Friday, August 22, 2014

Reading 50 Shades Linked To Abusive Relationships, Binge Drinking And Eating Disorders

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A university professor has posited in a study that young women who read the "50 Shades" books are more likely than nonreaders to exhibit signs of eating disorders and have a verbally abusive partner.

The study, which appears in the Journal of Women’s Health, is one of the first to investigate the relationship between health risks and reading popular fiction depicting violence against women. The study's lead investigator is Amy Bonomi of the Department of Human Development and Family Studies. She says;

“We recognize that the depiction of violence against women in and of itself is not problematic, especially if the depiction attempts to shed serious light on the problem. The problem comes when the depiction reinforces the acceptance of the status quo, rather than challenging it.”

The study states also that women who read all three books in the “Fifty Shades” erotic romance series are at increased risk of engaging in binge drinking and having multiple sex partners.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Porn Actress Shares Graphic Pictures of Injuries From Brutal Beating By Her Ex-Boyfriend

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Christy Mack, a well known porn actress, has revealed on Instagram and Twitter how she was physically assualted by her ex-boyfriend, Jon Koppenhaver, at her home in Las Vegas last Friday morning.

She shared a detailed story and also posted pictures of her terrible injuries taken while she was being treated in hospital. She said her ex beat up her face, stabbed her and ruptured her liver.

Jon, who is running from the police, with a $10,000 reward for his capture, also took to twitter to address the incident. Though he's yet to give himself up to the police, the cage fighter claimed he came to surprise her with an engagement ring but couldn't believe what he found.

See their stories and pictures below...

Friday, July 25, 2014

#DontProvoke! @stephenasmith Apologizes For Saying Women Provoke Men To Domestic Violence

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Using the hashtag #dontprovoke, vocal women challenged @StephenASmith, who had said earlier that there could be justifications for domestic violence. He has now apologized.

Stephen A. Smith,  a panelist on ESPN, was first called out by his female colleague @MichelleDBeadle on Twitter following his commentary on domestic violence during today's “First Take” TV programme. He had asserted that women sometimes provoke domestic violence against them while discussing the two-game suspension handed to Baltimore Ravens' player, Ray Rice, for assaulting his partner.

Here on RML, we have zero tolerance for domestic violence. There is no excuse, PERIOD!

Below is the apology and a video and transcript of his earlier remarks;

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Girl Plays Dead to Survive After Aunt's Ex-Husband Shoots Her Parents and Siblings To Death

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An abusive husband, Ron Lee Haskell, looking for his ex-wife, tied up and murdered the ex-wife’s sister, her husband and four of their five children because they wouldn't reveal where his ex-wife was.

Their oldest daughter was shot and wounded but played dead - the only way she was able to survive the mass murder of her family by her former uncle.

Ron Lee Haskell had forced himself into his former sister-in-law’s house while looking for his ex-wife Melanie Haskell - she was not there. He then tied up everyone in the family and asked them to tell him where she was. When they couldn’t or wouldn’t answer, he shot all of them to death. Or so he thought.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Alero Falope Confirms She Left Dino Melaye But Says He Did Not Physically Abuse Her

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Alero Falope granted an interview yesterday to clear the air on recent events concerning her marriage to Dino Melaye and her conversation with his ex-wife. While she confirmed that she has left her matrimonial home, Alero totally denied that it was due to physical abuse.

Explaining the leaked chats between her and Tokunbo Fabiyi, Dino Melaye's ex-wife, to SDK, Alero said:

Yes, Stella I exchanged SMS with Tokunbo but I only did that because I thought it would remain between us and besides I needed to connect with someone who might understand where I was coming from.

Let me state here now that Dino might be a lot of things but he never beat me and that's
the truth. There were just some things I couldn’t handle and that was what I referred to as living in Tokunbo’s hell for six months.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Black Women at Greater Risk of Becoming Victims of Homicidal Domestic Violence

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Funeral of Deanna Cook, daughter of lady in Blue, who was killed by her ex-husband in her home as she called 911

Domestic violence is a crime that cuts a painful swath across all races, socioeconomic levels and cultures.
But experts in the field say that one set of victims — black women — is at a far greater risk to experience the grimmest of all domestic violence statistics:

They are about three times more likely to die at the hands of a partner or ex-partner than members of other racial groups. Intimate-partner homicide is also among the leading causes of death for black women ages 15 to 35.

And, the experts add, their plight may not change anytime soon because of complex underlying causes that in some cases stretch back generations: unemployment, poverty, lack of education, incarceration and violent environments.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Woman Posts Graphic Photos of Her Bruised Face After Domestic Violence By Boyfriend

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37-year-old Angela Brower recently broke up with her boyfriend of 6 months after he became verbally and physically abusive towards her. On the day he came over to pick up his belongings, he attacked her, punched in the face so hard that she fainted.

When she regained consciousness, she says he then began beating her in the back of the head. She begged him to spare her life for her children, he stopped and she found a chance to run.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

#StopDomesticViolence - Michael Jace Charged With Shooting Death of His Wife

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Michael Jace and wife April Jace before her death

Actor Michael Jace has been booked by police for the murder of his wife. Michael Jace may be innocent until proven guilty by the law, but he did call 911 himself to report he shot his wife. Law enforcement sources say Micheal Jace's 2 kids had witnessed him allegedly shooting and killing their mom.  The kids - both under 10 - were extremely upset and taken to the police station.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Slapped in Public, Chased Out in a Torn Nightie - Estella Ogbonna Shares DV Story

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Nigerian fashion designer, Estella Ogbonna opened up on her experience of domestic violence and abuse in a marriage that lasted only 8 months and how she got the courage to walk away. She shares her story as a way to encourage other women in similar situations to know it is possible to live again after an abusive marriage or relationship. She writes;

Monday, April 7, 2014

Nigerian Medical Doctor Murdered by Husband in their US Home

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A young mother of two and a Nigerian Medical Doctor has been murdered by her 63 year old husband on Saturday March 22nd 2014 at their home in West Harris County, Houston, Texas.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Enugu State First Lady, Mrs. Clara Chime Thanks Nigerians For Helping Liberate Her From a Bad Marriage

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The Enugu State First Lady, Mrs. Clara Chime in an interview with Channels Television, spoke about the incident that led to her being liberated from the government house in Enugu, and thanked Nigerians for speaking out on her behalf. According to her, she suffered depression because of the treatment she got from her husband and the drugs given to her were the wrong prescription according to her new doctors. The drugs made her condition worse and also led to her adding weight. Glad she's receiving proper treatment now.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Depressed First Lady, Clara Chime, Under House Arrest By Her Husband, the Governor of Enugu State?

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The story of Clara Chime's detention in her own home by her estranged husband, Governor Sullivan Chime has just been published by Sahara Reporters and though it has not been corrobaorated by any other news source, I wonder if there are not elements of truth in it? I hope she gets the help she needs if it turns out indeed that the governor is using his office and her fragile mental health against her. According to SR,

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Survivor - I Took a Walk From an Abusive Relationship Because I was Losing my Joy, my Happiness

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I've been an ardent reader of RML but this time I've decided to come out and comment because this is where it affects me.The vision God laid in my heart is to fight for abused ladies and help regain their esteem right from a tender age and I feel the time is ripe and my NGO will soon be birthed (still tender though). I have also been a victim of abuse and I agree with the comment [HERE] that 'those that suffer from it isn't because they are weak or cannot fight'.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Shocking Rape Story of Ethel Joan Nwadike by Moses Idahosa in Benin Was All Fake

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The story spread like wild fire on several blogs about a week ago. While I read it on Ladunliadi's Blog as a true life story; without any names or pictures, I assumed it was a made-up morality tale to discourage aristos and run's girls. However, I have only now found out that several other blogs shared the same story with the picture above, and Ethel Joan Nwadike named as the victim, Moses Idahosa Idahosa as the rapist and her email as All are fake!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It is Not a Woman's Weakness That Makes a Guy Abuse Her But the Fear of Her Strength

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I've also been in an abusive relationship, my ex was psychologically and emotionally abusive and extremely manipulative and we were just dating! I think the only reason he did not try hitting me physically was because he was so sure I would kill him if he tried, instead he told his cult friends to threaten to kill me and my next bf if we broke up. He was so charming and I never spoke of the all the things he put me thru.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Rape Survivor Bunmi Sobowale Speaks Out On Twitter - #breakingthesilence

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Bunmi Sobowale, in a live tweet facilitated by Walk Against Rape and Esther Ijewere-Kalejaiye, author of Breaking the Silence, narrated her experience of sexual abuse as a child and surviving two incidents of rape at the hands of supposed male friends. It is a heart breaking narrative, and I find it how horrifying that these men, rapists have no idea how dehumanising rape is, coming to apologize and be friends again like all is well.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

I Made Myself a Promise That When Violence Comes Home I Would Take a Walk, And I Did

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Wow...I read this story and I can totally relate except the suicide part. Congratulations you didn't marry him cos unlike you I married mine only at the time he seemed so genuine & committed or so I thought. 13 years after marriage, I decided to take charge of my own life and protect our lovely kids from being raised in an abusive home.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Another Woman Speaks Out - I Chose Not to Marry The Father of My Child Because He was Abusive

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Dear Myne, thank you for sharing this Story and Tell Oma Thank You for having the courage to leave and Share her Story. I am currently a Single mum who chose not to marry the father of her child. The reason was because he had ALL these traces of a classic abusive man in this story Oma has shared.He was Emotionally, verbally and psychologically abusive,the only reason I don't think he hit me was because we were apart thru most of our relationship.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

10. It Was Tough, But I Was Finally Able to Leave - One Woman's Domestic Violence Story

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My name is Omalinze Okonkwo. I am a 33 year old Nigerian woman, who fled to the US to get away from a violently abusive husband/marriage. It had been hell, pretty much from day one of our 10 year marriage, with lots of hospitalizations and two separations in between. And it was ALL forms of abuse, from physical to emotional to psychological to mental to financial. This is the story of how I left, it was not and has not been easy, but I'm glad I'm free.

9. When I Decided That I Will Not Die But Live - One Woman's Domestic Violence Story

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My name is Omalinze Okonkwo. I am a 33 year old Nigerian woman, who fled to the US to get away from a violently abusive husband/marriage. It had been hell, pretty much from day one of our 10 year marriage, with lots of hospitalizations and two separations in between. And it was ALL forms of abuse, from physical to emotional to psychological to mental to financial. This is the story of how I left, it was not and has not been easy, but I'm glad I'm free.