Monday, March 11, 2013

Date Night Movie Review - Beautiful Creatures

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The beginning of the year is not the best time for movies at the cinema, most of Hollywood at that period seem to be in holding positions, touring the award season circuit, waiting for the Oscars, or bringing their end-of-year blockbusters to DVD. I think you know where this is going? Atala will take it away...

Atala: So, I liked the idea - or at least, I liked what I thought was the idea. A loner comes to ultra-religious town to stay with her creepy uncle, and all kinds of talk of satanic powers start flying around. It certainly sounded like we had a 'Salem' situation on our hands.

Myne: Lol..

Atala: On to other things, I liked the way the film showed the budding friendship between Ethan - a teen whose mother is dead - and Lena - the aforementioned loner. I felt it was a genuine connection, because Ethan himself was portrayed as something of an oddball.

Myne: I agree - but I felt that some of the scenes were a bit of a stretch. It almost seemed as if he was deliberately putting himself in harm's way. I mean, who goes to a satanist's house, has a spell cast on them and then goes back the next day?

The Bachelor Show, We May be Getting another TV Wedding

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The Bachelor - Sean and Catherine

Another season is done, and it was a wild ride, some of the women were real characters. But it ended well tonight as Sean made his choice for Catherine, someone he said he considered his best friend. In his proposal, I was moved by his words, "I don't want to say goodbye anymore, I want to spend the rest of my life telling you I love you ... Will you marry me?"

Of course she said yes. Catherine Giudici is a graphic designer at Amazon here in Seattle and also a food blogger, Yay!

At the After the Final Rose ceremony, Lindsay wanted to know why he did not close the deal with her, but he didn't have a real reason. He said he just knew Catherine was the one, and it didn't have to do with any thing she had done or not done. She nicely accepted that, said she was happy for him and wished him luck.

Dr. Joe Odumakin - Women's Motivational Story #11

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Dr. Josephine Okei-Odumakin is a Nigerian democracy activist and women's rights advocate. Her passion for human rights activism made her one of the targets of the Babangida administration; she was arrested and detained about 17 times at different locations in the country. However, Dr. (Mrs.) Joe Okei -Odumakin refused to be deterred. She later became the assistant general secretary of the Campaign for Democracy in 1994 when the battle against the annulment of June 12 became so fierce.

She was the head of the organization's secretariat from 1995-1996 when the then chairman, late Dr. Beko Ransome Kuti and the general secretary, Comrade Odion Akhaine, were put in jail. She eventually became president of the organization on July 29, 2006 at a convention held in Akure, Ondo State.

Dr. Joe Odumakin is also the executive director of the Institute of Human Rights and Democratic Studies, president of Women Arise for Change Initiative, the chairman of Task Force of the Citizens Forum, founder of the Save Nigeria Group, and spokesperson of the Coalition of Civil Society Organizations.

How to Make Igbo Men Fall in Love With You - Search

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I just had to share this query so I can post Flavor NAbania's picture seeing as I missed him out in the February Man Candy list :)

This question came in through my stats and I think a few posts of mine are useful to answer this search query

1. How to Get Nigerian Igbo Guys

2. I am Happily Married to an Igbo Man

3. Igbo Men more Controlling and Traditional than Usual?

Dear Myne - What is the Role of a Woman in Getting Hitched

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I was going to write to you about what to do when it seems everyone but you is getting hitched...then I read the article on your blog. [When Will He Pop the Question - If Ever?]

Now its got me wondering if every single woman over 25 is single because she keeps meeting "non-committers"?

But surely a woman has some role to play in helping the guy make up his mind,right? Being yourself just doesn't seem to be working anymore.

Or are women in our generation destined to marry late or not at all? (sigh)

My questions are triggered by the fact that everyone I know,even the "simple" ones are..well..hitched.

I even feel a bit jealous of Jennifer Aniston...!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hafsat Abiola - Women's Month Motivational Story #10

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Hafsat Abiola is a young activist who works to promote women, youth, and democracy in Nigeria, and around the world. She is a founding member of several initiatives including Global Youth Connect, Youth Employment Campaign, and Vital Voices: Women in Democracy. She is a member of the World Wisdom Council and the World Future Council. Hafsat is the author of many articles published in international and national media, and assistant editor of Imagining Ourselves, an international anthology of women.

Hafsat is also the Executive Director of the Kudirat Initiative for Democracy, KIND, an NGO that seeks to empower democracy and development in Nigeria by strengthening organizations and creating initiatives that advance women. KIND’s main programme is Kudra, a programme that offers leadership training to 750 young women across Nigeria each year.

Charles Novia Reviews the Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards

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The invitation cards for the first Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards were as much in demand as one would wish for an oil block from President Jonathan. And if getting an oil block is so easy in Nigeria, then it means those of us who received the beautiful and well-packaged jewel- encrusted invitations with an ATM-cloned VIP card attached, got our 'allocations' for the event quite easily. One good thing the card did for whoever got it; it made one feel special and honoured. On that level of planning, the organisers deserve an 'A plus'

The night was one of glamour,glitz, fun and little screw-ups: at least to the discerning eye present in the hall. I was among many of the invited guests from Nigeria and other parts of Africa; a mix of the artistes, business men, government officials and perhaps the usual event crashers. Almost everyone present looked dapper and dazzling, with fashion designers having a field day for this event, I can bet my last buck on that!

The venue, Eko Hotel and Suites, was the perfect event centre for this show. The ambience of hospitality could be felt as guests trooped in. There was much mingling and lots of greetings and hugging going on with almost everybody looking so resplendent, it seemed surreal!

10 Things You Never Knew about Toke Makinwa

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Toke Makinwa is a Rhythm 93.7 radio presenter, and she was profiled on the ThisDay Sunday newspaper where she revealed ten things about herself, some of which I found quite interesting. I also saw her interview with Ebuka Obi-Uchendu, and I think I'm beginning to like her. She shows this self-awareness that comes with maturity, and she can laugh at herself too. Enjoy the interview below. I also suffered the short-girl syndrome when I was younger, I think I'm mostly over it now, lol...

• “I suffer from short-man syndrome. A lot of people think I’m snobbish, or I’m a rude person. But it’s just us short people we always think people want to take us for granted because of our height. So I’d rather cut you off before that happens.”

• “My favourite food is Amala, Gbegiri and Ewedu. I don’t get to eat that as much as I’d love to but every time I go to like a local restaurant I always order that.”

• “I cry easily. I’m a big softie. I’m a hopeless romantic – I don’t go to weddings because I cry a lot. That’s one thing people don’t know. People invite me for their weddings and I don’t turn up, and they don’t understand why.  I’ve been to a few weddings and I cried my eyes out.”

Watch Gidi Up Episode 3 - Keeping Up Appearances

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Watch Episode 1 and 2 if you missed it. In this episode 3 of Gidi Up, Tokunbo and Eki make a connection, while Obi and Yvonne share a lot but don't realise how much they have in common, and Folarin gets desperate. Music by: Temi Dollface - The Box, Falz - 1, 2, 3, and Ajebutter22 with Serenre.

I felt this episode was a bit short and not much happened. Tell me what you think so far.