Saturday, March 2, 2013

Women's Motivational Stories #2 - Mo Abudu

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Mosunmola Abudu, also known as Mo Abudu, is a talk show host, TV producer, media personality, human resources management consultant and entrepreneur. She is best known as the Executive Producer and host of the TV talk show, Moments with Mo,

Moments with Mo "is the first syndicated daily talk show on African regional television." According to wiki,

By October 2009, over 200 episodes had been recorded and aired with numerous topics ranging from lifestyle, through health, culture, politics, entertainment, tradition, to music and inter-racial marriages. Guests have included celebrities, Presidents, Nobel Laureates, and the 67th US Secretary-of-State Hillary Rodham Clinton,[2] Abudu says the show "highlights the life and accomplishments of a usually well known, but sometimes an undiscovered African individual who by his or her own tenacity and determination has accomplished something, overcome something or been a catalyst for something that makes her or him a role model to others."
Aired on M-Net with TV coverage in 48 African countries, the show now also airs on terrestrial and cable TV in other parts of the world.

Watch Video - What's a Woman's Selling Point?

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This video sha, do ladies sell themselves this plainly? And to their friend's boyfriend too? Na wa!

If you ask me, I think she's spoiling her own market. She sounds desperate, and willing to do anything to get a man. Not only is she a malicious gossip, she will go as far as stabbing her friend in the back. God spare us from such frenemies. That's so not an attractive look.

Watching it, I'm like, babe chill, hooking a man is not that serious, LOL...

Have a great weekend peeps :)

Update on Real Life Match Making

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For those who wanted more information about Peter Branson earlier, I've agreed with him to post up more about him. He is really interested in women in the US.

I am easy going ,never married and no kids yet.

I am christian, of Urhobo (Delta State) descent. My current location is about 3 to 4hrs flight away from US.

Preferred age range - 30s. Someone who is easy-going and family oriented

Many thanks.

Dear Myne - He Hasn't Called Since the First Date

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I just met this guy or should I say the guy saw my picture in his cousin's phone and he got to like it. He asked her to introduce me to him which she did. We went out for a date and at the end he promised another date. But it's getting to a week now he hasn't called or even sent a text message. I'm scared of calling him, I don't want him to think that I love him too much.

This also came in under the Setting P post, and has been edited for clarity. I wish people would stop writing in text-speak. Anyway, I responded that she shouldn't call him, as he's probably no more interested.

How do you see it?

Egg Plant With Gizzard in Tomato Sauce

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This was one of our no-carbs dinner nights. I replaced the carb with aubergine, also known as egg plant and boiled it  for a few minutes in the back. Gizzard is like a delicacy to me, I just love it and can munch on a it all day when well cooked and spicy :)

Depending on the size of the egg plant, one or two should be enough. Wash thoroughly to avoid sand or any debris and cut into pieces of your choice. Put in a pot with just enough water to cover the pieces, add a pinch of salt and boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and drain immediately.


Ingredients - store bought gizzards, vegetable oil, onions, tomatoes, pepper - all chopped, 1 maggi cube and salt to taste.

1. Put 2 teaspoons of oil in a sauce pan, and heat till lightly smoking.
2. Add the washed small pack of gizzards, the maggi cube and salt.
3. Saute on low heat for 15mins, stirring intermittently.
4. Add the chopped onions, tomatoes and pepper and keep stirring for another 10 mins.
5. Check that the seasoning is enough, and add more if necessary.
6. Remove from heat once it starts to simmer.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Women's History Month - Motivational Stories #1

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March is Women's History Month here in the US. Last month was the month of love and we celebrated the men who love us, and those we love. I've decided to use this month as an opportunity to showcase some contemporary Nigerian young women doing motivational things. I'll start with a young lady I discovered just some days ago

Ola Orekunrin is a 26 years old medical doctor and founder of Flying Doctors Nigeria, the first air ambulance service in West Africa. Her start-up is a social enterprise providing urgent air ambulances to leading health institutions, insurance companies and private individuals throughout West Africa.

Dr. Ola an exemplary product of England’s Foster care system, was raised in a working class home by foster care parents where she quickly learned the value of hard and smart work. Dr. Ola later applied these skills learnt in her childhood to put herself through school with jobs in retail, modeling and administration. Undeterred by the challenges (financial included) that seemingly blocked her path, Dr. Ola graduated medical school at age twenty one (21), becoming the youngest doctor to graduate in the entire country. With such impressive credentials and brilliance, you would think she would settle for working at England’s prestigious acute care facilities/hospitals. She had a different agenda.

Encounter With A BlackBerry Babe

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What’s your BB pin?”, she asked conceitedly, raising her BlackBerry screen-glazed eyes. Her fake Yankee accent was drowned by rancorous voices and the din of the heavy metal music blaring from the Hi-fi speakers of the high-end nightclub in the heart of Victoria Island, Lagos. Even when she was just sitting across the table as we both share a drink, I could barely hear her.

Just as I could not make any sense out of our conversation in the entire time we spent together that evening. To add to my misery even now as I reflect on my experience that night, it is difficult to tell if my inability to understand my young female guest was due to her contrived foreign accent or the frequent interruptions from her “pinging” and the instant messages that kept coming into her BlackBerry phone.

Her obsessive romance with her phone, which repeatedly came in the way of our acquaintance, can be likened to having a conversation with the deaf. So, I had proceeded to ignore this new question; one of the many she had asked, while she took intermittent pauses, with the usual vacant look, from her dialogue with her imaginary phone character, intent on ruining my evening.

I was going to treat her new enquiry like a rhetorical question; but leaning close to me, she asked the question again, insisting on an answer. Her persistent question about my BlackBerry status threw me off balance for a moment.

Nse Ikpe Etim has a Step Son, Jermaine Sule

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Nse Ikpe Etim got married to Clifford Sule a couple of weeks ago in a civil ceremony on Valentine's day. For me, being that Feb 14 was also my anniversary, I found it very romantic especially knowing that this was the same guy she had dated and loved as a teenager.

Now the journalists and reporters who will not investigate real news have dug up the fact that she is a step mother to her husband's 15 years old son. The few comments I've seen are not very complimentary, but from my perspective, it is a double blessing. She is marrying her love, and she is getting a child in the bargain. And her two men cook too! LOL....

Congrats once again, Nse. And all the best.

More pictures when you continue...

We Found 28 February Man Candy - Dbanj Kokomaster

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I was still in Nigeria when Dbanj hit the music scene with Tongolo and some of his earlier songs. The guy in whose car I heard that album the first time saw me singing and nodding along, and explained the songs to me. Since then, Dbanj rhymes with sexy in my head. Atala and I danced to his Fall in Love at our wedding :)

Dbanj rounds off our February Man Candy line up for staying the course and moving even higher. All the best to him.

Fun Facebook Teaser - What Am I?

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I saw the following teaser on several of my friend's walls and on some pages too, and the answers got me laughing so hard. Who has seen it, and what is your answer? I have added some multiple choice answers so you can have maximum fun with it, LOL...

My name is Funmi, I used my friend to set up my boyfriend to see if he'll cheat on me. Now they have sent me a wedding IV......WHAT AM I?
A. Beginner
B. Matchmaker
C. Single Again.
D. Other