Sunday, September 8, 2013

Dear Myne - Articles on RML are One-Sided, Aren't Women Sometimes to Blame in Relationships?

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Hi Myne, I truly love your articles on your blog and i'm a great fan. But I'll like to fault you. You lead the young women aright but most (if not all) of your articles I read are women-focused which I think is one-sided. If I may ask... Don't women cheat on men? Don’t women keep men waiting in terms of making marital decisions?

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Dear Myne - My Mother Doesn't Want Me To Date a Suitor Who Has Children Already

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Please I really need your advice in an issue that's bothering me. I have dated guys before including single parents but I get discouraged when am dating a guy and I know he has a child and the reason is because of my mother. She doesn't want any of her children to get married to anybody who has a child cause of her
marriage to my dad who had a daughter who gave us stress after he died.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dear Myne - My Christian Boss is Sexually Harassing Me, What Shall I Do?

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Am also a victim of this, but I've got no pastor, friend, sister, brother, nor fother to confide in. My mum kept silent when i complained to her about her pastor's sexual advances and abuse. As a single mum its hard raising my child alone. I've got a job as a back up singer in a christian oriented music studio but am been threatened with sexual advances by the boss who is married and happens to be an elite figure of Christianity held in high regard.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Dear Myne - I Made Out With a Friend, Should I Tell My Fiance About It?

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I made a stupid error. My story is a bit complicated, but will try to make it plain. we was introduced online and gradually we became very close and now in a long distance relationship. During the past 1 year of the relationship, I have been faithful, avoided guys and stayed loyal to him.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dear Myne - He Married For Papers in the UK But Now Wants to Marry Me?

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Hi Myne, I was friends with Osi before he travelled but it was nothing serious, we even lost contact. We reconnected and started talking. Na him love enter the story we started Romancing. Fast forward to December he came home and lodged in a hotel so i went to meet him there, we talked gisted like old time friends and i left but as the detective wey i be i de try scan the environment for clues on his personality.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Dear Myne - Should I Tell His Wife That He Cheated With Me?

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I met this young man Diekola while watching football at a local Nigerian restaurant. He asked me for my number and things progressed from there. We have a mutual friend in Nigeria called Emeka, a guy I went to secondary school with. Emeka and I have known each other for more than 14 years. Emeka confirmed that this guy was single and had no attachments. Diekola and I ended up having an intimate relationship and things got physical really quickly.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Dear Myne - Why Do I Always Attract The Wrong Sort of Men?

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Dear Myne, I am sorry, I just have to pour this out. I tried taking my life and the very young guy who generally helps people around the street, saw me and even with my eye half closed (I thought I was dying) the guy still said I should borrow him 2000..  I just woke up so apparently this combination does not work.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Dear Myne - Should I Choose My Boyfriend or my Male Best Friend?

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Hi Myne. Its my 23rd birthday in some weeks, I have done quite well for myself and preparing for masters thanks to God. But I feel I'm too young for marriage until the next year or two when I must have settled into life fully. My 4 year relationship with my 32 year old boyfriend ended some months ago and amazingly I don't really know what I feel even though he has been making efforts to reconcile with me.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Dear Myne - Who Should Pay Her Travelling Costs to See My Parents?

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This was a conversation I had on Facebook with someone who needed advice. His girlfriend who he has dating long distance for almost a year lives in Uganda and he lives in Nigeria. It is now time to see each other and the issue of who pays their travel tickets have come up. Please share your thoughts.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Dear Myne - My Igbo Boyfriend Doesn't Like My Polygamous Family

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I am very happy to have come across your post about someone being happily married to an Igbo man as I am on the same path. I am Yoruba and him and I have made up our minds to get married but now he feels afraid that his people will not accept me because of my mother's polygamist life style. Really I am very saddened by this. I just need attention and advice on this. Truly, I hope to get help on this.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dear Myne - How Can I Convince Him To Pay Child Support?

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Hello ma'am, How are you? I will be glad if you can be of assistance. I have a challenge. How do you discuss with a man who abandoned his wife and children for over 4 years now to take up his responsibility. How can he be alive, calls himself a lawyer of 22years post call, patronizes online sex traders, etc but doesn't take care of his two children in any way please?

Monday, July 29, 2013

Dear Myne - My Boyfriend Irritates Me With His Noisy Eating

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Hello Myne, I believe you are super-fine? I have a this little challenge and I'm hoping you'll give an objective advice on. I'm in this thriving relationship with a young man and the connection is ideally healthy. We are dating steadily and marriage discussions are  coming up more often. Now the issue is this, one of my top pet peeves is people eating loudly i.e munching loudly, making noises with the jaws, teeth against cutlery and the sorts. (It's so bad I complain when my mum eats like that).

Friday, July 26, 2013

Dear Myne - My Boyfriend Ignores Me But Sexts Other Women

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Dear Myne, my boyfriend lives with me, he says he loves me but he does not call me during the day nor does he text me anything nice. He says that he is soooo busy with work but I recently discovered on his mail some dirty chats he's been having with some women telling them how much he misses them or want to go and have sex etc and this really hurt me.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Dear Myne - My Husband and I Have Not Had Sex Since We Got Married

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I’ve been married now for almost 3 years and my husband and I have never made love. I could say he was impotent but to be honest, I really do not know the reason why. We were both celibate and Christians before we were married, and it worked out for us as there was no pressure to go against our conscience.

After he proposed and we started marriage counselling, we began to discuss sex and he used to go into some small detail about how excited he was to be getting married, and especially to me, and some of the things we hoped to be able to do after we became man and wife.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dear Myne - Another Woman is After My Man!

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I am confused  and I need advice. My fiance(we are planning to get married next year) and I  attend a fellowship together,we hold leadership positions. There  is this girl that attends the fellowship,she  is tripping badly that people have noticed,someone even called her to order.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Dear Myne - Should I Fight For My Man This Time?

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Dear Myne, I have been going through your write ups and I must say you’re doing a good job keep it up. I have a problem please my boyfriend no longer wants me because of another girl, I am so confused right now. You see my present boyfriend was my ex. I have known him for like 7yrs now. We grew up together then we started dating but while he was in school, he cheated so I left him.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Dear Myne - Do I Marry This Guy I'm Not Attracted To

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Sometimes u don't even choose to be single...but u still are! Some women truly desire to be married and long and enjoy the male company - but rather than end up with the wrong person, let her stay patient and get it right. Or almost. I am ready for marriage and in my early 30s, but the only 2 men I have come very close to marrying have disappointed and I cannot kill myself.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Dear Myne - My Girlfriend Lacks Interesting Conversation

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I am a regular reader of your blog and I find a lot of your musings very interesting. I have been dating this girl for about a year now and I can say she has the ideal personality for a wife that any man would want, especially as an African. She can cook, she is hardworking, not obsessed with material things and very respectful. My parents have met her once and they like her a lot. My only problem with her is that she is not as intellectually driven as much as I am.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Dear Myne - Two Men Want To Marry Me, Who Do I Choose?

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I am a 26 year old professional working in Nigeria who got in a relationship last year with a wonderful man who is another professional working in the UK. We met via a social network, he had actually been trying via this social network to contact me since 2010 but I just hadn't been interested at the time because I had just ended a year old relationship which had left me rather distraught.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Dear Myne - I Have Just Been Abused By My Husband

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Just this morning i was abused by my husband for the very first time....i didn't see it coming and he does not have any of the signs up there. He is or was, i don't know what to think right now... am still in shock, he's a loving husband until of late, but i didn't let him get away with it. I used a pressing iron on him that's when he let me go.