Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Love Helping Others? Here Are Your Ideal Career Choices

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Whether you’re currently out of work or looking for a career change, specialising in helping others can be a huge change of pace that will give you a completely new take on life. You’ll watch people grow as you give them a hand, you’ll find new meaning in your life and you’ll feel great about the work you do. However, the career choices available to you might not be entirely obvious. There are the go-to career choices such as teaching and education, but there are many other ways to get involved with helping people and turn it into a thriving career.

Monday, September 18, 2017

How A Woman Can Become an Effective Marketing Leader

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Without a doubt, a marketing leader is one of the most important members of the company. They might not have the biggest authority or freedom of choices – yet, often, the success of the company depends on them.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Writing a Food Truck Business Plan

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By Jeremy Raynolds
The popularity of food truck industry is growing rapidly nowadays. If you have always dreamt of starting your own business and you love cooking – this type of business can definitely be what you are looking for. However, before launching food truck business it is advisable to do a research and read some useful articles about prosperous businesses, or an informative article on how to start a mobile food business. Below, we have prepared a detailed guide which will help you write a business plan. Follow these steps and reach your goals.

Friday, May 26, 2017

7 Career Success Tools for College Graduates

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By Chris Richardson

When you started college, you had a blur vision of your future. As you carried on with the studies, you were supposed to crystallize your career goals. That happens for some students, but most of us are still puzzled. There are too many options out there. You saw the graduation as a finish line, but it was only the start of an overwhelming journey.

Monday, May 22, 2017

5 Ways for Using Time Wisely for Women

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By Nicola Reynor

Ideas are limitless, and so is the zeal to pursue them. With a fast-paced lifestyle, you can barely find the time to invest in actualizing these ideas. For a multitude of people, following their passion cannot sustain the lifestyle that they lead. Day jobs can take up close to one-third of your day, making it difficult to spare time for yourself.

Friday, May 5, 2017

7 Cover Letter Writing Mistakes Costing You Interviews

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By Gloria Kopp

Cover letters, the bane of any individual seeking a new job. Sat in front of a computer? Blank word document in front of you? Unsure where to begin and what to include?  Usually, the majority of people quickly jot down something that they think employers want to hear, attach the letter to their C.V and send it, fingers crossed.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

6 Tips To Help You Achieve Work-Life Balance

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by Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam
Your partner is upset with you because you no longer have time for your family. Your relationship has been characterized by unhappiness, quarrels, and stress. Your work has been so demanding lately, you’re on the verge of having a nervous breakdown. So what do you do? Throw in the towel? Or try to fix what has been broken?

Monday, January 4, 2016

Dressing To Impress At Interviews: An Expert Guide

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interview outfit.jpg

So you recently applied for your dream job and have just received a response inviting you to attend an interview. While you’re over the moon at the opportunity, you are probably stressing out about what you should wear. Picking an interview look that’s both smart and stylish is no easy task.

The good news is, however, that looking both chic and smart is much easier than you would think. The most important thing is to understand why you need to look good for interviews, and no, it’s not just to impress your potential employer. The truth is, if you want to do well at your interview, you need to feel confident. You may not realize it, but how confident you feel, shows. That’s why it’s so important to get your interview outfit spot on.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Call for Applications - GEMS4 Launches £3.5 Million Funding Window For Women Empowerment

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Charged with the mandate to catalyze private sector investment in innovative, commercially viable, and inclusive business models that result in improved performance, job creation and improved income opportunities for poor men and women engaged in the Wholesale and Retail sector, two funding windows have been launched by the Growth and Employment in States – Wholesale and Retail Sector (GEMS4) - a market development project in Nigeria funded by DFID/UKaid and the World Bank.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Nigerian Prodigy Becomes Youngest UK University Math Student At 10-Years-Old

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A Nigerian girl aged 10 has become one of the UK’s youngest university students after starting a degree at the Open University. Esther Okade, from Walsall, is finding time between playing with her dolls to study a maths degree after being home schooled by her Nigerian born mother, Efe Okade.

According to Mirror UK: The numbers whizz became an undergraduate three weeks ago and is already nailing the subject – scoring 100 percent on a recent test. The home-schooled youngster’s incredible grasp of calculations seemingly runs in the family as her six-year-old brother Isaiah is already taking an A-level in maths.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Teen's Twitter Rant About New Pizza Place Job Gets Her Fired - Before She Even Starts!

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Teenage Cella tweeted her lack of enthusiasm about her new job at Jet’s Pizza in Mansfield, Texas and that has got her fired before she even turned up on the first day. She was due to start work on Saturday, but on Friday she tweeted: “Ew I start this fuck ass job tomorrow.” She also added a series of thumbs-down emojis so those reading get an idea of how much she hates the job.

 A staff member at the Mansfield pizzeria spotted the tweet and sent a munched picture to the store’s manager, Robert Waple Mr Waple replied via Twitter in response to Cella’s comment:

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Jennifer Lopez Slays in BTS Photos for Kohls New Collection

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Jennifer Lopez is a mom of two and over 45, and yet it's like her career is starting all over again. With a new album, a new movie and a new book to promote, the Jenny From the Block singer is not slowing down one bit!

JLo is featured in a new campaign for Kohl's upcoming Spring/Summer collection and she just SLAYS it! See more photos below...

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Fanny Neguesha On Break Up With Mario Balotelli - 'I Wanted My Own Career'

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Belgian model, Fanny Neguesha was one of Mario Ballotelli's longest relationships, the couple even got engaged and were together from March 2014 before they officially broke up in September 2014. Now the footballer's ex fiancee has opened up on why she broke things up with the Liverpool and Italy striker.

Speaking on Italian TV, Fanny explained that Mario Balotelli wanted to end her glamour modelling career. He was jealous of other men seeing her semi-nude phots I guess.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

#YouTubeAsksObama - @GloZell @Hankgreen @BethanyMota Interview the President

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#YouTubeAsksObama is the livestream event where Youtube stars @GloZell @hankgreen and @BethanyMota interview the President on issues ranging from racism to cybersecurity. The interviews have also had their lighter moments with +GloZell Green  who is known for her signature green lips offering President Obama some green lipstick for first lady Michelle Obama.

The three interiewers - Bethany Mota, GloZell Green and Hank Green - YouTube stars whose videos are watched by millions weekly, are by no means political analysts. However, they brought the fun tone of their videos to asking the president about proposals he outlined in the State of the Union on Tuesday. Below are some tweets from those watching, and the video from the event.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Veteran Anchor Jim Clancy Leaves CNN After Abusive Tweets About Charlie Hebdo Attacks

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Longtime anchor Jim Clancy has left CNN just one week after getting into a heated exchange on Twitter about the Paris Charlie Hebdo terror attacks. In the tweet spat with those who disagreed with him, the anchor used a derogatory term for disabled people and another for deriding pro-Isreal issues.

CNN, however, made no mention of the scandal as it paid tribute to Clancy’s 34 years of service with the channel with a spokesperson saying; “Jim Clancy is no longer with CNN. We thank him for more than three decades of distinguished service, and wish him nothing but the best.”

Friday, January 9, 2015

#FreeCommunityCollege‬ - Obama Proposes Making Two Years Of Community College Free

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Who else is just loving President Obama right now? I'm so digging how visionary and in touch with the pulse of his country our US president is at all times. President Barack Obama doesn't just sit in the capital and talk, he has an idea of what and where things are pinching and has options on how to fix it.

The President has proposed ‪#‎FreeCommunityCollege‬ for hard-working students across the nation, inspired by ‪#‎TennesseePromise‬, and I'm all for it. Many are too, who prefer their tax money to be used for this than prison funding. I might even go back to school!

Hear the president speak below...

Monday, December 8, 2014

Overcoming Fears & Finding Purpose - Lupita Nyong’o At Massachusetts Conference for Women

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Lupita Nyong’o, Academy award–winning actress was the keynote speaker for the 10th annual Massachusetts Conference for Women on December 4, 2014 which had a sold-out crowd of 10,000 attendees.

The award winning actress spoke on how she was able to overcome her fears in order to achieve her dream of being an actress and helping to tell stories that matter in front of the camera. She explains dreams as a portal to one's purpose, and talks about how, in order to achieve her's she had to do the following.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

SCAM ALERT! How A Graduate In Warri Almost Fell For A Fake Oil Company Job

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Tosag shared his story on Nairaland about how he was almost duped by a woman and her colleague of N55,000 as part of a fishy way to get a job at Chevron. Please people, try to be honest in your ways and be careful so as not to fall for such dupes. And to think that these two were women! Read on...

This morning I received a call from an unknown lady. From her voice, she must be in her late fourties. She called my name and asked if I was at home and I answered in the affirmative. She said she is Mrs Fregene and works in Chevron yard, Escravos and that one of my friends gave her my CV. She then asked if I have Chevron swimming passport, seaman's passport and safety mandatory certificate. I replied no.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

RML Woman - Aloted Omoba - Business Analyst and Super Working Mum

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Aloted is a long time blogger who has transitioned her passion of helping women into being an author and enterpreneur. With a full-time job, she still manages her home and children in addition to managine her growing business. In this exclusive interview, she tells us how it all started and how she pulls it all together.

Q: First off, tell us about yourself and what you do.
I am married to my lovely husband and we have two children a 5 year old daughter and 1+ year old son. I am a business analyst by profession and work with corporate IT organisations to help them improve their business processes. I also run Super Working Mum where I help working mums particularly Christian mums who are overwhelmed achieve balance and fulfilment in their lives whilst still honouring God through their values.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Queen Latifah Writes Encouraging Letter To Self As Show Is Cancelled

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Her show may officially have been cancelled but Queen Latifah is not going to allow that to get her down. She posted a touching letter to herself on her Facebook page, talking about the way being open after the cancellation and having to stay positive. She wrote;

This letter is for me, my staff, my crew, and everyone who was by my side for this incredible journey. The most important thing in life is that you wake up every single day and take chances. No matter what the outcome…believe in yourself and continue to fly.

I watched The Queen Latifah Show a few times and enjoyed it. I also remember that she was very supportive of the Bring Back Our Girls campaign. Here's wishing Queen Latifah all the best in her future endeavors. I love her spirit!