Saturday, August 31, 2013

Grieving Husband, 96, Writes Song for His Late Wife - They Were Together 75 Years

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If you don't like crying or have no heart for love or romance, this video and story may not be for you. The video is a short documentary about Fred Stoubaugh, 96, who lost his wife Lorraine earlier this year. They had been married just short of 73 years, but had been together for 75 years - dated two years before marriage.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Dr Sid Proposes to Simi Osomo in Venice #Andshesaidyes!

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#Andshesaidyes! !! #lovemine #thankyouvenice
Well, the European jaunt was for a reason after all. The romantic 7 days vacation through London, Paris, and Italy culminated in a Venice proposal - that original city of lovers. Dr Sid proposed to Simi Osomo, "Andshesaidyes!"

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Bachelorette Ends With a Second Best Proposal

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The Bachelorette TV show ended last Monday with a proposal and an accepted ring, but I wasn't too thrilled with the two-part finale. In the first part of the finale, the bachelorette, Desiree Hartsock, cried her eyes out when one of her two final guys decided he would leave the show because he wasn't in love with her. In her acceptance speech to the final guy, Chris Siegfried, she even refers to it, saying;

Monday, June 10, 2013

Jennifer Eliogu – Ifunanya : Romance Meets Music

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This is honestly one of the best songs I've heard come out of Nigeria in recent times. Her first single, You and I gave a sample of what her sound is - highlife with a hint of R&B - but in this song, she comes into her own, both lyrically and vocally. I love this, and will buy a CD when it becomes available.

Monday, March 4, 2013

My Top 11 Relationship Posts of 2012

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Today I'm sharing my top 11 relationship posts of 2012. Some of them are my personal favorites, from how to know when you're in love, love languages, how to express love to your wife, ho to get your African husband kissing and more. For my readers from long time, enjoy the stroll down memory lane. For newer reader, thanks for joining us, and stick around.

1. L is for Love - Wait a minute though, what is love? How will you describe love? Is it a feeling or an action? Is it to love or to be in love? Can one do without love? A cool love or a fast love? Which is the better love? Find the answers here.

2. How to Show Nigerian Love - Our love is not of short-lived flowers and long meaningless walks in the park. As a person dedicated to your hustle, I have undertaken to provide wisdom that will protect you from falling into such heresies. This was written by Elnathan John.

3. How to get my husband to love kissing - Please how can i get my husband to love kissing and engage in it. I love kissing and its one thing that turns me on for love making. I practically compels him to kiss me every time and we only manage to lip-lock for about 30 secs or less. This was a Dear Myne post and we got loads of informative responses.

4. 9 Ways to Know When you're in Love - There are some people you meet and you just know they’re a fantasy or fancy which will fade even the next day. And there are those that tug at your heart and you begin to wonder, could they be THE ONE? The truth is that if we’re not sure about this, whether deciding to allow a friendship develop into something more or taking the decision to get married, we could be making the mistake of a lifetime. These are some of the pointers I came up with to recognize that special person.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

32 Sweet Classic Love Songs For Valentine's Day

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I know there are millions of love songs, even more than there are romantic movies, so you can understand how difficult this was to collate. I had some that I will never forget, my top 10 favorites but  I wanted a list more diverse, with both old and new songs, but all sweet.

I say sweet because there are different kinds of love songs, break-up songs, sexy love songs [called baby making songs], danceable love songs for weddings and love song rock.

My preference in love songs is slow and sweet ballads, and in the list below, I've tried to include all the artistes whose songs have touched me along the years. For some of them, it was really hard selecting which of their tracks to include, especially for some of them that specialize in love songs and ballads. Still, I'm happy with this list, and will play any of these songs any day and any time. Enjoy!

Friday, February 8, 2013

40 Romantic Movies For Your Valentine

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Valentine’s day is practically just days away and love in the air any way we turn. We have been discussing things to do this Valentine, and one way that we both enjoy is to watch movies. While there's one we want to catch at the cinema the weekend after, we can also relax at home that evening with some oldies but goodies.

When I started thinking about romantic movies, I realised how many I'd need to go through to decide. My head seems filled with movie titles, and it's possible I've seen over a thousand! From romantic comedies to tear jerkers, Nollywood to Bollywood, Animations to Drama, Classic to Modern, I've seen them all. Okay Most of them.

Below are some I can remember right off the cuff, starting with the first two romantic movies I probably ever saw.

The Sound of Music

The King & I

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Transatlantic Sweethearts by TJ Benson

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"I’am standing on the Nicon Hilton hotel now, on top of the parapet roof overlooking Abuja skyline…” Stephanie Nwuba babbled hurriedly fighting the chill that came with increase in altitude as she looked for the best position to place the mobile phone on her hand. She had just closed from work and was hence wearing only a silk purple blouse and a skirt, no match for the lingering harmattan cold. “Where are you?”

“I’m on the top of the Chrysler building…” came the muffled male voice on the other end of the line. “I’m guessing you just came back from work?”

“How did you know?” she squealed. “You’re not back are you?”

“No!” he chuckles. “Its to 12 over here and since the time difference between Nigeria and Newyork is 6 hours, I guessed it would be about 6…right?”

Thursday, November 22, 2012

How to Have a Lasting Online Romance

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This is another Search #1 keyword that bring people to this blog. I personally met Atala online and we made it thus far, and I know of several other success stories. The major advantage of online romance is the privacy, and safety it provides. You don’t need to expose everything about you immediately.

Stuff like your telephone number, address, where you work and family details can and should be kept under wraps for a while. It is only when you trust the other person more that you can decide how open to be.

Online romance gives you the control, you can decide when and how to reveal any type of information. You can also completely back off at any time, if you feel like something is going wrong or the other person is not who they say they are. Changing your email addresses, or blocking a chat buddy or access to your FB or twitter profile, is much easier than keeping someone out of your physical space.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Romantic Names in Nigerian Languages - Please Translate

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Some of you may remember this post on Nigerian love and romantic names that I did sometime ago. It remains quite popular through search and I get regular emails or comments on it. Once came in recently and she needs our help. I am out of my depth in Yoruba and even my Igbo has its limits. I know my treasure in Igbo is akum and my peace is udom, white flower would be ododo ocha. Over to you language experts :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Golden Couple - Jaqueline Carvalho and Murilo Endres

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The MVP Brazilian volleyball player Jacqueline Carvalho won gold for her country at the 2008 Olympics and also at the 2012 London Olympics. She got my attention when it was mentioned in the commentary as the game went on that her husband, Murilo Endres, was also on the male volleyball team for Brazil. I'm just watching the male volleyball finals for gold and Brazil is leading Russia. All the best to him. I also googled them and found they have a sweet love story...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Love at the Olympics - Michael Phelps Debuts Girlfriend

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Rossee tweeted this picture of her holding Phelps' arm as he shows off his London 2012 medals

Michael Phelps recently made history at the current Olympics as the athlete with the most medals including double the gold of any Olympian. The American swimmer won four gold medals and two silver medals in London, making a total of 22 Olympics medals he won throughout his career of just over 10 years and 3 Olympics.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Dear Myne - Am I Money Conscious For Wanting To Wait?

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Hello Myne, How's it going? I'm actually in a dilemma. My boyfriend asked me to marry him but i'm not in the country at the moment. He wants me to come meet his people and do an introduction after which i can go back to school and the traditional marriage rites can be done in my absence.I'm in my early twenties. I should be ecstatic, right? The love of my life wants to spend the rest of his life with me. I am but there is a clause. My boyfriend isn't financially buoyant.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Why Will You Forgive A Woman Who Cheats?

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"I'm deeply sorry for the hurt and embarrassment I've caused to those close to me and everyone this has affected. This momentary indiscretion has jeopardized the most important thing in my life, the person I love and respect the most, Rob. I love him, I love him, I'm so sorry."

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

When Knowing You're Loved Is Not Enough - Tobi Atte

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It starts…without us even thinking much. We find ourselves acting like we are more hurt than we really are when they make a mistake, we get a bit more careless with our negative emotions and habits, and we silently dare our significant others to deal with it because they have no choice…we enter a fight knowing we are partly at fault but we put our significant others in a position where they are the ones saying “I’m sorry”. We don’t even realize when these thoughts pop in and how we make these decisions. All we know is how we feel and that we don’t feel loved.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dear Myne, I love my Ex enough to be his Second Wife

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Please read this to the end before you comment. Thanks!

Dear Myne, i have been enjoying ur blog for a while now. Its like talking to u in person really. Recently, i read where u urged readers to write u about issues concerning relationship that are not working out for them, to seek advice. I wanted to write for a long time but i always hold back. Afraid, yes, i am. I tried to mail my story to u but it always comes back. So i used the facebook page, a risk i wanted to take cos i want ur advice seriously.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

See Your Own Posts On Romance Meets Life

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Do you have any love or relationship issue you're working through, and you want some input from some neutral people? I get these requests sometimes, and now I'm putting it out there in the open. Send an email to me ( with the subject Dear Myne with details of the situation to help my readers discuss it and proffer suggestions and advice. You can be anonymous or you can say who you are, it's all up to you. I'm no psychologist, but maybe you'll get some clarity from the comments, and if asked, I will give a personal reply from my little experience.

Write For RML -  if you have some articles, an opinion on the news, or any dating/romance topic, please feel free to send it, as well as personal stories of how romance meets your life, including your real love stories and tips on marriage. Where not sure of how to start or what to write, send me an initial inquiry and I will reply with more direct details. To be featured in the marriage avowals, there is a set pattern to the posts. Send me a request with the subject, Marriage Avowals, to receive the interview questions.