Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Parents Announce Son's Sex Change In Birth Section Of Newspaper

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Two US Parents have taken out paid advertising in the births section of their local newspaper to publish a retraction of an earlier annoucement. The earlier classified ad in 1995 had announced the birth of their daughter. This one is to inform the general public that she is now male.

Yolanda Bogert and Guy Kershaw say the ad is to show their son, who has chosen the name, Kai, that they support his decision and will continue to love him no matter what.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Jude Dibia Speaks On Being Gay In Nigeria, Walking With Shadows, And Choosing Exile

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Nigerian writer, Jude Dibia, wrote the first book in Nigeria to deal openly and honestly about how gay people live real lives in Nigeria. He says bookstores in Nigeria refused to sell the book, but through word of mouth it became his best-selling novel.

After he received death threats following Nigeria’s anti-gay laws, Jude Dibia has been forced to leave the country and now lives in the United States. In a recent interview with Voice of Africa, Dibia speaks about being gay in Nigeria, an unfunny experience that leads many to fake lives.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Duggars Criticized For Deleting Photos of Kissing Gay Couples From Their Facebook Page

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After their daughter Jessa Duggar and new husband Ben Seewald got some backlash for posting a racy kiss pic on their Instagram, 19 Kids & Counting parents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, shared their kiss at the wedding and called for other married couples to share theirs too to show there's nothing wrong with love and sex in marriage.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Nigeria Is Third Highest Country That Googles Gay Sex Pics The Most

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Ahead of countries like the USA that have higher internet penetration and use, Nigeria has turned out to be the 3rd highest country that Googles gay sex pictures the most. For such a homophobic country as ours, I wonder what those searching are looking to see?

Friday, October 31, 2014

Chichi Igbo Reacts to Hateful Meme Labelling Her A Dyke

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Nigeria is one of the homophobic countries in the world. In addition to the national assembly passing a bill making it illegal for homosexual relationships, and the president signing it into law, even individual Nigerians go as far as cyber bulling gays, both known and unknown.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

CEO of Apple Tim Cook, Says He's Proud To Be Gay

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CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, has finally opened up about his sexuality, saying that he is "proud to be gay"in an article for the Bloomberg Businessweek.

Tim Cook wrote that he decided to come out in an effort to try to help people struggling with their  own sexual identity. He maintained that he has been always been open about being gay, but preferred not to announce it publicly until now.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sex With 20 Different Women May Protect Men From Prostrate Cancer - Research

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A lot of promiscous men will be happy to hear that men who sleep with several different women are less likely to develop prostrate cancer, the magic number being 20.

The results of a new research suggests that men who have had 20 sexual partners and above reduced their risk of prostate cancer by almost a third, and  their chances of getting the most aggressive tumors were also slashed by 19 per cent.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Cartoon Network Censors First Gay Kiss - [Watch]

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Cartoon Network has drawn some controversy after they aired what’s believed to be its first openly gay couple on one of the network series, Clarence.

The writer of the show said that in the episode titled “Neighborhood Grill,” the two men who met for a date and proceeded to kiss on the cheeks was actually written to be a kiss on the lips. That kiss was censored by the network.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Mary and Vertasha Carter - Mother and Daughter In Lesbian Relationship - Hoax!

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Mary and Vertasha Carter are mother and daughter, and also lesbian lovers. They even have a Twitter page where they describe themselves as "the first openly African-American mother and daughter Lesbian couple."

They have been tweeting other LGBT people to get support for their unique niche.

I wanted to rule this off as made-up news, or a hoax from a satire website, but after checking for the picture and not finding it, this seems so real. Truly, I just can't wrap my head around this.

According to which first broke the news, Mary Carter said:

“Vertasha and I knew we were attracted to each other when she was sixteen. But we decided to wait to have sex until she was eighteen, legally of age. We are now going public with our relationship to help others who might be in gay mother/daughter relationship feel confident and okay about coming out. We want the world to know we love each other as mother and daughter and romantically.”

Samira Wiley's Lesbian Lover Discovered She's Gay While Writing Orange Is The New Black

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Lauren Morelli has known her ex-husband for six years and they had been married five months before she realized she was gay. This happened last year, after she started writing for the award-winning TV show, Orange is the New Black.

The 31-year-old came to this realization after writing about the main characters of the show and their tumultous but lovingly realistic lesbian relationships. She says,

‘In Piper and Alex, I’d found a mouthpiece for my own desires and a glimmer of what my future could look like.’ And she also I realized I was gay in fall 2012, one of my first days on the set.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Judge Says Incest May No Longer Be Taboo, Compares It to Homosexuality

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A judge in Australia has been criticised after saying incest may no longer be a taboo and that the community may now accept consensual sex between adult siblings.

Judge Garry Neilson, from the district court in the state of New South Wales, likened incest to homosexuality, which was once regarded as criminal and "unnatural" but is now widely accepted.

He said incest was now only a crime because it may lead to abnormalities in offspring but this rationale was increasingly irrelevant because of the availability of contraception and abortion. According to the Telegraph, the judge said;

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Jennifer Hudson Speaks On Lesbian Rumors, Her Gay Fans And Playing Whitney Houston

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Jennifer Hudson, 32, says she doesn't care whether people think she's lesbian. This is in a reaction to public speculation on her sexuality which started more than 7 years ago.

The singer and actress, says in a recent interview that she faced scrutiny again after singing marriage equality anthem, "Same Love" with Macklemore and Mary Lambert at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards.
If someone ever questions or thinks that, I don't care what you think. It shouldn't matter. And I did get that! People were like, "Is Jennifer trying to tell us something?" Hey, I wasn't, but if you wanna think that, it's all right with me. When I got the call (to do that performance), I was like, "Oh my god, I definitely wanna do this. A powerful statement is being made and I wanna be a part of that."

Read JHud's take on the upcoming Lifetime biopic about Whitney Houston below, and some more exerpts from the interview...

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Elton John Says Jesus Christ Would See Nothing Wrong With Gay Marriage – Video

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Elton John and partner, David Furnish

Elton John, 67-year-old openly gay musician, has said in an interview with Sky News that if Jesus Christ were alive today, he would not see anything wrong in gay marriage.

The singer, one of the United Kingdom’s most renowned musicians, is best known for Candle in the Wind which is dedicated to the memory of Princess Diana. He is in a committed relationship with filmmaker David Furnish, and they have two sons together.

Elton John, discussed about supporting youths through sports and human rights, especially for gay people.

Friday, June 6, 2014

7 Bible Quotes In Support Of Gay Relationships Released By Youtube Activists

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After the news about R Kelly's Transguy daughter yesterday, I went searching for what the bible has to say about gays and transgenders. I found these bible quotes by LGBT activist Matthew Vines in a recent video with popular lesbian vlogger Arielle Scarcella.

Matthew is Christain and begins by saying; "Sexual orientation is a pretty new concept. Christians in the past tended to see same-sex behavior as a vice of excess like gluttony or drunkenness, not as a sexual orientation that can be expressed in loving, committed ways. So Christians don't have to reject their faith's tradition in order to accept same-sex relationships."

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Actor Jonah Hill Apologizes For Using Homophobic Slur Against Paparazzi

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Jonah Hill was shown in a video clip recently cussing out at a photographer with a homphobic slur. The actor has now told radio host Howard Stern that he lost his cool with the paparazzo and is really sad for using the "disgusting" word.

Celebrity gossip site TMZ early Tuesday morning released a video of the incident in which Hill tells a man following him to "Suck my d---, you f-----."

Monday, May 12, 2014

Michael Sam Congratulated By Obama as he Becomes The First Openly Gay Player in NFL

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Michael Sam, made history on Saturday when he got drafted into the NFL the first openly gay player in the history of the football league. Micheal Sam is an All-American defensive end who played for the University of Missouri, and was picked by the Rams in the seventh and final round, among the last 10 players selected.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

President Goodluck Jonathan: Don't Sign The Bill Criminalizing Same Sex Marriage and Gay Support Groups

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A Petition by Temi A - SIGN HERE

The Nigerian senate unanimously passed a bill that aims to not only ban same sex marriages, but also void marriages of that kind registered outside of Nigeria. Partners may face up to 14 years in prison if they get married or attempt to do so in Nigeria. Clauses within the bill also aim to ban groups, organisations and individuals that support homosexual people and their rights.

Monday, September 16, 2013

A Nigerian Post-Graduate Student Uses Basic Science To Prove Homosexuality And Gay Marriage Wrong?

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So a Nigerian made a scientific breakthrough over the weekend while I on a mini-break. According to the summary of his science research results as published by Thisday Live, a University of Lagos post-graduate student has used physics, chemistry, maths and biology to prove, without a doubt, that homosexuality is not proper and is physically impossible. Hear him,

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Pope Francis Says "Who am I to Judge" Gays?

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The comments made by Pope Francis about gay people reminded me of one of the questions I answered in a recent interview. In reply to a question about the bill signed by the Nigerian house of assembly making homosexuality illegal, I said it was about "a few influential people using their positions to try to force the rest of us to do what they like."

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Persecuted For Being Gay in Nigeria

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To add a "back home" feel and face to the DOMA discussion, allow me to share the story of Bisi Alimi, a Nigerian male homosexual who currently lives in the UK after being persecuted for appearing on live TV - New Dawn with Funmi Iyanda, back in 2004. Bisi currently lives with his partner, and cannot return to Nigeria.