Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lesson for Wives - How to be Submissive

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I'm not going to say much as I believe the picture speaks loudly enough. Are you a woman, married, about to get married, or single? Have you been wondering how you can be submissive to your husband? Wonder no more! Just get under him, or should I say, allow him to sit on you. Beginning from your wedding day, of course!

 This is how to be submissive

I'm sure the witty readers will be able to caption this more aptly.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The 11 Question Tag - Who's Next?

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It's been quite a while since I did my last meme that I've almost forgotten about them. But I do like reading the getting-to-know you tags on other blogs, and it's nice when someone remembers you. I was tagged by Destiny + Yankeenaijachick Success. Thankyou, dear.

These are the rules - You must post 11 things about yourself. Answer the questions that your tagger posted for you. Create 11 questions, then choose 11 people and tag them to answer your questions. Remember to let them know you tagged them. No tag backs...Let the tagger know when you answered their questions. So these are eleven things about me -

1. I live 8, and sometimes 9hrs behind GMT. This is for those in Naija and UK who beef me on FB and Twitter cos they think I ignore their tweets and chats. I am possibly sleeping by then.

2. To those saying HUH! to the above, don't be fooled by when my blog posts are published, most of them are scheduled days if not weeks in advance.

3. I am from Asaba and like to brag about it, but seriously, I don't know much about Asaba and the people. I sometimes cringe when people ask, you know so and so family?

4. I like musicals and so I guess it follows that I like the Opera. After attending about three Live Performances, I was almost about to scratch it off my interests list then I saw Madama Butterfly on a large screen. I now know I prefer it that way.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Winner of the Project Alert Charity Giveaway

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The Winner of the A Heart to Mend eBook is Reviewing Shelf, CONGRATULATIONS! I have sent her an email with a PDF copy of the book. If I get no reply in 48 hours a new winner will be announced.

Thank you to everyone who entered and took part in the Charity Hopping around the World giveaway. I appreciate all the comments and so also does Project Alert. The director and IT Personnel have both sent me emails to express their gratitude.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Black History Month Blog Hop - Best Of WA Romance

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The final post for the Black History Month Blog Hop, hosted by Reflections of a Bookaholic and Mocha Girls Read, is here! It's purpose was to give black authors, books, and those who support them a month in the spotlight. This week focuses on the "Best of" in Black literature (or authors) and this topic runs from February 26-29th.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Some Songs Lovening Up my Valentine - Enjoy

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There are four videos from Musiq Soulchild, Olumide, Estelle, and Tyrese but my favorite is this one with the chorus below. Today is my third wedding anniversary and the answer remains YES.
When 2 or 3 years from now
you start having some doubts
about if this love will last
The answer is yes...

Musiq Soulchild - Yes

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day and Giveaway Winners

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This was the e-card sent to me by Lady Ngo and I really loved it. She mentioned Atala too, so I shared it with him. I hope you all have a lovely and loving day. Happy Valentine's Day all.

The Winners of the With Love Giveaway are;

A Love Rekindled - Pendo and Miki
A Heart to Mend - Sally and Savannah
Always and Forever, Love - Okeoghene

Monday, February 6, 2012

Follower Love Giveaway - My Sweet Valentines!

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Happy Valentine's Day {in advance} to you all. So many good things have happening on my blog this year that I missed the exact time I passed the 1000 followers mark. But no worries, This month of love is a good time as any to show my appreciation for how you made my book, A Heart to Mend and A Love Rekindled, bestselling novels at various retail outlets. Thanks for all the support of commenting regularly too.

The Follower Love giveaway hop is hosted by I Am a Reader Not a Writer and several blogs are taking part, with lots of amazing gifts, Check the full list of participants. Entries close February 14, and I'll announce the winner here on the 15 and also send an email.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Getting to know you Blogfest

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1. Name two [romantic suspense] authors who inspire you.

Nora Roberts and Francine Rivers. I love Nora R. for her versatility and longevity, as well as how prolific she has been. The fact that she uses a pen name in some of her writing, just like I do also means I have a special spot for her.

Francine is just such an awesomewriter, my best romance novel so far is Redeeming Love. The way she plumbs my emotions is almost second to none. She may be considered more inspirational romance than romantic suspense but her books do keep me on tenterhooks till I'm done.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blowing my Trumpet - 10 things I like about me

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We need to credit ourselves more and know that we are full of "good stuff". So says Aloted of Purpose Driven Blog who thinks most of us rarely blow our trumpet due to social conditioning. I agree with her, and when she listed her own positive 10 things and threw open the floor, I decided to get on it. Watch out, cos I'll be tagging...

1. I can be very playful, and I like giving free reign to the child within me. It makes me feel very carefree, like going on the swings in a playground. I used to be a tomboy too, so don't be surprised if you see me climbing a tree. Thank God I'm still athletic enough to pull that off.

2. I find it very easy to say I'm sorry and mean it. Growing up I was very stubborn but with age, luckily, came some self awareness and maturity.

3. I don't take myself or things too seriously, I have learnt to let go and let God in most cases. If you insult me, I can even laugh. I might vex for a few minutes and then I brush it off my shoulders. Life is too short, abeg.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Blog awards still make my heart smile

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Yes, they do. In 2 years of blogging, I've gotten my fair share of awards. Still, each time someone thinks me worthy, it's new all over again. Melanie of Feather Pens, Tartan Dreams said; "this is my first visit to Myne’s blog. And I was impressed. A beautiful lady with lots to say. I subscribed immediately."
Thank you Melanie for joining my site and for the Versatile Blogger Award. I hope I have the chance to keep sharing my different facets with my readers.

- Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
- Share 7 things about yourself.
- Pass this Award along to 15 recently discovered blogs and let them know about it!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Baz Luhrmann - Everybody´s Free ( to wear sunscreen)

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So I saw this over on Mizchif's An Idle Mind, and couldn't believe I was just seeing and hearing it for the first time. There is so much wisdom packed in those 7 mins than you'll believe. Like I keep saying, Free Yourself! and Life is for Living, enjoy it!

If you can't watch the video, make sure to read the words transcribed by Mizchif below it.Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sunshine Award

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So a few days ago, Rhapsody Phoenix, of Rapping on a Melody gifted me with the Sunshine Award pictured above. This is what she had to say about it, "Please keep the blessing going by gifting 10 people with the award letting them know their contribution to bloggersville is appreciated and what they have to say matters." Thank you Rhapsody.

So because I've got double portion sunshine, I'll be passing it on to the following 20 people who always bring sunshine into my life with their blogs, comments, and actions - online and offline. They never fail. Thank you all...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tag - What is in my Bag?

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So I was among those tagged by Sisi Yemmie to do this meme where I have to show you all my regular bag, and what I usually have inside it.

So I use two bags interchangeably but this meduim sized black and brown print Nine West gets more action cos it doesn't select clothes. LOL...I can't remember if I said that correctly. Anyway, you have seen the other bag I carry if you read my post on Relationship 15. Now to the contents of the bag. True confession, I like a chunky bag and always stuff things in :).

Monday, May 16, 2011

Laughter is the Best Medicine

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The joke below is on relationships, and I got it from one of those crazy forums, :) Enjoy...

There are three women. One is dating, one is engaged, and one is married. They decide to get kinky with their men and really pull out all the stops to make it extra special. The woman who is dating says, “Okay, so I bought black leather, red lipstick, fishnet stockings, and really got crazy. He loved it so much he thinks he’s in love.” The woman who is engaged says, “I showed up to his work after hours wearing only a red coat. Let’s just say he wants to move the wedding date up!” The woman who is married says, “Okay, I really went all out. I got a sitter for the kids and bought a black mask and a whip. My husband gets home, goes straight to the fridge and grabs a beer. Then he plops down on the couch and says, ‘HEY BATMAN! WHERE THE **** IS DINNER?!?”

"Laughter is the Best Medicine" blogfest is courtesy of Leigh at That's Write!

Here's how it works. On May 16, do the following: Post your favorite writer joke. If you don't have a writer joke (are there any?), post your favorite job-related joke. And if you don't have one of those (either writer- or work-related joke), post your favorite joke (or funny story).

Friday, May 6, 2011

Charly Boy - Commercial Waist

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Something to while away the weekend with.

By the way, why do young, beautiful women (video vixens?) continue to appear in these music videos that have no respect for women. In this one, Charly Boy (a father and grandfather of women) seems to be saying that commercial waist is what all women are. I don't blame him, when for a fee, the dancers are willing to wind the waist for him.

Enjoy the weekend my people and see you on Monday. Take care.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

25 Questions Tag

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Hi everyone, so I'm back. Not that I've been gone that long but I missed you guys. Anyway, I came across this meme and decided to do it. Feel free to take the questions and answer on your own blog. I hope we can share the blog love...

1. Do you have any pets?
No pets, unless you count the many fish, cats, and hamsters I feed during my rounds to various blogs. LOL...

2. Name 3 things that are physically close to you.
Laptop, cup of water, table lamp.

3. What's the weather like right now?
Cloudy, and a bit cold at 51 degrees

4. Do you drive? If so have you crashed?
Yes and no, never crashed, hope I never do.

5. What time did you wake up this morning?
6.33am, I am a lark. You know 'early to bed and early to rise'. Even when I do go to bed late, I still wake up early, it's a habit.

6. When was the last time you showered?
This morning. I'm not one for baths.

7. What was the last movie you saw?
Rio - fantastic animated feature, with a great love angle.

8. What does your last text message say?
it is one from my sweetie and sorry I can't share it here, hehehe...

9. What's your ringtone?
Allomorphic expressions or something like that.

10. Have you ever been to a different country?
Many different countries - UK, Germany, Switzerland, USA, Canada, - all in the last 5 years.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter Everyone!

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This is my day off for good behavior remember, and I want use it to wish all of you my wonderful friends and blog readers a special Happy Easter! I wish everyone a day filled with enjoyment, friends and family.

I want to also use this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has kept following and commenting on my blog this April. I know my posts have been more frequent than usual, with the A - Z challenge (thank God that is coming to an end soon, lol) and my book promotion. I'll be coming back in May with the regular posts you enjoy, and some new ones, so keep following.

In the meantime, Happy Easter!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lost and Found BlogFest - Update

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A reminder for those taking part in the BlogFest...

"From March 25 - 31, post a blog telling me about anything you've ever lost and found, an object, a person, an idea, anything! The same week, visit two other blogs in the list, read their entries, and leave comments. I will be visiting everybody."

The theme of Lost and Found for the blogfest ties in to the launch of my second book, A Love Rekindled. ALR is a love story of college sweethearts, who lost each other due to circumstances out of their control. When they found each other again after a decade, love is rekindled.

So have you posted your story? Leave a comment here with the link and I'll get to it as soon as I can. I have read some lovely stories, and look forward to more

On April 3, I'll announce all the winners of the blogfest and giveaway!

You can read the stories, and find some great bloggers by checking out some links below. Thanks!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Paint it Purple - Obudu Cattle Ranch

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The earth soared up on both sides of the narrow, winding road and the car slowed down so that we could take in the impressive view. The trees were tall and majestic, covering the mountains for as far as the eyes could see. We soon got to the sharpest bend in the track which was signposted as the Devil’s Elbow and slowed even further. As the summit approached, the terrain became more of rolling hills with swaying shrubs and grass waving in the wind. By the time we got almost to the top, we had sighted a couple of small animals and several different kinds of birds.

That evening as we dined on the balcony of the restaurant, I witnessed one of the most impressive spectacles of my outdoor experience. The sun went down and the horizon became obscured by a stately and continuous movement of the sky. The clouds descended in a swirling mass of vapor that heralded the beginning of a curious twilight. The valley became filled with this splendid mass and to us watching, it was as if the heavens touched the earth.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sweet City of Mine

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So, I'll be sharing a video I made about the city I currently live in - Seattle. We live in the suburbs and I don't often go into the city, but it's always fun when we do. Well, except for the parking, and the one-way streets that just jump out at you. However, I love walking and can safely say that most places in downtown are within walking distance of each other.

This is for the Sweet City of Mine Blogfest by Holly of Girl About Town" an entry on your blog about your favourite city. Whether it is the city you live in, the place you wished you lived in, somewhere you travel to often or have only been once. Or it could be a city that only you know of, a city that you have created in your own writing. You can post it as a descriptive piece of writing, a poem, a collection of photos, drawings, a video, a scrapbook page, greeting card...It's your city, you choose."

Enjoy the video. If you cannot view it, please check the Bellevue Botanical Garden post HERE.