Monday, November 23, 2009

Update + To the one I love (Poem)

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This is to confirm that our next contributor is Realnaijabloke. He's going to be writing from Chinedu's point of view. Was he really an armed robber or was it a joke? Will he call Iphey again or did she fail the test? Check back tomorrow to read and vote for the next chapter. Remember, the first to comment on it will win an ebook. If you're no good at stalking but you want the book, head over to LULU and download your copy now! Mynewhitman's Storefront

While we wait, enjoy the poem. TO THE ONE I LOVE

I love to drink and dine
And I’ll love to feed you fine
I love to dance in line
And I’ll love to make you mine
I love the number nine
And I’ll not see you pine

I love any joke funny
And I’ll make your life sunny
I love an exciting journey
And I’ll love to call you honey
I love but it's not for money
And I’ll love to make you bonnie

I love a good story well told
And I'll love your virtues extolled
I love to see two lovers old
And I'll love to give you a ring of gold
I love you to have and to hold
And I'll love you till my bones are cold

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Results are in + Wishing (Poem)

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Hey people, thanks so much for voting.

So the results are in again and this time we have a tie. Same number of people want to hear about Iphey's talk with Aisha and also from Chinedu's POV. Rather than choose one over the other, we're gonna have both branches of the story before another vote.

Therefore the story will continue by tomorrow with a chapter by ISHA and on Wednesday with another by REALNAIJABLOKE. In that chapter will be the options to vote for the next chapter of the story. BTW, how come no one wants to hear about her family? We too like love gist sha, and I'm the chief culprit. LOL...

In the meantime, enjoy the poem. It was written back in the day when love was oceans apart...


Wishing you were here
So I can hold you tight
Wishing you were here
So there’ll be no more night
Wishing you were here
So you can make me bright
Wishing you were here
So I can face any plight

Wishing you were here
So I may see the light
Wishing you were here
To gladden my sight
Wishing you were here
To make all things right
Wishing you were here
To make up after a fight

Wishing you were here
To protect me with might
Wishing you were here
To lift me to the height

Monday, November 16, 2009

Giveaways + Poem

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Fabulola: So I have just confirmed from Fabulola. She is giving us the next chapter of the story by Thursday morning. The votes say most people want to know what happens between Iphey and her Boss Funmi.

Giveaway: And since the e-version of my book is almost ready, the first bloggers to comment on the next three chapters will get free copies of the ebook. So keep your eyes peeled. And if you've not updated your blog list, do so now. Goodluck.

While we wait, enjoy the short poem.


Is it a feeling or an action?
Is it to love or to be in love?
Can one do without love?
A cool love or a fast love?
Which is the better love?
Why do we even love?
When does love start?
Where does love end?
Have you ever loved?
How will you describe love?

Friday, November 13, 2009

The results are in + Poem

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This is to say a big thanks to all who voted. The votes have been counted and the results are in. Isn't that what they say in all those reality TV shows?

More on --- Her date

Her name ---- Iphey

The place --- Lagos Nigeria.

The next contributor is Atala Wala Wala, and he will have two days to come up with the next chapter of the story. Fabulola, get ready to go next...LOL

Some have asked for each chapter to be self contained; this may not be possible but I'll request contributors to do their best. The most important thing is to keep reading and keep voting. Thanks again.

Enjoy this poem in the meantime...


It was love at first sight
And try as I might
I just couldn’t find
A way to get you off my mind
You’ve stolen my heart
Given me a brand new start
I just want you to know
That as our love grows
Treat my heart with care
And please be fair
Don’t break my heart
By wanting to be apart
Because I’m in love with you
And I feel everything you do
Any harsh word you speak
Can make my eyes leak
You know you hold my heart
So please save it from hurt

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sweet things you do to me. (Poem)

Posted in:
Sweet things you do to me
You make me feel so fine
In the press of a mobbing crowd
The way you look into my face
And hold on to my hand

Sweet things you do to me
You treat me like I’m a queen
The most important thing to you
You do all in your power
To see that I’m always happy

Sweet things you do to me
You point out those things
That you know I love to see
You cause me to smile at you
And make me laugh out loud

Sweet things you do to me
You show a real sense of depth
In times of pain and sorrow
Which I cherish as much as
Your arms of comfort around me

Sweet things you do to me
You can spin the silliest jokes
Just to tease and thrill me
Your warm and tender smile
Is a lighthouse in the storm

Oh! Sweet things you do to me
For in this ever–changing world
Long as you're always near
Most sweet is your love for me
It always sees me through

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Precious (Poem)

Posted in:
Your eyes flash with a fire
That shames that of sapphire
Your skin is from the mould
That poured the purest gold

Your hair is of a glory
Darker than the finest ebony
Your charm will never fade
Like that of an Indian jade

I need no tear in a pond
To compare to a diamond
Because your lips are ruddy
Redder yet than any ruby

Your smile glows so silvery
It cannot be rivaled by ivory
You’ve been made more perfect
Than the best crafted garnet

So like the jewels of the bold
Much too valuable to be sold
You have been made to be
Very very precious to me

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I'm well and truly loved (Poem)

Posted in:
Update: Just to say that I'll soon get back to posting excerpts of the Gladys and Edward story. I have just signed the contract with my publishers and want to finalize things first. Hopefully things will be clearer by the end of the week. In the meantime, enjoy the poem...

Your love is music in my heart
In the midst of the silent desert
Your love is the warm blanket
Over me in the coldest season
In a dark and heavy sky
It is the brightest star
Your love is a guiding light
In the blackest of night
Through the hardest famine
It feeds me with food and wine
Even in the hottest weather
It cools my lips with water
Your love springs up to fill me
When drought seeks to kill me
So I'm not going to be moved
Because I’m well and truly loved

Friday, October 30, 2009

Expectations II (Poem)

Posted in:
I’ve known you for over a year
Seemed there was naught to fear
You were more than a listening ear
So I told you that I care

Alas I was not left alone to fare
Tis a burden I no more have to bear
We have come together to share
Times of love, pain and cheer

My heart is open and bare
With you as a king without peer
I promise our love will not be mere
When you become my pair

You will be forever near
Others will have to go to the rear
It will no more be there and here
When I call out you will hear

Because you’re to me most fair
You’ll be all I hold dear
I’ll give you tender repair
Just reach out and I'll be there...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Saving my all (Poem)

Posted in:
This was written for my SO as a wedding gift

I’ve been saving my words
For the one I love
Now I finally found you
I’ll speak of no other

I’ve been saving my eyes
For the one I love
Now I’ve finally seen you
I’ll look at no other

I’ve been saving my dreams
For the one I love
Now I’ve finally know yours
We can share our dreams

I’ve been saving myself
For the one I love
Now I’ve finally met you
I’ll give it to no other

I’ve been saving my heart
For the one I love
Now I’ve given it to you
It will beat for you alone

I’ve been saving my love
Specially for you
Now you're in my life
We'll be together forever

Friday, October 16, 2009

Expectations. (Poem)

Posted in:
The things of the heart
Are not always as one expects
Thus you came into my heart
Out of the unexpected
At a time that my heart
Could have least expected
I may give you my heart
In hopeful expectation

If you give me your heart
As I very dearly expect
I will enter your heart
As you’ve been expecting
Then another your heart
Will cease to expect
We will become one heart
Just as we had expected

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I want to...(Poem)

Posted in:
I want to make you happy
All the days of our life
I want to see you smiling
As I say something nice
I want to satisfy your heart
With every blessing in the world

I want to save your pride
And mend your broken heart
I want to make you forget
That you were ever sad
I want to give you all
That you had ever wanted

I want to bring out the best
That you have inside of you
If only you will let me
I’ll never ever go away
Cos the greatest thing I want
Is just to be with you

Monday, October 5, 2009

I want you to need me (Poem)

Posted in:
A poem I wrote sometime ago for someone special. Trybes asked for some more of my poems so this is it. Hope you all enjoy and tell me what you think...

I want you to need me
Like the air you breathe
I want you to feel me
In everything you do

I want you to love me
And tell me I’m the only one
I want to be the face you see
When you close your eyes

I want to be the touch
You need every single day
I want to be the eyes
That looks deep into your soul

I want to be the part of you
You just can’t live without
I want to be your world
Be everything you ask for

I want to be your reality
Whatever this means and takes
I want to be your fantasy
Be let into your innermost wishes

I want to be your woman
And satisfy your every desire
I want you to need me
Need me like I need you

Friday, September 18, 2009

Definitions of love (Poem)

Posted in:
Leggy said here that "if you dont have a definition for it...then it doesnt exist." I have some definitions and that means that for me love exists. Check them out.

Love is the connection of two hearts
When two people touch each other’s soul

Love is honesty and trust
With patience and understanding

Love is helping one another
When there is mutual respect

Love is walking hand in hand
To reach your dreams together

Love is forgiving the others wrongs
That differences may be worked out

Love is the absolute belief
That there is a happily ever after

Sunday, August 30, 2009

To blogville (Poem)

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A poem to all of you guys who have visited and left comments or added me. Thank you. I hope this will tide you over to the nest installment of the story coming on Wednesday. Thanks for reading.

You were there in my time of need
Not knowing the meaning of greed

If I need it, you’ll give your last dime
Rich or poor, you gave me a good time

You did everything a friend should
And treated me the best you could

You comforted me when I was sad
And laughed with me when I was glad

I recall the times we used to share
And I want you to know I still care

I will always try to be there
Whenever, wherever you need my cheer

When you need me, I’ll be there in a hurry
When you are down, you don’t have to worry

Though some things you do may be wrong
Our friendship will ever remain strong

Monday, August 24, 2009

My thoughts on Love (Poem)

Posted in:
I sometimes wondered how one felt when they're in love until it happened to me. Now in my blogville wonderings, I see the signs in some people's posts like Leggy and BSNC. Well what can I do but to share these thoughts. Maybe this will help those in a quandary of love.

Is this love?
When the heart beats faster
And the eyes are bright
When the laughter rings out
And the smile shines forth
When the cheeks are rosy red
And the skin all flushed
When the arms feel restless
And the limbs tremble and quiver

To feel weak and yet so strong
To know nothing and yet know all
To feel doomed and yet so blessed
To feel small and yet so big
To feel hungry and yet so full
To feel sad and yet so glad
To feel poor and yet so rich
To give and yet receive
Is this love?

PS...I will update on the story by Wednesday. Thanks for reading.