Friday, August 10, 2012

A Reader Responds - Who Says Infidelity is Bad?

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Apart from the regular Dear Myne's, I get a lot of responses to my posts from readers of this blog, especially those who subscribe to receive it in their inbox. However, this response was so detailed I requested from the sender to post it here. She thinks I was being subjective in terming infidelity bad and promiscuity as reprehensible, since life is about different strokes for different folks. Well, read the response...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

When Does a Relationship Actually Begin?

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So we’re all familiar with the idea of the wedding. You know, the grand ceremony where a couple avow their intention to remain married to each other for better for worse, for richer for poorer, for fairer or uglier, and so on, before friends, family and the whole world. It’s such a public declaration that there can be no doubt in anyone’s mind as to when exactly the marriage started.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Love at the Olympics - Michael Phelps Debuts Girlfriend

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Rossee tweeted this picture of her holding Phelps' arm as he shows off his London 2012 medals

Michael Phelps recently made history at the current Olympics as the athlete with the most medals including double the gold of any Olympian. The American swimmer won four gold medals and two silver medals in London, making a total of 22 Olympics medals he won throughout his career of just over 10 years and 3 Olympics.

Teju Babyface and Tobi Banjoko - Real Love Story

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Teju Babyface and Tobi Banjoko

Some of us have the notion that when a man and a woman get together, it is usually the woman who may have cajoled the man into the marriage. But that is not always true, men are real people - with their own needs and emotions - and often they are the ones who seek and find the woman after their heart. However, it is not often that we get a candid insight from a man who is married or about to get married.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Will You Marry A Man You Know Is Cheating?

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When Evelyn Lozada was asked sometime ago about her fiance Ochocinco cheating on her, she said "I care. I’m not going to say that I don’t care, but I’m not going to stress myself to a point that I’m trying to do everything to stop him. Listen, if you want to go and f-ck then whatever, like I’m 36. I’m not trying to stress about that sh-t. It is what it is and I truly feel like a man is going to do what he wants to do no matter what you do." They are now married.

Will you marry a cheating boyfriend?

No fronting o, I know some ladies who have done and continue to. Feel free to go anonymous and state why you married or would marry such a man.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Dear Myne - Am I Money Conscious For Wanting To Wait?

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Hello Myne, How's it going? I'm actually in a dilemma. My boyfriend asked me to marry him but i'm not in the country at the moment. He wants me to come meet his people and do an introduction after which i can go back to school and the traditional marriage rites can be done in my absence.I'm in my early twenties. I should be ecstatic, right? The love of my life wants to spend the rest of his life with me. I am but there is a clause. My boyfriend isn't financially buoyant.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Going For Gold - The Williams Sisters and Gabby Douglas

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At this stage, I think I am beginning to come to terms with Nigeria's lacklustre performance at the Olympics. It might even be possible that the country gets no medals at all at the end of the day. It's not over though, but in the meantime, I'll be celebrating some of my favorite golden girls!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

At the Newseum in Washington DC - Weekend Pictures

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As a blogger, you can imagine that I was very interested in the new media section of the Newseum in Washington DC during our last trip. Another section I liked was the front pages from different countries and cities of the world. The section on 9/11 made me cry with the audio/visual showcase, may the souls of those who died rest in peace. Enjoy the pics...

Seyi Shay - Loving Your Way : Romance Meets Music

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According to FlytimeNigeria, Seyi was first signed in 2005 with Sir George Martin the resident producer to The Beatles; she wrote You Will See, in the Album Beautiful Intentions, for former Spice Girl; Mel B, and with Mathew Knowles as her manager, she appeared on the reality television show, "Breaking From Above" on Nick and MTV Networks. Loving Your Way is her solo debut video.

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Fresh Scent of Tide Plus Bleach Alternative

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Around these parts, Atala is one in charge of laundry. He decides on the detergents to use and sorts and loads the clothes in the washer. I sometimes help to unload, put in the dryer, fold away, that sort of thing. I couldn't help noticing when some weeks ago when I was folding some of my light-colored clothes that they looked brighter and so I asked. Turns out, he picked up a new detergent for the light colors since our supermarket had run out of our usual brand. The new one was the Tide Plus Bleach Alternative.