Friday, November 15, 2013

A Woman Proposing to Her Man on Bended Knees - To Do or Not to Do

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Will you propose to your guy on bended knees, have you ever seen it done? I know women can and sometimes ask men to speed up marriage plans, but rarely do they spell it out, not to talk of doing the whole ring and bended knees routine. Or is it something we may be seeing more of? LOL...

Thursday, October 31, 2013

One In Six Wives Won’t Let Husband See Them Naked - Is This True?

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Sometimes, I do feel shy undressing in front of Atala, usually after a very tasty Nsala, where I have eaten a bit too much. Seems I'm not alone, in fact I'm a saint. One in six married women has not let their husband see them naked in over a year, according to a poll carried out on 1,902 married women from across the UK, which asked when they last allowed their husband to see them nude.

Monday, October 28, 2013

What Works and What Doesn't Work in Real Life Relationships

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By Eniola Lawal

So the last time I wrote on 'when your man needs space', a guy made it point blank that we need to write in to help them too. Not like my posts don't do that already, but I will fulfill my promise soonest to write specifically for the guys. You know as a lady, I know what our shortcomings can be in a relationship, I know what we like and what we don't which makes it quite easy to point out what the ladies have to bear in mind.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Like Sarah Ofili and Ikechukwu, Will You Remain Best Friends With Your Ex-Fiance?

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Sarah Ofili, model and beauty enterpreneur was a year older couple of days ago and celebrated it with a big club party. Pictures from the event showed that her ex-fiance, musician Ikechukwu was present at the happy. He actually went the extra length and left a birthday message for her on Instagram that said,

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How To Know Your Partner Loves You Without Them Saying a Word

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By Samantha Escobar

Has your guy been fairly silent in the 4-letter-word department, and you're trying to figure out other ways to tell if he loves you? Sometimes, this can be hard; not everybody is vocal or obvious about their feelings, and many may feel it is difficult to voice those deeper emotions whether it's for fear of rejection, commitment or simply never having said "I Love You" before. Here are some subtle, silent ways to tell if he's thinking it.

Monday, October 7, 2013

[Reader's Comment] On Infidelity - Do Men Really Go For Anything in Skirt?

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Please ladies should stop using this line so loosely "Men go for anything in skirt"...ANYTHING? What a derogation of another woman because you're more beautiful than she (is)? Beauty matters ONLY AT FIRST SIGHT...after that, it doesn't matter so much again to men whether you're MISS WORLD. What matter afterwards are, what you can provide in-between your ears...and in-between elsewhere.

#SingleBecause Trending on Twitter - Guess the Top Reasons

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For reasons ranging from, Im #SingleBecause relationships are complicated and I don't need that right now to SingleBecause im too lazy to go out and #SingleBecause I have an expectation for men and if you don't reach it goodbye :P and #SingleBecause it is my choice..for this moment maybe?u never know there are many reasons people say they're single. If you're single, what's yours? Read more to see interesting qoutes and more reasons from the trend.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dear Myne - Could You Link Me Up With a Responsible Mature Lady?

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Great work Myne, how are you? Could you link my up with an average height, responsible mature lady through your blog? I was born into a family of six some twenty eight years ago from Ogun state South West Nigeria. I had my primay school at Arowosegbe Primary school at Ketu, Lagos, from 1992-1998, from 1998-2004. I had my High school education at Orishigun High school, Mile 12 Ketu, and then i proceeded to the prestigious university of Lagos for my Bsc in Business administration in 2009. I work with a medium size Manufacturing outfit in Lagos, Nigeria.

Monday, September 16, 2013

10 Secrets to Finding True Love Based on Dr. Wayne Dyer's Book

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Dr. Wayne Dyer is one of my favorite teachers of all time. His book, 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, is timeless, full of wisdom and provides a simple guide for living an inspired life. In the spirit of love and sharing Dr. Dyer’s message, here is my perspective on how his 10 secrets translate to romantic love.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Gerald Rogers on How to Heal A Broken Heart

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All of us have suffered brutal losses in our lives. No one is exempt from the pain of a broken heart.

For some it’s the death of a child, a family member or loved one. For some it’s the loss of an important relationship. For some it’s a brutal defeat or failure. For some it’s an accident or illness which steals ones health and with it all the hope and possibility of the future…

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Five Men You May Fall In Love With - But Think Twice About Marrying Them

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By Adelle Waldman

1. The One Who Never Wanted to Commit—Until He Met You.
This sounds like the dream, right? The guy who proclaimed to all that he'd never settle down with anyone ever, and then ate his words when you came along? But the problem is that no matter how wowed by you he is now, the moment things become less exciting, less overwhelmingly amazing between the two of you (and the moment will come), he is likely to have second thoughts. And that will make you feel awful. Maybe you'll sense it happening, in which case you'll probably try harder, to do whatever you can to make sure things don't get less exciting. But that's a basis for a performance, not a marriage.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Do you Think You're Ready For Marriage? Answer These Questions

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1) If you believe strongly that you must always have the last say in an argument, you’re not ready for marriage.

2) If you don’t like anyone invading your space, you’re not ready.

3) If you’re a lady, and you don’t cook or don’t like to, your marriage is not likely to be easy or funny.

Monday, September 9, 2013

How To Be The Wife That Your Man Wants by Gerald Rogers

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Remember his message to Men, here, on how to be an epic husband? Read and share these tips for women who want to enjoy a great marriage…

Last Sunday, just after my marriage of 16 years ended in divorce, I was up at 1:00am capturing advice I would have given myself if I could go back in time… things I wish I would have known as a husband earlier. I shared my thoughts with my friends on Facebook hoping that maybe out there somewhere, there was one person like me that could benefit from my hard earned lessons and recommit to being the man their wife deserves, before it was too late...

Friday, September 6, 2013

Good Guys and the Friend Zone: Fact or Fiction?

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By Eky Shirley

This is a sequel to Good girls like bad guys; Fact or Fiction?

I have to mention that it was sparked by a conversation I had with a certain young man (a good guy, I`d like to think), on Saturday night. He had not even seen the previous post but it was the subject of our discourse. He, is of the opinion that girls no longer want gentlemen, bu prefer 'thugs with money'. Furthermore, that gentlemen are quickly relegated to the FRIENDZONE.

An Arranged Marriage At 17, Divorced By 31 - My Experience By Amara Blessing Nwosu

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I was reading further on teenage marriage and abuse in Nigeria and came across the story of Ms Amara Blessing-Nwosu who was made to go into early marriage for her father/ family considerations. She was married for 14 years, during which she had four children - two boys and two girls - but the marriage collapsed 5 years ago due to abuse. Amara is now a writer and relationship consultant, counseling young people on relationship and health issues, and managing an NGO, the Dorcas Generation Initiative.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Between Honorable Makinde and His New Bride - What's Love Got to Do With It?

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Over a year ago, I asked in a similar post where a young Nigerian man married an older white woman, "Is it impossible for a young man to fall in love and marry an older woman and vice versa?" What we're dealing with today is the vice versa. Can't a young woman fall in love and marry a man who is much older than she is without it being because of ulterior motives?

Saturday, August 31, 2013

#illNeverDateAPersonWho - What Is Your Number One Relationship Deal Breaker?

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Love me, love my dog? Many of us know what we want in those we date, and when those things are missing, we'll either run far away from the potential suitor or relegate them to the friendzone like in the picture. Those on twitter decided to weigh in on the issue and there are many gems. Cheating is high on the list, breaking promises, sharing the same likes and dislikes, looks, etc. What is yours?

Friday, August 30, 2013

Would You Use Sex as a Bargaining Chip?

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By Eky Shirley

Is SEX a Bargaining Chip????

Every couple, even those with marriages or relationships made in heaven, have their moments of disagreement. Sometimes, it could get really messy. Some people have been known to turn their backs to 'hubby' or 'wifey' when they reached out for them after 'lights out'; because they were upset. Some have been known to hold out on having sex with their mates, till they get what they want, have their requests met, etc.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

You Didn't Tell Me Marriage Would Be Like This - Part 1

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There are very few times in life when someone will say to another person “Ah… ah, you didn’t tell me!” with a real look of semi-betrayal and wonder at the fact that they were left to figure this out themselves.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Her Marriage Lasted Only 2 Days - Did This Wife Make the Right Decision to Leave?

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When you're in the crowd where two people say their "I dos", the assumption is that they must have known each other well enough, possible dated or courted for several months at least, discussed all the issues and topics that may impact their relationship, and have agreed to take each other, warts and all.

This is not always the case however, as this witness to a marriage that lasted two days shared on this FB Page. His testimony;

Mehnnn things are happening ooo! A marriage that lasted for 2days and both went seperate ways.the husband after the wedding on saturday @ night asked the wife to change her sim card and close all her accounts on any social network she operates.the wife felt that if the husband acted due to lack of trust,then there was no points marrying her in the first place.all efforts to make them see reason fell on deaf ears,even the pastor who joined dem was called to rescue the marriage but could'nt succeed.the wife said she could not stay in a marriage where there is no trust so she packed her belongings and left.What a World!!!

Was the wife right to have taken this decision? Why did the husband wait till after the marriage to state how seriously her social media activities bothered him? What is even more worrisome is that some people, a lot actually, believe the wife was wrong, and heap ALL the blame on her head. Seriously?

A Male Commenter - See how westernization & modern life is destroying girls in africa. In Africa, women are to totally submissive to men, that was why u hardly hear of divorce during our forefathres, but now, women place westernization above marriage. If the story is virtually real, the lady in question is not marriageable. She should have simply done wht the husband requires of her then later find reasons to convince her man on why she wants to keep the social network. Its only weak ladies that cannot convince a man. Men are equally soft minded but always insist on them being respect at all time. A women argues her husband bcos she lack power to melt the heart of her husband. This is one big factor that leads to fatal breakup. That lady made a big mistake cos the man has the right to ask her to shutdown her social network on reasonable grounds. Marriage is never a joke & a girl that allows such reason to marr her marriage is a fool.

 Please, these marriage from hell stories are getting too much, let's discuss.