Monday, January 20, 2014

The Principles of Courtship - How to Get What You Want [Part 2]

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By Dolly Singh

This is a continuation of the guidelines, [Part 1 HERE] for navigating personal and professional relationships. These Principles of Courtship can apply equally to both personal and professional endeavors. Whether you’re looking to land an amazing career opportunity, a key client, or that amazing friendship or relationship, following this basic set of principles will help you court the right opportunities, both in 2014 and beyond.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Principles of Courtship - How to Get What You Want [Part 1]

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By Dolly Singh

Have you ever known someone who seems to be able to get everything they want? The ones who seem to breeze through life effortlessly, making up their own rules as they go along, unaffected to the mundane realities of everyday life?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

5 Ways To Make and Keep Friends and Be Loved By Everyone

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Before applying the secret, ask yourself if and why you may want to be loved by everyone. The reality is that you are NOT going to be loved by everyone no matter how nice, beautiful or agreeable you are. That said: there is a secret to being loved by almost everyone.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Gerald Rogers on How to Heal A Broken Heart

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All of us have suffered brutal losses in our lives. No one is exempt from the pain of a broken heart.

For some it’s the death of a child, a family member or loved one. For some it’s the loss of an important relationship. For some it’s a brutal defeat or failure. For some it’s an accident or illness which steals ones health and with it all the hope and possibility of the future…

Friday, September 6, 2013

An Arranged Marriage At 17, Divorced By 31 - My Experience By Amara Blessing Nwosu

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I was reading further on teenage marriage and abuse in Nigeria and came across the story of Ms Amara Blessing-Nwosu who was made to go into early marriage for her father/ family considerations. She was married for 14 years, during which she had four children - two boys and two girls - but the marriage collapsed 5 years ago due to abuse. Amara is now a writer and relationship consultant, counseling young people on relationship and health issues, and managing an NGO, the Dorcas Generation Initiative.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Keep Believing, Keep Fighting, Keep Working Hard - Linda Ikeji

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There were many nuggets of inspiration in the online letter Linda Ikeji shared with her blog's readers yesterday. In the first part of the letter, she responded to critics, and assured her readers about stories they may have heard from those whom she may have offended, and whom may be peddling rumors about her.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

How Do You Have Passion For What You Do?

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By Gracie

At first I had wanted to become an international lawyer, then a banker and then later I had hoped to be a chartered accountant and had looked forward to it for a long time. To God be the glory, I am now a chartered accountant. Right now, I am restless; I just feel there is more to life than a 9-5 job. Yeah, a typical 9-5 job is a comfort zone in area of finances. You are guaranteed of getting paid every 30days. Still, no matter what, you are a visitor in your organization, not permanent guests.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Parents Have To Be Careful What They Say To Their Kids

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By Stupendous Grace in response to Funmi's One Woman's Experience Growing Up Dark-Skinned in Nigeria

Thanks Funmi for this; very true.

However, the truth is that the issues extend beyond just skin colour and weight. I was dark skinned, skinny and quite tall growing up ( I still am). The comments I heard from neighbours and teachers almost eroded my self esteem. They made me want to slouch every chance I got because I was ashamed to stand tall and be noticed.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My Mother Was OK With Me Bleaching My Skin

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By Anonymous

My mum has repeatedly told me that I'm "too dark". One day I even told her that I plan on bleaching my skin (of course I had no plans to, I just wanted to see her reaction) and I wasn't surprised that she was OK with it. When family members that haven't seen me since I was a baby (I was much lighter as a child) ask about me, she'd tell them how I took after my dad's side of the family in terms of complexion.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

11 Ways To Boost Self Esteem For Your Dark-Skinned Daughter

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The Oprah Winfrey Network asked two dozen African-American psychologists—student and professional members of The Association of Black Psychologists—to share their best advice for raising strong, confident girls. Below are some of their responses;

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Carpe Diem - Seize The Day!

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By Gracie

Many times in life, we are always waiting on some future events, some better times or some perfect set of circumstances before we can find happiness or contentment. We always try to rush things never trying to enjoy the process or stage we are in at any point in life. Life is a process; let’s learn to take things slowly.

6 Things You Should Never Say To Your Dark-Skinned Daughter

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OWN asked two dozen African-American psychologists—student and professional members of The Association of Black Psychologists—to answer the question, "What should you never say to your dark-skinned daughter?" Below is a curated list of the answers some of them gave in response. These words should not just be avoided with children, but adults also.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

One Man Writes An Open Letter To Women From Men

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Dear Women,

First of all, we're sorry. We're sorry that although we look like men, we often act like boys. We're not even sure what it means to be men anymore. As we grow up, we learn that to be happy is to be self-indulgent and self-centered. We try to make enough money so that we can have the right TV with the right video games in the right home. We want to date you and maybe even marry you but we are scared to focus on someone else instead of ourselves. Isn't it sad that we see committing to you as a potential threat to our happiness instead of a wonderful opportunity?

Monday, June 24, 2013

What's Her Dark Skin Got To Do With It?

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“Dark Girls,” is a documentary that explores the phenomenom of colorism among African-Americans. If I don't think Africans and African-Americans have the same degree of fixation about "good hair", when it comes to skin color, I doubt there's much of a difference. Nigeria has been noted as one of the countries with the highest incident of skin bleaching.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Do You Love Who You See in The Mirror?

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By Gracie

Do you love yourself? When u look into the mirror, do you really love what you see without always focusing on the flaws. The society will always throw negative comments; you’ve just got to be your own number one fan. People will always talk. They will always see a fault and magnify one tiny flaw for you. How worse it will be if you yourself are your own worst critic and even worse is when you now compare yourself with others.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Women - Stop Suffering in Silence and Love Yourself!

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By Souraya Christine

Ok ladies, I am here to give it to you straight. I’m singling you out from the men, because it seems that we are the ones who have the greatest problem with two major issues; one, suffering in silence and two, not loving ourselves first. Hopefully, we can change this pattern of thinking right here, right now.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

How Weight Loss May Affect Your Relationship

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I first noticed the effect intentional weight loss could have on couples in one episode of the Extreme Makeover - Weight Loss Edition, one of my favorite summer TV shows. Some of the people featured are married or in relationships and in most cases, their partners are very supportive, often times, joining them while at home and losing some weight themselves.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

9 Steps To Empowering Yourself As A Woman

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For most of us women, we have to struggle to discover ourselves and who we are in our personal circles and in society as a whole. Some books want us to act like ladies while thinking like men, others want us to be B*tches in order to get ahead. But at the end of the day, we are women and we just want to be ourselves. No shoes are as comfortable as the ones we choose for ourselves.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

30 Things Every Woman Should Know By the Time She Turns 30

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By Oluwaseyi Obasi

We already shared a post here on what every woman should have by the time she turns 30. However, in addition to what she should have, there are certain key things a woman should know by the time she turns 30. Below are 30 things she should know by the time she turns 30.