Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sex With 20 Different Women May Protect Men From Prostrate Cancer - Research

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A lot of promiscous men will be happy to hear that men who sleep with several different women are less likely to develop prostrate cancer, the magic number being 20.

The results of a new research suggests that men who have had 20 sexual partners and above reduced their risk of prostate cancer by almost a third, and  their chances of getting the most aggressive tumors were also slashed by 19 per cent.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Pregnancy Passes, Different Sex Drives - Can You Ever Justify Cheating?

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The comment below came in on the post asking if you would give your husband a pregnancy pass? It was a very indepth, thought provoking comment that I decided to bring up here so more people could read and discuss. When can a man or a woman allow their spouse to cheat? Read what Anon had to say...

Thursday, October 23, 2014

How Penis Size Affects Men and Women And Sex

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We've talked to the men about what they need to know about keeping the penis healthy, strong, and ready for action, for life [read here]. Today, we're focusing on sizes and whether how big or small a man's penis is affects the sexual confidence of the man and sexual pleasure for the woman.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wedding Night Sex as a Virgin - Bride Shares Her Experience One Year After

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Sexual talk is almost taboo in most Nigerian households, and most especially for women. Many of us didn't get the 'bird and the bees' talk beyond being bought a sanitary pad when our periods started and being told to stay away from boys. When one comes from a Christian home, with a reserved mother, the issues are compounded.

Whether male or female, deciding to remain a virgin till your marriage is a good thing for many reasons, including Christian morals. However, things really go south when some prudes use the bible to instil fear and revulsion for sex within their young charges, usually female. And this must stop!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The 30 Year Old Virgin: Why I’m Waiting for Marriage to Have Sex

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By Nikki Thompson for The Praying Woman

Tomorrow is my 30th birthday. I am officially a 30-year-old virgin. While this may be shocking for some, I know A LOT of women in the same boat with me. I struggled with sharing my story, because of people’s doubt and disbelief. Then it dawned on me that I’d be remiss not to give all the glory to God for what HE did in my sex life, not me. So, here it is.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Will You Use A Mobile App To Get Informed Consent Before You Have Sex?

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Good2Go is a new mobile app for iOS and Android that is meant to encourage users to be responsible about their choices before having sex, by making them answer a poll that affirms informed consent. I like the idea behind this app, but it does sound like a mood killer. Check out the video below...

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Funmi Akingbade - Nigerian Men Rush Sex And Rarely Stop to Please Their Women

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Sex Therapist, pastor Funmi Akingbade says the average Nigerian man is not the most patient lover. In an interview with City People magazine, pastor Akingbade said Nigerian men see foreplay and other activities before intercourse as a waste of time. She says to have a bliss marital life, great sex must be incorporated and that the woman should not be seen as an object just to 'release' into.

Excerpts from the interview below..

How would you describe the Nigerian man when it comes to sex?

The Nigerian man is always in a rush when it comes to sex. They rush into it and quickly rush out once they "come". Every driver that wants an accident-free trip must drive safely, know his road signs, have good driving skills and be a good observer.

This is also true with sex because marital sex is a journey and not to be done in a rush. Those who want to succeed in marriage give their sex life a lot of attention and sex is what makes it different and wonderful. So, for no reason must a spouse "beg" or "plead" for sex from her partner. Rather, good sex should be given mutually at all times"

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Would You Use a Contraceptive Computer Chip That Works For 16 Years?

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A computer chip contraceptive that can be adjusted using remote control has been developed as an option for women's birth control. When implanted under a woman's skin, the chip will continue to release a small dose of the hormone, levonorgestrel, into her bloodstream daily for 16 years.

This will happen every day, but can be stopped at any time by using the wireless remote control.

Developed by a company in the US, the project has been backed by Bill Gates, and will be submitted for pre-clinical testing in the US next year - and possibly go on sale by 2018.

The device is small enough for size not to be a deterrent, and is "competitively priced" the creators said.

Would you use this? Check out the details and some people's reactions below..

Monday, July 7, 2014

An Open Letter to Women Living With HIV - Be Informed and Take Charge of Your Health

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This is an expansion of very short letter I wrote on a blog to a young lady living with HIV who contracted the disease when she was raped by two strangers at the market.

This vulnerable young woman has recently been raped again by a friend, and then taken advantage of by someone in position of power. She believes she has infected them with the virus and is not very remorseful.

To this young lady I wrote this open letter, and to other women living with HIV who feel vulnerable and yet think like they have an edge to get back at men whom they hate.

I may not fully understand your life since I don't have HIV, but I can imagine that if someone harms me, I may feel good if I think I got my revenge on them in my own way.

BUT! And this is a big but, with HIV, going on a spree to infect others may actually backfire for a woman!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Infographic: Why Sex is Good for Your Health

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When I received this infographic on "Why Sex is Good for Your Health", I knew I just had to share. I have posted before how much health benefits can be got from good loving sex [here] and the only thing better is to see it all visually displayed.

This infographic details the many benefits of a healthy sex and provides interesting statistics around this topic.

For example,  did you know that in a typical sex session lasting 25 minutes, men will on average burn 100 calories and women will burn 69?

Check it out below...

Friday, May 30, 2014

New Condom Invented That Covers Just Erection Tip Leaving Shaft Exposed

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A new condom has been invented by American Charles Powell, which he says is stronger, safer and enables better sensitivity. And the new condom is called the Galactic Cap Condom or Penis Helmet. The new condom sits only on the very tip of the erect penis, which leaves the shaft exposed for those who complain of the lack of sensitivity with regular condoms.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Can There Ever Be a Positive Abortion Story? Emily Letts Shares Video of Her Procedure

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25-year-old Emily Letts, an abortion counselor has shared a video of herself having a surgical abortion on YouTube, saying she wants it to help banish stigma surrounding abortion. Personally, I'm pro contraceptive and pro-life, and only pro-choice where certain externuating circumstances are involved, like extreme young age, rape, health impacts, etc.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Woman Killed By Oncoming Train While Doing The Sexy on Railroad Tracks

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An Ukrainian woman and her boyfriend were run over by an oncoming train after they topped to have sexual relations on the railroad tracks.  The woman died on the spot and the man had his legs cut off by the train. Gory, right? I am all for spicing up one's sex life but not so dangerously. Maybe we should just stick to the bed when conji strikes?

Friday, September 27, 2013

Painful Sex Vs. 'Normal' Sex: The Differences Explained With Food

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Painful sex and vulvodynia are health issues that affect millions of women, but  they are often under-reported and misdiagnosed. This is according to, [fronted by Sally Turner and Sabine Tyrvainen] who have produced this short film to raise awareness around the issues. Who remembers the previous video we shared here? Yes, women4real were inspired by Some Real Sex Facts Explained With Food.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Dear Myne - Douches Seem To Work For Me, Why Are People Against It?

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Dear Myne, top of the day to you. Good blog you have here, i must say. Tackling all issues, social and health. May God bless and keep you. I was going to respond to your post about keeping the vagina clean and smelling fresh immediately you wrote it, but i decided to wait out my treatment.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Vaginal Yeast Infection: Best Herbal Cure For Candida To Reduce Vaginal Itching

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About 75% of women suffer from Candida infection in different stages of their lives. The infection, caused by yeast like fungus Candida albicans is most prominent as the vaginal yeast infection affecting women of all age. Moderate to severe vaginal itching followed by creamy white discharge resembling cottage cheese is the main symptom of vaginal yeast infection.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Imo State Signs Abortion into Law and More Women's Reproductive Rights

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Yay! Imo State governor, Chief Rochas Okorocha, has just signed into law a bill which, among other things, permits women to procure an abortion when they need it. The bill was sponsored by the Majority Leader and Imo state house member representing Ahiazu Mbaise state constituency, Mrs. Ihuoma Adekunle, the law is to be cited as “Imo State of Nigeria, Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Law Number 12 of 2012”.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Some Real Sex Facts Explained With Food

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We've talked about some facts and myths about sex in the past, but what about the difference between the sex everyone has, and the ones you see on the screen, especially p*rn? I've not really thought much about it till I saw this viral video by those who must have given it much thought. In the video, these fact-checkers use visual food metaphors to drive home their message.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Help For Sexual Assault Victims in Lagos

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A new sexual assault referral center has just been opened in Lagos by an NGO called Partnership for Justice. Named, The Mirabel Centre, it is located at the Lagos State Teaching Hospital, Ikeja with tel: 0811 555 4877 or 0818 724 3468 or 01-295 7816. It is open every working day from 8 30am to 5 30pm. Please if you know anyone who is a victim, do share these details.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

10 Types of Sex That May Not Be Good For You

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By Brooke Dean

My new favorite show on ABC is called Mistresses. I know…sounds scandalous – and it is – and like most guilty pleasures, it involves sex. Lots of it. You have women who get too much of it, not enough of it or who get it from the wrong person, ie: NOT their husbands or someone else’s husband. While it may seem to some that sex is sex and getting it can never be a bad thing, there can be a such thing as the wrong kind of sex. Think you know the difference between healthy and unhealthy sex? See if you’ve ever participated in any of the following…and if it was good or bad for you.