Friday, August 15, 2014

Beyonce Under Fire For Photoshop Fail

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When Beyonce shared the photo above, it quickly went viral but for all the wrong reasons. You see, someone had noticed that the phone, couch and the wine glass in the image look kinda warped and they concluded that could only have happened in the photoshop process to make her thighs look slimmer.

It is possible that Beyonce used one of the widely available photo editing apps but the job wasn’t well done and that is why it's so obvious, but many are asking why she feels the need.

Some months go, Beyonce had also been slammed for altering her thighs to put in a gap as seen in the picture below...

Friday, June 27, 2014

A Typical Traditional Marriage List In Igboland - True or False?

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When I shared a bride price list last year here, I felt it was a bit on the moderate side since some of the items were like N200 and none cost more than N5,000. This is another Igbo traditional marriage list I just saw and the person that shared it said it was the typical list in all of Igboland.

I beg to disagree o, some of the exorbitiant quotes and included gifts brought tears to my eyes. I've never seen such a list before. I'm sure even the elders of the Brideprice app [here] haven't seen it before either.

Which part of Igboland does this list belong to? I think the ladies from that area need to boycott traditional weddings. Period! Unless all of them can find and marry billionaires like Dangote, of course.

Check it out below...

Monday, April 28, 2014

Domestic Monitoring Spirits by BabaWilly

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What is monitoring? Safe guarding the common and valuable asset. A suspicious inclination that when fully formed never leaves you. You might call it being street wise, due diligence, or not being naïve but it is plain old paranoia. Your fellow man might stab you in the back so we monitor our brethren. We cannot be ‘dull’ we tell ourselves. Suspicion is expedient. We call it a healthy vigilance.

Monday, March 10, 2014

HelloFood Launches Apps For Wider Food Delivery In Nigeria

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While in Lagos setting up NS Publishing, I was a very busy bunny. I worked very long days, and most of the time, I was out of the office and on the road. My eating habits made something like full about turn from being in my own home and cooking for myself.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Got an STD? How To Anonymously Alert Your Sex Partner

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By Toni Sims

Need to notify your lover that they should get tested for a sexually transmitted disease (STD)? Well, send them an anonymous message! Yep, that’s right, you heard me.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Cordial Invitation - NS Publishing Launches 14 Titles as it Hits The Market

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Hello All (Bloggers, Readers and Friends)


NS Publishing Limited in collaboration with the British Council is pleased to invite you to the launch of our branded Naija Stories fiction books. There will be 14 titles premiered on that day, 10 of which are collections of short stories from our highly popular website,

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Future Awards And Its Misrepresentation Of The Nigerian Youth By Gimba Kakanda

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By Gimba Kakanda

"I have absolute confidence in the strength and ability of the Nigerian youth. All over the world, the Nigerian youth is a newsmaker, known for exhibiting talent, using his brain either to redeem or to reduce whichever system he is in. The Nigerian youth, despite having bad role models, has defied setbacks and limitations to climb up the ladder of excellence. This is why I am among the many upset by the misrepresentation of their achievements by the sham called "The Future Awards" – an award which was designed to highlight these achievements, but has been reduced to rewarding the ‘efforts’ of the organisers and their friends and friends of their friends!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Introducing the Naija Stories Line of Books and Short Story Collections From NS Publishing Ltd

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Please forgive me if it seems I've not been consistent with RML, this is what I've been doing for the past two months. The business is now up and running and our products are out there! I'm tired, excited, raring to go, scared, a mixture of all these feelings and more. But I know the only way is up!

More details are coming soon, till then, below is our press release and I'd be very grateful if you can republish and share on your blogs, facebook, twitter, newsletters and more. Thank you!

Monday, August 19, 2013

[Women Online] Seyi Obasi at Realities of Life

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I am Seyi Obasi, a wife, mother and career woman. My blog is called ‘The Realities of Life’ and it’s in the self-improvement niche. We write very frankly and honestly about the real issues and challenges that every Nigerian faces in trying to live a successful life, in trying to break through the limiting barriers and in trying to improve their relationships and marriages.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Throwback Thursday - The Von Trapps of Sound of Music

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The Von Trapps

If you grew up in the eighties in Nigeria, you probably watched the Sound of Music a gazillion times as a kid. Just like I did. If it wasn't the TV stations showing it every weekend, your family probably also had a VHS that was the default kids time video to watch. It is still one of my top ten movies of all time.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Between Boston and Boko Haram

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I live in America, I am Nigerian. Chimamanda called it this thing around an immigrant/emigrant's neck, and it manifests in different ways. This blog has a focus on relationships, but I also try to keep updated on politics and current affairs, and I report some of them here. I wrote a several pieces on the Boston bombings here, it was scary, it was closer to home, and the news was full with it.

A few days later, I heard of the over hundred people killed north of Maiduguri and followed as the government and JTF bandied words like over-exaggerated around about the number of people the red cross and eye witnesses reported dead. But there was just a couple of articles on the Nigerian newspaper apps I have on my phone, and by the next day, other news has taken the front page. I also moved on.

This article on the Daily Beast got me thinking, though it is directed at American, I think maybe we Nigerians, and can I say those living in the country especially, have a lot to ponder on. Are Nigerians second class citizens in their own country where local papers give more column inches to American news than to home grown incidents? Food for thought.

Pity Boston, Ignore Nigeria: The Limits of Compassion by Janine di Giovanni

No one would ever argue that the bombing in Boston was not horrific. But there was something uncomfortable in the obsessive global news coverage, of the bottleneck of journalists flying into Logan Airport struggling to find the smallest remnant of some new detail to report. Was it the suggestion, subtly transmitted, that America is the center of the universe?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

20 Signs You Are Not over Your Ex

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1. You Dwell on His Every Facebook Status
Do you constantly stalk his Facebook page just hoping for a status update about you? This is absolutely one of the first signs you are not over your ex. With all of the social media tools out there, it’s easy to see where your ex has been and is headed, it’s also easy to see what he is feeling, especially if he is the type to put it all over Facebook.

2. You Stalk His Twitter
Maybe your ex is trying to take a step back from Facebook and moves over to Twitter. Do you constantly find yourself stalking his Twitter account? This is another sign you are not over your ex. Put the mouse down ladies and let him live his life!

3. You Show up Wherever He Checks in
FourSquare is definitely one of my favorite apps, but it’s also pretty dangerous – especially if your ex is the type to check in everywhere. Do you watch where he checks in and then just show up? That’s one of the top signs you are not over your ex and that you’re trying to just win him back!

4. You Still Have Pictures of You Two up
Do you still have pictures all over your Facebook and all over your apartment of the two of you? This is absolutely one of the signs you are not over your ex ladies. When you break up with someone, you shouldn’t have pictures of them all over still, after all, why would you want those memories?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Pictures of Some Foods I Cook

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Sometimes I cook. I usually cook enough to last a couple of meals or more. Sometimes I remember to take pictures, but usually at the end of everything. And having thought about blogging about home cooking, I have found that I may never like to take pictures step by step. I don't think I'll make a good tutorial blogger, but I'm working on better camera skills to back up recipe posts, coming your way soon. Below are some so-so pictures of food I cook. The bigger images are below these small ones:)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Review of the Samsung Galaxy S3

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Who remembers this post asking about the Galaxy SIII or the Galaxy Note? So I got to the AT&T store and the rep and I hashed it all out about what I liked about each of the phones and what he didn't like about each of them. I've now had my Galaxy SIII for about two months and I want to share my experience of the phone with others who may be thinking of getting it. My first smartphone was a BlackBerry which I used for over 2 years so my review will be based off of that.

The main thing I like about my SIII is that it is so slim and very light compared to my BB Torch which was quite bulky and heavy. The next up is the screen size, which is amazing. I thought the Torch was big, this is an eye-opener, I browse on it so comfortably and can do almost everything including blogging and the accompanying rounds and comments. My laptop has definitely been getting more rest than it's ever had.

Also, the video playback quality are excellent. The first time I watched a Youtube video, I was like, wow! The crisp sound and image quality blew me away. I never thought phones could play video, and I couldn't understand when people talked about watching TV or movies on their phone. I never tried it on the BB. I was also surprised that video didn't gulp as much data as I feared.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Smartphone Apps to Help Block Problem Contacts

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Last week, I posted the story of the over-clingy Ex who flooded her boyfriend's phone with phone calls and text messages thereby driving the new girlfriend crazy. Some comments mentioned ways to block numbers and I went looking and I found some smartphone apps that would allow one to do that independent of who your network providers are.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Worldreader Demos A Heart to Mend in new Book App

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Worldreader is a charity whose mission is to make digital books available to all in the developing world, enabling millions of people to improve their lives. First focusing on distributing Kindle e-readers to rural schools in some African countries, Worldreader is now moving into providing reading content to feature phones through the BiNu phone app.

Worldreader also partners with authors to make international books available to those who use their apps and readers and that is where I work with them. I have accepted to make my books accessible to the Worldreader audience for free. In the video above, Elizabeth is demoing the BiNu app, and you can see how A Heart to Mend appears on it. I hope those who read it enjoy!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Kindle Fire Giveaway - US Only

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Are you ready to Ignite the Fire? 7 on a Shoestring and Adventures of a Military Family of 8 are co-hosting this great event and I have teamed up with them and 27 other bloggers to bring you this Kindle Fire Giveaway. With movies, apps, games, music, reading and more, the Kindle Fire is the hottest e-reader available and you could win it here!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Americans love the British Accent

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Yesterday, Youtube was offering these new and free apps to make animated videos. In a moment of procrastination, I logged on and whiled away about thirty minutes to make the one below. Who else has noticed how much Americans love the British accent?

For the video, you get to choose your set, the actors, and most importantly your script (screen play and story). It was fun making it. I had like four takes before I got this version that I was happy with.

What do you think?