Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Vacation Time - Stephanie and Linus Idahosa Tour Europe

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Summer time is vacation time. Stephanie Linus and her husband are currently making their way across some countries in Europe including Malta, Paris, UK, etc.  She's taking in the blue skies and blue seas, going sailing, and just generally enjoying time out with her hubby.

One may not need to go the luxury route or take in more than one city or country at a time, one can even decide to go back to their roots, aka their villages and home towns, but taking time off and relaxing in a new environment can add years to one's life. That all important work-life balance.

Off sailing aweeeee!!!!!

Hottttttt and sunny Malta! Can't complain.

Beau's squeeze! Enroute #Malta #Paris #uk. ....#europetravel #sl #styletravel

Lovin'the blue sky.

1 comment:

  1. Lord hear my prayers. Do for me so that I can be living the life like this.


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