Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Jollof Rice With Gizzard and Spinach Sauce

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I have shared another recipe for cooking jollof rice with Chicken broth here, but in this recipe, I used the knorr cubes in place of fresh stock for seasoning. As for the sauce, it was very yummy, take my word for it :)

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Menu Idea - Moi-Moi Cooked With Sardines

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Moi-Moi can be a very versatile meal with various recipes and ways to prepare it that keeps it fresh and novel for the palate. The easiest way to switch things up is to diversify what is added to the beans mix - you can either use tomatoes or not, use palm oil or vegetable oil, and you can add crayfish or leave that out.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

DIY Cooking - Moi-Moi in a Plastic Drinking Cup

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I usually cook moi-moi with aluminuim foil paper but the last time I wanted to cook moi-moi, I realized we had run out and hadn't restocked. I had already put my beans flour into water and most of the other ingredients I needed to cook moi-moi were around me. Most importantly, I really wanted to eat moi-moi that day, not the next day or a week later after we had gone shopping.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Cabbage and Carrots in Simple Coleslaw Recipe

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Creamy coleslaw with ranch dressing
Coleslaw is one of easiest meals or sides to make and I love it in summer. For this recipe, you only need cabbage and carrots. Some recipes want to be adventurous and add either fruits like apples, or other vegetables like beets and parsley, but not this one.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Soft Nigerian Beans - Eat With Fried Plantain

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I posted a picture of this beans and plantain in Instagram as one of the best dinners I've ever had. It was that good. Atala cooked the beans, I made the plantain, but as you can guess, the beans was the best part of the meal. I had to pry that secret recipe from Atala.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Breakfast Idea - Bacon Strips without all the Fat

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Bacon is one of those guilty pleasures one knows they shouldn't make a habit of, yet you can't stay completely away. I just love the salty, smoky, and crispy taste and texture of bacon. Even the fat makes the meat product a comfort food sometimes, but most times I want to get rid of that.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Egg Noodles Pasta With Grilled Salmon

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Served with Cucumber
This is one of those meals you call a concoction. I had pasta, I had some cheese and some mushroom and I just threw them together. It tasted so wonderful I simply had to share. This post is just a menu idea, recipe coming soon :)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Spinach Egusi Soup With Stockfish and Shrimp

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This is my usual egusi soup recipe, somehow like this first one, with spinach but with the egusi cooked in the soup. This time also, I had just been to the African store, and had a new supply of stockfish, aka okporoko or panla.


3 cups Ground Egusi
5 pounds of your choice of beef, cut
1 pack of cut-up dried cod (okporoko/panla)
1 medium onion, chopped
1 large tomato, diced in large pieces
2 tablespoons of ground crayfish
3 teaspoons of ground pepper
1 cup of palm oil
2 cubes of maggi
2 packs of frozen chopped spinach
1 Pack of frozen large tailed shrimp
Salt to taste

Monday, April 22, 2013

How I Make Palm Oil Bitter Leaf Soup

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I would have titled this Banga soup but I've noticed that the people to whom these named soups are supposedly native to are quite touchy when the soups are made from creative recipes different from the ones they're used to. When I was growing up, my mum would make something similar to this recipe and we would call it palm nut bitter leaf soup in Igbo which I later found was quite similar to what is called Banga. In this recipe, palm nut is replaced with palm oil.


5 pounds of beef
3 fresh peppers
1 medium sized onion
3 heaped tablespoons of crayfish
1 pack of frozen shrimp
1 pack of dried bitterleaf
1 teaspoon of mixed native soup spices
3 ladlefuls of cocoyam flour
5 ladlefuls of palm oil

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Fried Plantain and Scrambled Eggs

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Dodo aka fried ripe plantain, when paired with scrambled eggs or omelette, is for me one of the best comfort meals ever made. I think most people know how to make it, but if you need some few pointers, check out this recipe.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Healthy Salad Dinner

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Roasted chicken drumsticks with shredded green leaf lettuce, tomatoes and lima beans topped with hickory bacon dressing. Surprisingly filling.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How to Make Okra with Tomato Stew - Eat With Amala

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There are the usual draw soups that I grew up with, Okro cooked into a sauce with vegetables, like the one I made with Ogbono, here. And then there's the okro I discovered when I was a bit older, and more common with southwest or Yoruba cooking. You prepare your tomato stew as usual [see recipe], and then you cut or blend your okro, and then mix both into a soup.

I am lucky to get very good okro at our local grocery store where it's cut and frozen fresh. So for a change of menu, I use it with tomato stew every once in a while.


Cut or blended fresh Okra
Broth if you have some
1/2 of a small sized onion
1 Fresh pepper
1 Knorr chicken cube
Salt to taste.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

How to Make Tomato Stew in Pictures

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Tomato stew is one of those meals all Nigerians are supposed to know how to cook, and it is a base to a lot of popular foods like white rice and stew, with dodo, with okro for swallow foods, among others. I find it one of the easiest to prepare as it doesn't need much attention, except when it does.

Yes, I've had some of my stew burn at the bottom of the pot because I forgot it for about five minutes or so. But if you pay attention towards the end, and remember to keep the heat low, it should not be too hard to get it just right.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

How to Make Fried Rice With Peas and Sausages

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For variety, each time I make fried rice, the ingredients and the method of preparation differs. On this occasion, I used sliced sausages as the meat accompaniment, and peas for the vegetable.

3 cups of long-grain rice
2 ladles vegetable oil
1 pack of frozen peas
Defrosted Sausages - Diced
4 small fresh tomatoes, chopped
1 medium size onion, chopped
2 Teaspoon of dry pepper
4 Knorr Chicken cubes
Salt and Spices to Taste



1. Set 5 cups of water to boil, or enough to cover your rice twice.
2. When it boils, pour the rice in and allow to boil again.
3. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 mins.
4. Remove from heat and pour the rice into a colander with small sized holes.
5. Turn the rice into a container filled with cold water, and sieve again.
6. Repeat this, rubbing the rice lightly between your fingers until it feels starch-free.

Monday, March 18, 2013

How to Make a Smoothie - Apple, Pear and Yoghurt

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Some days you'll have so many fruits you don't know what to do with. Or you just feel too lazy or tired to chew your crunchy fruits. One way to enjoy eating such friends is to make them into a smoothie. I find that I consume twice as much fruits when in a smoothie, than not. You could juice the fruits, but with a smoothie, nothing gets lost. One evening, Atala and I did just that to some apples and pears we had.

1  cup plain low-fat yogurt
2  meduim size Bartlet Pears, cored and cut up
2  Fuji Apples, cored and cut up
1 cup of orange juice
1/2 cup ice cubes

1. Blend the yoghurt, cut up apple and pears, with the fruit juice on high speed. Add the ice cubes slowly till you get the consistency you want.

These fruits can be replaced with others of your choice. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Menu Ideas - Boiled Potatoes and Chili Beans

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One of my favorite foods is yam but it is so hard to get them here, either they're not available at all, or they are too expensive. I do get them once in a while, but for the rest of the time, I make do with potatoes, either sweet potatoes or the local ones we have here.

On this occasion, I had some chili beans left over but it wouldn't do for a meal for both of us, so I quickly boiled up some potatoes, and then mixed them together. Reminded me of our Yam and Beans back in boarding school. Loved it.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Stewed Goat Meat and Asparagus topped with Cheese

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I've never bought asparagus before this venture, it's one of those vegetables that I only eat when we eat out, or at a friend's but never thought to prepare myself. Somehow, I think about it in connection with those who are starving themselves in the name of losing weight, or just something out of my network.

Well, last week, our grocery store had huge signs all over them, it was an asparagus sale! LOL... So I got one bunch and looked up ways to cook it online.

Actually, asparagus is a very healthy vegetable, and good for those of us trying to keep the love handles at bay. It is low calorie, and a good source of folate and potassium for women, and very high in antioxidants. Well, it was one of my no-carb dinner nights and so I brough out my goat meat and a tomato stew I had made earlier and set to work.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Roast Beef Ribs with Fresh Lettuce and Tomato Salad

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All you need for this one is your pack of beef ribs from the store, and the spices you have for preparing meat.

1. Defrost the ribs in the fridge
2.  Cut into single pieces and rub all over with the spices
3. Put cooking spray on your oven-proof tray and place the ribs side by side
4. Grill in the oven on low heat for 15 minutes on each side.
5. Your meat is ready.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Picture Tutorial - How to Make Gizzard and Mushroom Sauce

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At the beginning of starting my food blogs, I didn't think I could take pictures while cooking. I'm usually very fast and functional whenever I'm in the kitchen, but I was on my phone the other night while making dinner and thought, hey, I can do this picture tutorial thing, you know? It was a bit touch and go, but I think I got the most important steps :)

Let me know what you think, picture tutorial or step-by-step description recipes?

Sunday, March 3, 2013

How to Make Curried Chicken Gravy Sauce

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Most of the time, I cook tomato based or vegetable sauces to go with rice, pasta, potatoes or whatever carb we're having for dinner. It wasn't until we went to a friend's recently for a meal that I remembered gravy sauces. So after many years of not making it, this was the recipe I came up with.

3 cups of long-grain rice
1 pack of Chicken drumsticks
2 tablespoons of flour
1 teaspoon of powdered curry
2 Teaspoon of dry pepper
4 Knorr Chicken cubes
Salt and Spices to Taste