Monday, July 15, 2013

Short Story - Still Being Played By The Madam

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“Wait Wait.” My husband picks up his phone. “Mrs. Bamidele is calling,” he said still looking at the screen.
I start kissing his ear and trail it down to his neck just the way I know he likes it. “Tell her you’ll meet with her tomorrow, today is our day, now?” I whine as he starts to get up from the sofa.
“Babe you know I have to go!”

Skip the Chemicals, and Make Your Own All Natural Sunscreen

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By Michelle Pino

Summer is a time when the sun's rays are more direct, and people typically pursue more outdoor activities to take advantage of the extra hours of sunlight. However, increased sun exposure means a greater need for sunblock. Most commercial sunblocks contain active ingredients that are present in two forms: mineral and chemical filters. Each type of filtering ingredient uses a different mechanism by which the skin is protected from the sun's UV rays, and the product remains stable in the sunlight.

Winning Image At Job Interviews - How To Dress For An Interview

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In a professional’s life, no other time requires your image to be at the spotless best than while attending an interview. Due to the limited time available to make an assessment and the need to come to a fair conclusion, all areas of your image are scrutinized, quickly and thoroughly along with your competences: your appearance, speech, comportment, even your social media image.

Kindle Fire or $199 Giveaway International - Summer 2013

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Kindle Summer

Do you love reading, do you want a free Kindle fire or $199? Bloggers and Authors have joined together and each chipped in a little money towards giving away a Kindle Fire HD 7". 1 winner will receive their choice of a Kindle Fire 7" HD (US Only), $199 Amazon Gift Card or $199 in Paypal Cash (International).

Physically Yours by Nnenna Marcia - Guest Author

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Nnenna Marcia writes under a pseudonym and is anonymous also. This may be credited to the fact that her first love in writing is erotica, and she is a proper Nigerian woman. Or it could just be that Nnenna wants to keep her personal life private for now. Her first book, Physically, Yours, was recently published, and she shared some tidbits about herself in the interview below. BTW, one lucky commenter will get a PDF copy of the book.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Zimmerman Not Guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin, but he's not innocent

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I love law, I love order. I am a fan of the usually dependable American criminal justice system, and my trust in the system has not changed. However, I'll be lying if I say I'm not disappointed at the outcome of the Zimmerman trial on the murder of Trayvon Martin. From the jury that was selected, and the fact that Zimmerman seemed to have more and better coached witnesses, it looked like it may come to this "Not Guilty" verdict.

The Beverly Osu Episode With Angelo Had a General Showing?

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If I start a new hashtag #nigeriansboycottBBA on Twitter and Facebook, will it go viral? I just read from Eya who watches the Big Brother Show from Nigeria and she writes that the manual intercourse between Beverly Osu and Angelo from South Africa which seem to have angered lots of Nigerians at home and abroad was on general viewing.

The Wife Material Syndrome - Cooking, Cleaning, No Clubbing?

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In this episode of her vlog series, Toke Makinwa talks about the "wife material syndrome" - women who think they have to behave in very specific ways before the man they're dating will propose. She uses the more common "domestic and homely" examples like cooking, cleaning, and no-clubbing which some Nigerian men and women seem to think is the be all and end all of what makes a woman a wife. Watch and share your thoughts.

Dear Myne - My Girlfriend Lacks Interesting Conversation

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I am a regular reader of your blog and I find a lot of your musings very interesting. I have been dating this girl for about a year now and I can say she has the ideal personality for a wife that any man would want, especially as an African. She can cook, she is hardworking, not obsessed with material things and very respectful. My parents have met her once and they like her a lot. My only problem with her is that she is not as intellectually driven as much as I am.

Cheesy But True - 10 Ways To Know Someone is Interested in You

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In romance novels or movies, they are considered cliche, but the truth is that just as art imitates life, life also imitates art. I have personally experienced a lot of these behaviors from those who were interested in me, and the stories abound from friends who ended up married to those same people who exhibited some of the following ways of showing when you're interested in someone. These are;