Friday, April 13, 2012

Shuga - Love, Sex and Money : Season 1 & 2

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Shuga is a webseries, an edutainment show that follows the lives of young people in Kenya. If you've not seen these series, bookmark this page. I collected both season 1 and 2 here and I promise, it will be a worthwhile investment of your time if you can see both. I watched them on Sting's blog and Bellanaija, and finished off on the Shuga website. The series production and the message it discusses are both great. AIDS is real, people. Be careful and be safe...

Have you already seen the show, what do you think? Is it realistic of how some young people live and engage in relationships?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Going Down Memory Lane - TV Throwback

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First of all, thank you all so much to those who read and commented on the last post. With such love from you guys, I'll be doing more personal posts like that. :)

For today, I want to take you back to those good old days of naija in the eighties. Yeah, I know, my age is showing now, I'll pull it up soon, lol... I saw this picture of Rita Dominic on a movie set and it took me down memory lane, straight into the parlour of our Enugu flat.

That TV in the left corner, I can almost swear that was the exact same model we had back then. Ours was a Sanyo, I think, and you could draw the front together and lock. And lock it my parents did sometimes. But I think we figured out a way around that, don't quote me please.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What Makes a Woman a Good Wife?

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Obviously, I am not a Perfect Wife. Yeah, Obviously. I won't hide behind that generalist phrase. 'None of us is perfect'. The truth is that I am not perfect, not as a person and not as a wife. A lot of us women seem to think being a wife comes naturally. Maybe it does for some women, but not for me.

When I was much younger, I assumed I would never get married. I just knew I would make a terrible wife. It wasn't because I didn't like marriage, but as I understood it as an institution, and myself as a person, it just didn't suit me. I feared I would make a terrible wife for some hapless man and drive him crazy. I was too quirky, and I was scared of sharing the passionate, vulnerable part of me with a stranger.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Kerry Washington in Scandal - Based on real Crisis Manager

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I was taken from the first moment I heard about this ABC TV Show Scandal with Kerry Washington. First, it was written by Shonda Rhimes of Greys Anatomy and Private Practice, some of my favorite TV shows. It also featured a profession that is rarely seen on TV. Doctors, Lawyers, and Detectives usually get all the shine, and you rarely see the managers, consultants, and other gate-keepers.

Photo: Craig Sjodin/ABC
After watching the first episode, I can say that my expectations of the show has been met. Olivia Pope is a fully realized woman, I guess I shouldn't have thought I'll get less from Shonda Rhimes. She is bad, she is good, she makes mistakes, she is the best at what she does, and she has emotions too. In fact, she is so emotional, she heaves off and slaps the President of America in the face! LOL...I won't spoil it for those who haven't watched it, just go online to your favorite TV watching destination, and see this show.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Olay Total Effects Tone Corrector Review and $50 Giveaway

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After I hit puberty, and all through high school and university, I was regarded as the lucky one. Lucky, because I had minimal acne. While my sisters and friends battled mild to severe acne, I got away with occasional outbreaks which, when they quickly passed on, rarely left any spot behind. But I didn't really consider myself that lucky.

You know like when people keep pointing out your blessings, and you don't know how to say "but what about this other thing?" Yeah, that was me. True, my skin was mostly without spots but there was something I didn’t like so much about it, especially where my face was concerned.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

From Friends to Lovers, What's your Take?

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I've always thought this was an interesting angle to relationships, right from when I first read about them in romance novels. You see these two people who have been friends since high school, and who have been leading separate romantic lives for years suddenly or gradually develop feelings for each other. If they're lucky as is usually the case in these books, the feelings are mutual.

One thing I like about the idea of being friends before lovers is that it gives the two people involved the opportunity to get to know each other with less of the pretense people put forward due to instant romantic attraction that leads quickly to a relationship. Also, the best long-term relationships are those where the couple are friends in addition to lovers, where the couple will be able to spend long periods together without getting on each other's nerves.

He is Risen! Happy Easter to Everyone

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I want to wish all of you my wonderful friends and blog readers a Happy Easter! I wish everyone a day filled with enjoyment, friends and family. For me, it is more than the bunnies, eggs or chocolate, but the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ which has ushered in a hope for life eternal.

 In the midst of all the celebrations and happiness this Easter Sunday and Monday, I want us to remember the true meaning of Easter. I wish you all a blessed and purposeful new month of April. I know that great things will surely happen and keep happening to all of us.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Banky W Strong Ting - Romance Meets Music

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This remains one of my best songs by a Nigerian musician. I was not disappointed too when the video came out. The song gives me goosebumps, gets me in the mood, in short, e dey do me Strong Ting!

Force Vs Persuasion, What Motivates Us? Atala Writes

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In understanding how human beings work, one of the things I have pondered is what motivates people. I'm sure there are all sorts of factors involved, but it seems most of the motivators fall into two categories - those which hold out the promise of something good happening as a result, and those which hold out the threat of something bad happening. I'm talking here about force and persuasion.

For a lot of people, force is the more appealing of the two. It's certainly a lot easier and quicker to use than persuasion - when persuading someone, not only do you have to rack your brains to figure out what he might like and ensure that you are able to offer it to him, you also have to figure out how to present your proposal in such a way that he will accept it. Of course, there's no guarantee that he will accept it on its first presentation - he might need some time to first become comfortable with the idea.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Affairs of the Heart 2 - With This Ring I thee Wed

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Two young women in their early twenties walked past his table. They had somehow managed to squeeze themselves into two of the tightest dresses he had ever seen. They both had manes of Brazilian hair almost all the way down to their waists, and were both clutching the latest Blackberry phones in their perfectly manicured hands. He was not a fan of this look, even though it seemed to be the ‘in’ look at the moment. He did, however, appreciate how nicely the two of them were built; from the curve of their backs to the tightness of their stomachs and the African fullness of their backsides.

He had never been able to understand oyibo people and their obsession with boyish figures. Not that he had anything against lepacious women. All he asked, if it wasn’t too much trouble, was that they stuck out in the places where women were supposed to stick out.