Friday, May 9, 2014

Elizabeth Raine, Medical Student Who Auctioned Her Virginity Backs Down

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‘Elizabeth Raine,’a 28-year-old medical school student who had been auctioning her virginity on a website she created anonymously and had received a high bid of $801,000 now says she won’t go ahead with having her first sex with the highest bidder.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Six Tips to Improve Your Sex Life With Your Spouse

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Dr. Laurence Levine, a urologist and CMO at Promescent, says that some of the most common reasons married couples have sex less is lack of stamina, time constraints, and dissatisfaction with quantity and quality of sex. These are also common causes for cheating and divorce. He gave us 6 tips on how to have a better sex life with your spouse and how to improve your marriage.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sex, Love and Abstinence - Episode 8 and 9 An African City

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In 'An Ode to Saturdays,' the five women live out their weekly Saturday routines on screen, with Makena in an interracial relationship with Matthew. Of course, nothing is ever as simple as it seems.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Weekend Medicine - Sex is Good For Pleasure and Can Cure Many Ailments Too

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Weekends are those glorious times of the week when we take care of those things we have pushed off — including, ahem, sex — during the week because of the pressure of work and also because of the need to wake up early and sleep late. Now that the weekend stares each of us in the face, it’s also necessary to have a rough idea of what we will do in order to stay focused, healthy and totally revved up to meet the demands of the new week.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Nigeria Listed Among Most Sexually Satisfied Countries - Men Last 24 Minutes

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In my last post and the RML current poll, I asked how long sex should last, and got some emails saying good sex can not just be about how long it takes. True, good sex or sexual satisfactioncan involves so many other determinants. According to global research stats from Durex, these drivers include, mutual love and respect between partners; freedom from stress; ability to orgasm; freedom from sexual dysfunction; good mental and physical health; and frequency of sex and foreplay. An exciting sex life can also be impacted by one's socio-economic status.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How Long Should Sex Last? This App Ranks American States - All Less Than 10mins!

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I've been in conversations where women vigorously debate the lasting power of their men when the main show in bed commences, some prefer it fast and others want a slow stroking, then there's the tantrics who can last hours. Though some have mocked the one-minute man, some women have also said anything more than 5mins non-stop is just punishment, hahaha. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Got an STD? How To Anonymously Alert Your Sex Partner

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By Toni Sims

Need to notify your lover that they should get tested for a sexually transmitted disease (STD)? Well, send them an anonymous message! Yep, that’s right, you heard me.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Painful Sex Vs. 'Normal' Sex: The Differences Explained With Food

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Painful sex and vulvodynia are health issues that affect millions of women, but  they are often under-reported and misdiagnosed. This is according to, [fronted by Sally Turner and Sabine Tyrvainen] who have produced this short film to raise awareness around the issues. Who remembers the previous video we shared here? Yes, women4real were inspired by Some Real Sex Facts Explained With Food.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Sexiest Parts of the Body Now Revealed by Scientists - The Feet is Least Favorite

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The mind, or the brain, is the biggest erogenous zone. I heard this sometime ago, and found it to be true for me. Some scientists, not satisfied with songs or lines in books, decided to research this saying in detail, in particular, how does the brain organise erogenous zones?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Some Real Sex Facts Explained With Food

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We've talked about some facts and myths about sex in the past, but what about the difference between the sex everyone has, and the ones you see on the screen, especially p*rn? I've not really thought much about it till I saw this viral video by those who must have given it much thought. In the video, these fact-checkers use visual food metaphors to drive home their message.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

When Is Too Early To Discuss Sex in a New Relationship?

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This is a question I just discussed with some friends. When it comes to looking for a serious, long-term relationship, I don't believe sex should be on the table. I consider the two like old enemies, and ne'er the twain shall meet. However, it does need to be discussed, the question is when? How soon is too soon? And what shall be said?

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Why Betty Should Not Face Lawsuit For Big Brother Africa Sex

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Betty and Bolt

There have been quite a few sex stories out of the Big Brother Africa 2013 house(s). I earlier blogged about Natasha using a sex toy here, but tried to keep my eyes and ears and mouth shut on the others especially the gratuitous shower and sex pictures and videos. The first video was of Betty and Bolt, and that has sparked off her country men. Now, the lawyers have picked the gauntlet to charge her for public sex.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

10 Types of Sex That May Not Be Good For You

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By Brooke Dean

My new favorite show on ABC is called Mistresses. I know…sounds scandalous – and it is – and like most guilty pleasures, it involves sex. Lots of it. You have women who get too much of it, not enough of it or who get it from the wrong person, ie: NOT their husbands or someone else’s husband. While it may seem to some that sex is sex and getting it can never be a bad thing, there can be a such thing as the wrong kind of sex. Think you know the difference between healthy and unhealthy sex? See if you’ve ever participated in any of the following…and if it was good or bad for you.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Answering Your Questions About Sex Toys

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By Funmi Akingbade

A sex toy or adult toy is an object or device that is primarily used to facilitate human sexual pleasure, such as a dildo or vibrator, rings etc. Many popular sex toys are designed to resemble human genitals and are vibrating or non-vibrating, colourful or just natural and intended to stimulate the body. They come in a range of shapes, sizes, for internal or external use. Sex toys seem to be everywhere these days. But the question is: are they advisable and healthy?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Running A Sex Accessory Shop in Nigeria

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I get quite a number of requests for the website mentioned in this post about a sex toy shop in Nigeria. Luckily the owner of that shop sent in a comment to the post with more details about how the business is run. They now run sex therapy and counselling sessions for the couples and ladies that need or ask for it, as well as training with buyers :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

TV Host Explains Great Sex Positions For Women

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K24 is a Kenyan TV station and their Connect program is for women and wives to learn and talk about the things close to their heart. One of the Connect hosts says a popular question is how to enjoy sex, which I have also answered on this blog [Read Post].

Friday, May 31, 2013

No Sex in Your Marriage? It May Be More Common Than You Know

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According to a recent report, it seems that it is very common for wives and mothers to ‘shut up shop’ and stop having sex with their partners if their family is complete, or for the men to do the same for lack of libido. Another reason for lack of sex could be a health problem that affect the sex drive or organs, like a hysteroctomy in women, or prostrate cancer surgery in men. For the first reason for no sex, I guess if the primary reason the couple got married was for children, then it makes sense?

The report goes on to detail the marriage of three couples who have not had sex for varying amounts of time, between a year and eight years. If you ask me, I'll say the first two marriages are in trouble if the partner who lacks the desire or motivation for sex does not get some rest or therapy and work with their partners to rekindle their sex lives. The last couple are in their sixties and the woman it seems has already come to terms with a sexless marriage - more like a companionship arrangement.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

For Men - How To Bring the Sexy Into Your Marriage

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This post was written in response to the guy whose wife is shy and reserved in the bedroom [see post], and a more specific version was sent back to him in reply. He enjoyed the comments on the previous post and wishes, like some others who commented on the post, that RML had more general posts on the issue of happy sex in marriage.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Facing Facts - 5 Myths About Women and Sex

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by Kristen Mark

There is so much misinformation floating around about women's sexual desire. It is built up to be so elusive, it is no wonder women feel restricted in their expression of it.

As a researcher who focuses a lot of my attention on sexual desire, I think it is important to set the record straight when it comes to misinformation regarding women's sexual desire.

Here are five myths decoded based on the science of desire:

Myth One: Women have lower sexual desire than men.

No! Research has found that women and men are equally likely to be the partner less desirous of sex. This hasn't been found in just one study, either. In my own research alone, I've found a non-significant difference between men and women in three different samples of couples.

Myth Two: Sexual response involves desire, then arousal, and then orgasm.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

4 Bedtime Habits That May Be Killing Your Sex Life

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by Shelley Emling

Finding a longtime couple who complains about too much hot sex is about as unusual as coming across an ice cube in the Sahara. For many, sex can grow a bit mundane after so many years with the same person. But all is not lost. You, too, can revitalize your sex life just by changing even a few of your everyday habits. Having been married for 22 years, I speak from experience. I also learned a few things by reaching out to Huff/Post50 contributor Ken Solin,who’s also AARP’s dating expert.

“If you’re sex life is on auto-pilot that may mean you’re not being fully present when you’re making love with your partner. The same foreplay, position and orgasms are boring after a while,” he said. “While it does require some amount of thought, it’s helpful to try to make love at least a little differently each time. Change the foreplay menu. Avoid monotony by making love in new positions. The words ‘boring’ and ‘sex’ don’t ever belong in the same sentence.”

For additional help, here are four bedtime habits that may be killing your sex life. Have your own ideas? Let us know in comments.