Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Advice Corner: My Friend Says Her Brother Is Into Me Because of My Money

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Dear Myne,

I have been dating my friend's elder brother for months now, We met in their mum's birthday party. We are not best of friends, but I take her to be my good friend, we stayed in together in my first and second year in school, even after not staying together anymore, we still act like we do.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

[Advice Corner] I'm Married To a 37 Year Old Virgin and Sex is Frustrating For Both of Us

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Please somebody help. I just got married to a virgin who is 37. I am 47. We tried having sex but with some difficulties. We made several attempts, but i could not penetrate or get through. In the process, frustrations set in. We had doses of romances and foreplay which we enjoyed though but that is not the real thing.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

[Advice Corner] My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me Because I'm Too Gentle and Never Argues

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Dear myne...I'm a regular follower of your blog and i really learn a lot from it....i sincerely hope you publish my story because i need answers to the questions in my head..

I'm in my early 20's on the verge of completing my degree...i've shyed away from relationships because i felt i was not ready for them. Not until i met my boyfriend who literally swept me off my feet and our few months of dating has been wonderful. By nature, i'm a very quiet and reserved person though,cannot be classified as boring cuz i'm very full of life with a great smile...

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

[Advice Corner] We're Having Difficulty with Sexual Penetration

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Dear Myne, It's a lovely and mature group of readers you have on your site. Having not had sex for about 7 years I now have a boyfriend. I am nearly 40 and when we tried to have intercourse it was hard to get it in all the way. What do you or your readers suggest we try to get past this. He said I was tight. I have had two children and it didn't used to be like this with my husband who passed away.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

[Advice Corner] My New Suitor Only Texts But Has Never Called Me Since We Were Introduced?

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Dear Myne, Can you please post on your blog? I'd like feedback from your readers, thank you. :-)

I was introduced to a guy by a colleague/friend a while back and he sends me text every few days to say hello but he's never called. This has been going on for a while but the conversation never goes beyond that. I try to ask and know more about him but he doesn't seem to get the hint.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Advice Corner - She Loves Me, She Love Me Not, What Do I Believe?

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Hi Myne, How do you do today and a Merry Christmas to you and your family. I'm not sure if I should be writing this to you but I know you run a romance site according to your profile here... I just need someone I can talk to. I have this lady I was dating for 2 yrs, we are both in our early 30's and we had plans to get married... Somewhere along the line, her elder Sister introduced her to some rich guy.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Advice Corner: I am Engaged But The Man I Really Love Is Back And Wants Me.

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James is my first love, I am not his but I felt like it, he was evidently in love with me and all over me at the same time. We dated for approximately four years before he vanished. I just didn't hear from him, his mobile number never went through again, he had moved and i didn't smell him for good two years. Before the count of two years, I moved on, I met people, I made new friends and an exceptional man; Gregory.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Advice Corner - My Wife Lied ABout Her Religion Before We Got Married

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I dated my wife for three years before we married. We were both in our 30s and had had all of the important discussions before we decided to marry (kids, religion, etc.). At the time, she told me she was agnostic, and not really into "the whole religion thing."

Saturday, November 2, 2013

[Advice Corner] I am 25 and Never Had a Boyfriend, Am I Too Choosy?

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Hello Myne, good morning, sure you had a pleasant night. Am a great fan of RML blog and a perfect follower on twitter. You've got a great work you do out there, God bless you! Please, I am a 25 years old christian lady from Ogun State, South West of Nigeria, and for the past years I haven't had a boyfriend.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

[Advice Corner] My Suitor Doesn't Show Up on Google, Should I Let Him Go?

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Maybe some of the readers here have done this in the past. I do it all the time. When I meet a man online or offline, or a friend tells me about a guy that they think we should meet, and we later hook up either in a first date or over the phone, I google him once I have his name and surname.

Monday, October 21, 2013

[Advice Corner] It's Hard Meeting Eligible Single Men. Has Anyone Tried Speed Dating or Online Dating in Nigeria?

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Hi guys, I am so lonely. I live in a house full of people. But I need my own life partner and love. I came back from the UK early this year for a marriage, but it didn't work, so I refused the marriage.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

[Advice Corner] Should I Forget My Long Distance Girlfriend, or Reassure Her I'm Serious

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Hello please can I ask your readers some questions? I need their input on a decision I want to make.

I’ve been dating this very good friend of mine for like 3 months, we were friends for 5-6 years before then but just lately she’s been acting different though when I ask she says she is okay. Last week I asked her plainly, "what I do I really mean to you" because of the way I was feeling.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

[Advice Corner] My New Fiance is Very Close to His Mother, Should I Bring it Up?

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My last relationship did not end very well. He left the country without telling me and decided to stay there. He basically broke up with me on the phone. This was over a year ago, and thank God its over though cos I always doubted his honesty. I met someone else after that and we are recently engaged but I need you to please help me ask your readers for their opinion on the issue with his mom.

Monday, September 30, 2013

[Advice Corner] My Soul Mate Broke Up With Me, How Will I Ever Find Another?

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Please help. I am looking for advice especially from those already married. I turned 28 this year and am currently in a work contract that won't allow me to marry until just before my 30th birthday so I'm not rushing to be married but it's been over 2 years since I have been "in love" and I'm afraid it's because my last relationship ruined my perspective on love.

Monday, September 23, 2013

[Advice Corner] Why Do My Men Leave Me and Then Get Married To Another Woman Few Months Later?

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Dear Myne, I am an ardent follower of your blog and found most of the information/ stories there useful, insightful , encouraging. I would like you and fellow readers to chip in on this short story as I need your advice. I turned 32 this year and assessing my life  - God has been faithful in fact too faithful and I am very thankful. But like most young women my age , I deeply desire to have a family of my own.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dear Myne - Could You Link Me Up With a Responsible Mature Lady?

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Great work Myne, how are you? Could you link my up with an average height, responsible mature lady through your blog? I was born into a family of six some twenty eight years ago from Ogun state South West Nigeria. I had my primay school at Arowosegbe Primary school at Ketu, Lagos, from 1992-1998, from 1998-2004. I had my High school education at Orishigun High school, Mile 12 Ketu, and then i proceeded to the prestigious university of Lagos for my Bsc in Business administration in 2009. I work with a medium size Manufacturing outfit in Lagos, Nigeria.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Dear Myne - Douches Seem To Work For Me, Why Are People Against It?

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Dear Myne, top of the day to you. Good blog you have here, i must say. Tackling all issues, social and health. May God bless and keep you. I was going to respond to your post about keeping the vagina clean and smelling fresh immediately you wrote it, but i decided to wait out my treatment.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Dear Myne - My Boyfriend in Nigeria Wants Me to Move Back, But I Want to Remain in the US

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Dear Myne, I have a little dilemma  that i wish you throw open to your readers, but please i wish to be anonymous. I seem to be torn between two men. One of them, the first is in Nigeria while i am in the US with the second.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Dear Myne - I Really Didn't Realise How Much I Loved Him Till I Broke up With Him

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Dear Myne, My name is Alicia and I'm in my early twenties (Of course, it is not my real name). There is this friend of mine that I have been in a relationship with. He is the best guy I've ever met. Through being friends, we became more than friends. He didn't exactly ask me out, but our friendship culminated into a relationship.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Dear Myne - Our Different Religious Beliefs Are Almost Causing Us to Split Up

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Dear Myne, this post couldn't have come in at a better time. My boyfriend and I are so in love & we plan on getting married. The only recurring problem we have is on religion. He's a christian & I'm not. & NO! I do not plan to convert before or after getting married. We both knew that fact when we met, became friends & got into a relationship. He was cool with it, but lately it's been a serious issue that almost broke us up & it scares me so much that it will sooner or later.