ribs side by side
4. Grill in the oven on low heat for 15 minutes on each side.
5. Your meat is ready.

Actresses at the Icons of Nollywood Event

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Rita Dominic

I usually look out for couples on the red carpet or events, but for the Nollywood@20 event, and as this is the women's history month, I felt it was worth it to celebrate these Nollywood actresses. I might not be able to dedicate an individual post for each of them, but they are indeed doing a great job for their industry.

According to Maestromedia, "The industry has given a lifeline to many who otherwise might not have amounted to anything. It has made millionaires and celebrities out of many also and it has provided entertainment and fun to many,  jobs for many others. For the nation, it has been the perfect brand ambassador, at least helping to bring positive attention to the nation."

More grease to their elbow.

Oreoluwa Somolu - Motivational Women Story #6

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Oreoluwa Somolu is Executive Director of the Women’s Technology Empowerment Centre (W.TEC). Prior to this, she was Project Manager of Youth Empowerment & Restoration Initiative, an organisation working to increase local content in the Nigerian Oil and Gas industry by raising awareness of Oil and Gas careers among students.

Oreoluwa worked for several years in the United States at an educational non-for-profit organisation on a number of projects, which explored the interplay between gender and technology and which sought to attract more girls and women to study and work in science and technology-related fields.

She has a Bachelors degree in Economics from Essex University, U.K. and a Masters degree in Analysis, Design and Management of Information Systems from the London School of Economics & Political Science. Her research interests are the applications of technology in improving lifelong learning and also to raise the economic and social conditions of people (especially women and children) in the developing world.

Dear Myne - My Fiance Won't Abstain With Me For Lent

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Please, I need you to help me ask your readers a question. I'm faced with a dilemma right now. As you know we are in the season of lent which is basically for fasting and praying and seeking the face of God. I have decided to be dedicated to my fasting this period and commit certain issues I am facing into Gods hands.

I discussed this issue with my husband-to-be and we decided that we should not have sex for the period of lent. Even though his church does not recognise lent, he recognises that it is a good exercise and has encouraged me thus far. Issue is, he seems to be getting weak. He is asking for it and I have somehow managed to prevent it till now.

Pressure is mounting from him and he is saying I am depriving him.

5 Tips For Haters Who Don't Want to Hate Anymore

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I watched Toke Makinwa's Vlog posted to Bella Naija last week '5 Ways To Spot a Hater' and I couldn't help feeling like so-called 'haters' are the victims in this situation. Before you get antsy, let me explain. For the longest time, I was always annoyed about celebrities and non-celebrities addressing this elusive 'hater'. No one hates you, I'd say and skip to the next tweet, video or blog.

But then I realised there's a little bit of hater in all of us. But the 'Haters' are the unfortunate ones who let the negativity consume them. Haters aren't evil,  they are Victims of Circumstance. I was once a hater, I'll admit it! if you've never been a hater, then you're probably in denial. Hating is what pushes an opinion to a critique, disapproval to slander and disagreement to a grudge. I'll let those of you who want to stop hating in on what changed me from being a hater. If you're looking for a 'believe in your self' type of post. This is not for you, I'm being practical. So this post is for the Haters who don't want to hate anymore.

1. Say the Opposite of What You're Thinking
There's nothing more annoying than hearing people say 'Hold your tongue' because it is unrealistic. We can NOT fight the urge to speak. But here's what we can manage, what we actually SAY. In the natural Hater-ation process, if we see a girl's dress first think we think is 'Her dress is too tight. See her folds bulging' Instead, I'd say, 'I like that shade of Green...Wow. Really nice' This way you haven't lied but you haven't hated! Boom!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Picture Tutorial - How to Make Gizzard and Mushroom Sauce

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At the beginning of starting my food blogs, I didn't think I could take pictures while cooking. I'm usually very fast and functional whenever I'm in the kitchen, but I was on my phone the other night while making dinner and thought, hey, I can do this picture tutorial thing, you know? It was a bit touch and go, but I think I got the most important steps :)

Let me know what you think, picture tutorial or step-by-step description recipes?

Nkemdilim Uwaje - Women's History Month Motivational Story #5

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Nkem Uwaje is a Director of Future Software Resources Nigeria Ltd.. She attained a BSc. Hons in Bioinformatics at the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU), as well as the Technical University of Munich (TUM) Germany. She has worked on various research projects at the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatric Research in the department for Statistical Genetics and Proteomics, as well as for the Pharmaceutical Company Affectis Pharmaceuticals AG, Germany. These research projects encompass the development of software solutions for complex biological as well as chemical calculations and simulations, database design and administration as well as statistical analysis.

After re-locating to Nigeria in 2005, Nkem Uwaje was involved in various research projects, such as the Wazobia Linux initiative, the E-Government Interoperability Framework, NITDA Open Standards Framework, as well as the deployment of e-commerce and e-portal solutions in the Nigerian public and private sector.

Mercy Johnson and Getting Back Your Pre-Pregnancy Body

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This new picture of Mercy Johnson got me thinking of how a lot of women struggle to lose what is called "baby weight" after pregnancy. It's been about two full months since Mercy had her baby, and I think she's on the right track. She's looking all hot and rocking and flaunting her curves. Compared with her pre-pregnancy pictures, almost everything seems back to what they used to be.

I didn't get pregnant after the IVF treatments last year, but I added about 10 pounds from all the drugs and pills I had to take, and not being able to exercise regularly. Now I'm working to get it off. I may need some tips from Mercy Johnson :)

For those who have had their babies, how long did it take you to bounce back, or did you decided to keep it on and rock your new yummy mommy body?

I am Looking For Bloggers For Lifestyle Blogging

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I need about 5 writers for this blog and a new lifestyle website I'm building. This is an opportunity for people who are serious about writing and blogging long term to get into a prime internet property at the ground level. Have you been blogging without any monetary returns and would like to get rewarded? Do you keep yourself updated with current events in various segments of society? Would you like to write about your personal activities and life on a daily basis, and earn something for your efforts? If you have been thinking of blogging in a big way, but wasn't sure about going it alone, then you may have found a team.

Here are the requirements:

A minimum of 2 and no more than 10 posts daily Mon - Fri are required.
A passion for the category you select is a BIG plus
SEO and keyword knowledge is desired but not required.
Blog posts must be at least 300 words long. This can be less for posts with larger/more pictures.
Submit your posts anytime you want, I will schedule.
Above average writing is required as minimal editing will be done.
All posts must be unique content.
Non-anonymous bloggers willing to write from a personal place are desired, but not compulsory
Those who are familiar with posting on a Blogger will be considered before others but I am open to teaching writers how to post on Blogger.

If you’re interested please send an email to with the following:
Subject: Savvy Nigerian - Category Name
A brief paragraph of why you’re interested in this opportunity
A 300 – 500 word article/blog post sample OR
A link to your current blog, if you have one.