Wednesday, January 30, 2013

2013 Superbowl Promo and Commercials

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Beyonce is leading the charge for this years superbowl commercials and that's her promo picture. Last year's Super Bowl halftime show drew an estimated 4 million viewers in addition to the almost 110 million people that watched the game itself! That’s right: nearly four million more people tuned in to watch Madonna perform. This year, mega-superstar singer Beyoncé Knowles will be headlining the halftime show.

Like I confessed in my superbowl commercial post last year, I do not follow American football, nor do I watch the superbowl, but since moving to the US, I've gone from complete ignorance, to at least knowing what it's all about. And the major thing I like about the whole media blitz that comes along with the finals is the ad segment. Below are some of my favorite ads out so far for the 2013 Superbowl.

Where do babies come from? Space, or so says Daddy.

What will happen if Megan Fox tweets a naked picture of herself?

Will you have to sign a contract with the devil for your soul to get your hands on this new Mercedes?

Who do you call when you need a house, even at your wedding?

Think you have an original idea that you're yet to register online? Someone is already living the high life on that.

Which ones do you like?


  1. LOOOOOL You just made my night..I like the first and last

  2. *laughing* the first o

  3. I love the first one, so funny!

  4. Beyonce doesn't look so good in that ad, glamor shots suit her better.


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