Thursday, May 17, 2012

Love in Bloom is Sweet Romance

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For the past few days, it's been all sunshine and flowers over here. The rain is staying away and the sun is bathing everything in sweet warmth that is just hits the spot, not too hot yet. It gives me this light feeling inside and on our plenty walks I want to stop and smell the flowers or pluck some to put in my hair.

Love is definitely in bloom in this corner of my world and it is just the perfect time for this giveaway. Featuring Lighthearted/Contemporary Young Adult and Sweet/Clean Adult Romance, the hop hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and Portrait of a Book.

I really enjoyed reading the following book after winning it in a giveaway and want to share the love. I will be giving away a copy of Found in Translation by Roger Bruner and his daughter Kristi Rae Bruner.

When Kim Hartlinger—eighteen and spoiled—arrives on a mission trip to Mexico and discovers, to her chagrin, that she’ll be doing construction in a remote village without plumbing and electricity, rather than evangelism in a medium-sized town with a fast food joint . . she has only two choices. “Rough it” (which isn’t exactly what Kim had in mind when she signed up for this trip) or turn around and head home. Will Kim be able to touch the villagers’ hearts with the Gospel? Or will her time in Mexico be up before she gets the chance? Goodreads

To be eligible to win this book, fill in the rafflecopter correctly. Winners will be contacted with 48hrs after the end of the giveaway and have the same time to respond.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Below are other blogs taking part in this giveaway hop. Good luck!


  1. This interesting approach to age-old conflicts really intrigued me.

  2. Either historical romances or contemporary romances. However, I have really been enjoying YA paranormals and dystopians lately. Thanks for the chance to win!

  3. I love YA. But sometimes I will venture out into adult fiction/sci-fi genre.

  4. Anything paranormal and YA.

  5. i love a pararom and contemporer romance.
    thanks for the giveaway ^^

  6. I love YA dystopia, Mystery/thrillers and contemporary!!
    Great giveaway! Thanks!

  7. Paranormal, Romance, YA I could go on and on!

  8. Paranormal Romance, Fantasy right now.

  9. My favorite genre to read is YA Contemporary or Dystopia. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. I read Paranormal/Supernatural YA and YA Contemporary the most :)

  11. I love Contemporary YA novels.

  12. Argh! This looks like an awesome book but unfortunately I'm not allowed to have a Twitter account so I can't enter :( Great giveaway though!

  13. I love paranormal and fantasy

  14. My favorite genre depends on my mood, but I'm usually always up for a good suspense thriller.

  15. Oh gosh, it's changed so many times. I'm still a big lover of paranormal/urban fantasy, but I really get into historical fiction and romance lately.


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