Saturday, June 30, 2012
Weekend Pictures - Visit to Seward Park in Seattle
Posted in:
Nkem Akinsoto
seward park seattle
snake in a park
The other day, we were coming from a trip to the cinema and Atala suggested we slot in a quick visit to Seward Park in Seattle, one we hadn't been to before. I wasn't dressed, as per shoes, for hiking, but he promised it would be a short one. So off we went. The breeze was surprisingly strong off Lake Washington, the water you see in the pictures, and it blew my wig every which way.
See Your Own Posts On Romance Meets Life
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Relationship Articles
romance meets life
send your own stories
Do you have any love or relationship issue you're working through, and you want some input from some neutral people? I get these requests sometimes, and now I'm putting it out there in the open. Send an email to me ( with the subject Dear Myne with details of the situation to help my readers discuss it and proffer suggestions and advice. You can be anonymous or you can say who you are, it's all up to you. I'm no psychologist, but maybe you'll get some clarity from the comments, and if asked, I will give a personal reply from my little experience.
Write For RML - if you have some articles, an opinion on the news, or any dating/romance topic, please feel free to send it, as well as personal stories of how romance meets your life, including your real love stories and tips on marriage. Where not sure of how to start or what to write, send me an initial inquiry and I will reply with more direct details. To be featured in the marriage avowals, there is a set pattern to the posts. Send me a request with the subject, Marriage Avowals, to receive the interview questions.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Hot Days and Cold Drinks - Original Zobo
The main pack |
Some days are just so hot, you want a long drink to cool down with. I discovered Zobo while doing my youth service in Abuja and would always have an already prepared frozen pack during break periods in the school where I was a teacher. One of my pupil's mother made an awesome version with just a hint of spice and it made me go back for more every day.
Invisible Girl - Film Campaign Against Child Abuse
Posted in:
Child sexual abuse
online campaign
short film narrative
Invisible Girl is a non-commercial and online campaign short film (9minutes) narrative to reach out to young females especially for those who have once been or are currently victims of sexual violence or abuse. I recently finished Yejide Kilanko's new book, Daughters Who Walk This Path, and I was filled all over again with anger at adults who molest innocent children. I thought about how as a society, we really have to put up the means to protect our children before, and sometimes, after abuse happens.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Freedom to Read Giveaway Hop
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I'm just back from an amazing summer getaway and I feel like sharing the fun. The winner of this giveaway will receive a $10 cash prize! The lucky follower should be able to collect their cash prize via Amazon Gift Card or Paypal funds transfer. Books (including shipping) of same value can also be shipped via Amazon or Book Depository.
There are 4 entries in all, and it is mandatory you leave a comment on this post in answer to the question, Why do you love reaing? Entries close July 5, and I'll announce the winner within 48hrs and also send them an email.
To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter Form below.
Dear Myne: He Can't Stop Talking About My Looks
When I was younger I wished I was as beautiful as any Miss World, but with age, I realized that we all have our unique peculiarities and that beauty was no buffer to difficulties or heartache. Or what do you say to someone in the situation below where her beauty has become a thorn in her flesh?
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Tribute to Nora Ephron - Best Rom-Com Quotes
Posted in:
nora ephron
sleepless in seattle
when harry met sally
you've got mail
My history of reading loads and loads of romance novels and watching truckloads of romantic comedies and enjoying them made me choose to write in the romance genre, and Nora Ephron, though she told her own stories through scripts and movies, was an inspiration.
Not Perfect - Making Marriage Look AND Feel Good
Who believes in a perfect marriage? Not me. Who believes in love forever? I know I want to. Sometime ago I went on twitter and in my mentions, someone had tweeted, : "I love what Myne Whitman and her Atala share. Fun, christian, romantic marriage." Of course, it created a warm place in my heart when I read it. Still...still... I can't let my head swell.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Voting for my Local Park to Win a $100K Grant
Helping My Favorite Park Win a $100K Grant
Remember the Coca-Cola America Is Your Park campaign? I've been doing my best to help my favorite local park garner as many votes as possible. One thing is for sure, every vote counts if I'm to help my park win that $100,000 grant. Last year, park supporters cast more than 13 million votes for their favorite parks, and do you know who won? Oak Park in the small town of Minot, ND!
Blunted on Reality - Chinedu Achebe (Guest Author)
Chinedu W. Achebe is a Nigerian of Igbo descent who was born in Richmond, Virginia. He received his bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Houston and currently resides in Houston, Texas. He is the oldest of three siblings and though he works in the finance sector, he recently decided to start sharing the stories he has in him.
Chinedu Achebe's first book, Blunted on Reality, follows the life of Obi Ifeanyi, a Nigerian born American who is coming of age after the historic election of Barack Obama. As Obi confronts challenges that impact his family, career, and romantic interests, he is forced to examine his past and present choices to define his future. Sound interesting?
Enjoy my interview with him on the journey so far.
Chinedu Achebe's first book, Blunted on Reality, follows the life of Obi Ifeanyi, a Nigerian born American who is coming of age after the historic election of Barack Obama. As Obi confronts challenges that impact his family, career, and romantic interests, he is forced to examine his past and present choices to define his future. Sound interesting?
Enjoy my interview with him on the journey so far.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Waiting Till You Get Married for Sex
I love me some Megan good, I think she's a sweet actress and she's really beautiful. Recently, she and her fiance, now husband, DeVon Martin, got married after some weeks of publicity where she stated that they were waiting till they were married to, you know, get it on, have carnal knowledge of each other, have sex, make love, or whatever name or term floats anybody's boat. Even Franklin appeared on Oprah's show and talked about their mutual decision to stay celibate until they were wed.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
P-Square - Beautiful Onyinye ft. Rick Ross
Posted in:
Music Video Romance
P-Square recently signed a promotion and distribution deal with Universal Music Group, and off the back of that released this video for their song, Beautiful Onyinye. The video features American rapper Rick Ross. Most Nigerian hip-hop artistes are going international, which is good, but it is even better that they are able to keep the core of themselves. Enjoy the video below.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
The Nigerian State: 'Violence has been deregulated'
Posted in:
boko haram
christian muslim riots nigeria
elnathan john
i am angry
kaduna reprisals
Who remembers the prediction of Nigeria's breakup come 2015? An op-ed piece in the Daily Times of Nigeria does, and the writer, El-Nathan John is angry. He is originally from Kaduna State in Northern Nigeria and is angry about the quasi-religious violence going on in his hometown. I don't know that we should only get mad when our states and communities are affected, but his piece is germane to the on-going debate about the state of Nigeria.
Calling my Readers in the DMV Area, I am in DC!
Yes! I am in Washington DC, and I'd love to meet you. Yes, you. Because someone has to tell me why it is so hot here. I can't believe I'm missing the cold of Seattle :)
Atala and I are spending a few days in Washington DC for our vacation this summer and I hear there are quite a number of my readers and blog followers in this area. So if you live within the DC, Maryland and Virginia area not too far from Obama's house, and you want to meet up, contact me at
Friday, June 22, 2012
Non Traditional Wedding Outfits for Men
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non-traditional outfits for men
Relationship Articles
Now, no matter how much I like to believe that I can think outside the box, I had the charge of shopping for my wedding back in the UK and the most non-traditional I got for Atala and his groomsmen was to pick a dark brown color for their suits instead of black.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
It's Good to be Me - Seagram's Ginger Ale Review
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There’s this one memory that always comes to my mind when I think of enjoying soda. This is something that happened over ten years ago. That day in university, the temperature was hotter than boiling tar and just as cloying. We had just finished a 2-hour lecture by a tedious professor, and I was drained. Luckily, the tuck shops weren’t too far away from the study hall, and five minutes later I was in one ordering a small bottle of soda or mineral as it's known in Nigeria.
Ken Weds Barbie In True Yoruba-Nigerian Style
I was minding my business on Facebook a few days ago when I saw this image above. I was like, who is this fierce groom, and then I saw the title beside it, Black barbie and Ken's Nigerian Wedding. Of course I had to check it out. I was blown away by the full set of pictures which I got permission from the photographer, Obi Nwokedi, to share with you guys.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Midsummer's Eve Giveaway Hop - International
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It's amazing how fast time flies, it's halfway through summer already. And do you know what else we're halfway through? A million hits on my blog! I almost can't believe that after starting this blog with zero readership, I was able to achieve this in less than three years. More than racking up the numbers are the people I've met through this blog, the connections and the community. Thank you all so much!
Burning Love Web Series Spoofs The Bachelor
I've been seeing the Burning Love ads around and this past weekend, I finally clicked. The 10mins per episode web series is a one hilarious spoof that got me laughing so much. Just think of all the jaw drapping, wacky things on the ABC's The Bachelor and you'll find it on this show. They are 6 episodes in and it's getting even funnier, the Panda is gone but the Octogenerian and Pregnant woman remain. See the trailer below.
Monday, June 18, 2012
A Tale of Two Girlfriends
Posted in:
Short Stories
I had a girlfriend once.
Everytime I spent the weekend at her place, she had the exact same routine. She'd wake up sometime after six and before seven. She'd read till about seven thirty. She read everything; news, blogs, magazines...but sometimes she'd be in the middle of an excellent book and she'd wake up and read that. I often woke up to find her reading, tears silently streaming down her face as she got involved in a fictional tragedy.
She would get up at about seven thirty, pee, then brush her teeth. She would put on her running gear and go for a run. sometimes she was back after 10 minutes and sometimes after an hour, but she always went for a run. She'd wash her face, bring me a toothbrush with toothpaste on it and go and make breakfast. I'd brush my teeth and go and see what she was making. That was usually the first time we spoke.
She had speakers everywhere. She'd put on her present favorite album and it would play on repeat all day. really loudly. Then after breakfast, she would write. She was always in the middle of a story in her head. Sometimes, it was mundane and sometimes it was over the top. She was just always somewhere else. Sometimes she'd let me in by discussing her characters. 'Daniel cheated on Gabby, you know? I don't think she can take him back, even though she really wants to.' Then she would sigh. Her characters were always real to her, I could often not tell whether the person she was talking about was created or real.
Everytime I spent the weekend at her place, she had the exact same routine. She'd wake up sometime after six and before seven. She'd read till about seven thirty. She read everything; news, blogs, magazines...but sometimes she'd be in the middle of an excellent book and she'd wake up and read that. I often woke up to find her reading, tears silently streaming down her face as she got involved in a fictional tragedy.
She would get up at about seven thirty, pee, then brush her teeth. She would put on her running gear and go for a run. sometimes she was back after 10 minutes and sometimes after an hour, but she always went for a run. She'd wash her face, bring me a toothbrush with toothpaste on it and go and make breakfast. I'd brush my teeth and go and see what she was making. That was usually the first time we spoke.
She had speakers everywhere. She'd put on her present favorite album and it would play on repeat all day. really loudly. Then after breakfast, she would write. She was always in the middle of a story in her head. Sometimes, it was mundane and sometimes it was over the top. She was just always somewhere else. Sometimes she'd let me in by discussing her characters. 'Daniel cheated on Gabby, you know? I don't think she can take him back, even though she really wants to.' Then she would sigh. Her characters were always real to her, I could often not tell whether the person she was talking about was created or real.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
My Sunday Sun Feature - Author Q&A
I had this interview some months ago with Sola Ojikutu and it has just been published on the Sunday Sun newspaper (June 17, Pg 46). Two of my friends gave me the pleasant surprise of getting pictures and uploading them on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you guys, and enjoy the rest of your Sunday, everyone.
Romance Meets Music: Omawumi - Bottom Belle ft. Flavour
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Music Video Romance
When I first heard it, I loved the highlife spin which Omawunmi, with the help of Flavor N'Abania, brought to this song. The video for Bottom Belle is finally here, and I have to say that I was a bit disappointed. Directed by Clarence Peters, there are several picture frame shots, and not only has this been done before, but done better. And maybe my expectations were high after the funny skit in the video for Omawunmi's If You Ask Me. Still though, this is a fun video, and the song remains classic.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
How to Fight Fair - Guest Post by Seye Oke
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guest posts
how to fight fair with your partner
Relationship Articles
when couples quarrel
You come home on a Saturday evening from a night out with your girl friends and you meet your husband seated on the couch. The TV is blaring so loud he can barely hear you come in. You come over and he welcomes you with a peck on the side of your face. You didn’t mind the brevity, he is usually this way when the game is on.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Have You Been To Your Local Park This Summer?
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Join the America Is Your Park Campaign This Summer!
Vote for Your Favorite Park from May 23 – July 15
Coca-Cola is calling everyone out to the park this summer to vote in the third-annual America Is Your Park campaign, and I was very excited when I received an email from BlogHer informing me that I would be taking part in the campaign. I am of the opinion that parks are a vital part of our communities, providing free spaces and opportunities for us to be active and enjoy the outdoors.
Clearing my Bookshelf Giveaway Hop
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Do you have books sitting on your bookshelves that you've read but will never read again? How about books you've started but just couldn't get through? Review copies you've accepted but have never read? I do, and that's why I joined up with the "Clear Your Shelf" Giveaway Hop, to pass some of the books on to other book lovers.
I will be giving away a book I really enjoyed a couple of Christmases ago after buying at my half-price bookstore. A Gift of Love is an anthology of novellas by well known romance authors including Judith McNaught, Jude Deveraux, Andrea Kane, Judith O'Brien, and Kimberly Cates.
Blogger Wedding - Uche Eze of Bella Naija Marries Bode Pedro
Some will say popular blogger Uche Eze of Bella Naija Fame is a celebrity, others may just say she's a business woman, albeit an internet entrepreneur. What will not be in doubt is that she is very well known in the online and blogging circles as being an inspiration for a lot of bloggers who have chosen and been able to make money from their blogs. Myself included.
Smartphone Apps to Help Block Problem Contacts
Last week, I posted the story of the over-clingy Ex who flooded her boyfriend's phone with phone calls and text messages thereby driving the new girlfriend crazy. Some comments mentioned ways to block numbers and I went looking and I found some smartphone apps that would allow one to do that independent of who your network providers are.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Guest Author - Abimbola Dare: The Small Print
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Abimbola Dare |
Abimbola Dare grew up in Lagos, Nigeria where she attended Vivian Fowler memorial college for girls. She moved the UK for her first degree and Masters. She later met and married her best friend and greatest fan on earth who she calls chinese eyes, and they are blessed with the cutest daughter ever. When she's not writing, Abimbola keeps her brain busy by thinking about the next plot or twist to add to an imaginary novel.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Indie Author Giveaway Hop - International
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Today's blog hop giveaway is featuring self-published books and at the end of this post, we'll be giving away an e-copy of Abimbola Dare's The Small Print. I read parts of the book on the author's blog and was excited when she decided to self publish. Because I had done it myself, we had several long chats and I was amazed at Bimby's can-do spirit. When the book was released and I read it, I was further blown away.
About the book - My review
The Small Print is an amazingly fast read, with loads of suspense that kept me guessing till the end. Even though this is a Christian inspirational novel, there is no loud preaching voice shoving memory verses down the reader's throat. The author uses her characters as marvellous works in progress to illustrate the message of the book, which is that the word of God stands the test of time and will deliver those who believe in it during times of trouble.
The main characters in the book (they're the ones on the cover) are so true to life that it is easy to get totally engaged in their miseries as well as their triumphs. Wale is a Nigerian immigrant into the UK and is ready and willing to do anything to remain in the country rather than return to his ailing mother and sister in the slums of Lagos. Sade is a beautiful young Nigerian woman hemmed in by her older husband's insecurity and her own childlessness. Jennifer is a British woman whose first mistake is falling in love with Wale when all he wanted was a marriage of convenience.
About the book - My review
The Small Print is an amazingly fast read, with loads of suspense that kept me guessing till the end. Even though this is a Christian inspirational novel, there is no loud preaching voice shoving memory verses down the reader's throat. The author uses her characters as marvellous works in progress to illustrate the message of the book, which is that the word of God stands the test of time and will deliver those who believe in it during times of trouble.
The main characters in the book (they're the ones on the cover) are so true to life that it is easy to get totally engaged in their miseries as well as their triumphs. Wale is a Nigerian immigrant into the UK and is ready and willing to do anything to remain in the country rather than return to his ailing mother and sister in the slums of Lagos. Sade is a beautiful young Nigerian woman hemmed in by her older husband's insecurity and her own childlessness. Jennifer is a British woman whose first mistake is falling in love with Wale when all he wanted was a marriage of convenience.
Teamwork in Relationships - Lessons from The Amazing Race TV Show
Posted in:
Atala Writes
guest posts
Relationship Articles
working as a team with your partner
One of the unscripted TV shows that I really enjoy with Myne is the Amazing Race. For those who many not know about the series, it involves couples – who may be siblings, spouses, friends or workmates – taking part in a competition where they perform various tasks in various cities around the world.
Why do I like The Amazing Race so much? Well, I like the competition angle, wondering who will finish their stage of the race first. I also find it amusing to see how the couples perform some of the wackier tasks. And then, I like seeing the relationship dynamic between each of the couples, and how they work together to accomplish the tasks that they are given.
This will be the third season we've seen. As we watched this past one, I started to realize that watching it was like a couples’ therapy session for us. The different characters on the Amazing Race TV show – as individuals, as a couple, and partners in a team – provide good material for Myne and I to discuss about attitudes to life, love, and working together.
Seeing the couples certainly showed me that no relationship is the same, or perfect. They all have unique and flawed relationships especially when they're very different in temperament. You have one person being very laid back, and treating the whole affair like a pleasure jaunt, while the other is highly competitive and engages in lots of strategic planning. When two people like this are on the show, expect to see some fireworks as they drive each other up the wall. There are some couples that act so antagonistically towards each other that you’re left wondering if they're really couples and how on earth they agreed to go on the programme in the first place.
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Amani and Marcus Pollard (2011) |
Why do I like The Amazing Race so much? Well, I like the competition angle, wondering who will finish their stage of the race first. I also find it amusing to see how the couples perform some of the wackier tasks. And then, I like seeing the relationship dynamic between each of the couples, and how they work together to accomplish the tasks that they are given.
This will be the third season we've seen. As we watched this past one, I started to realize that watching it was like a couples’ therapy session for us. The different characters on the Amazing Race TV show – as individuals, as a couple, and partners in a team – provide good material for Myne and I to discuss about attitudes to life, love, and working together.
Seeing the couples certainly showed me that no relationship is the same, or perfect. They all have unique and flawed relationships especially when they're very different in temperament. You have one person being very laid back, and treating the whole affair like a pleasure jaunt, while the other is highly competitive and engages in lots of strategic planning. When two people like this are on the show, expect to see some fireworks as they drive each other up the wall. There are some couples that act so antagonistically towards each other that you’re left wondering if they're really couples and how on earth they agreed to go on the programme in the first place.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Review - Michelob ULTRA Light Cider
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When I mentioned to Atala, who is more familiar with the Michelob brand that I was to review a product by them, he asked when I became a fan of beer. I'm not, but I absolutely love light and refreshing drinks like white wine, champagne and traditional ciders, and the Michelob ULTRA Light Cider is billed as an ideal alternative. Also, it was becoming boring to only ask for Smirnoff Ice every time we were out. I wanted more variety and this was a great opportunity to try one out. Especially when a quick look online revealed that it had only 4% alcohol and 120 calories per bottle. Sign me on then!
There was some drama in obtaining the drink at first. While Michelob has some other drinks already in stores, the ULTRA Light Cider is so new that I had to look up the places to buy it at their website, And then, at my nearest QFC, they had yet to put it on the shelves. However, a very nice sales attendant helped me to bring up a pack The drink is available in the usual six-packs of 12-ounce clear glass bottles. I really loved the bright colors and the apple in the design, made it very easy to look out for at the stores and I looked forward to drinking it too.
Well, I got the perfect chance to try out the Michelob ULTRA Light Cider over the Memorial Day weekend at a party with friends. I drank my first one straight from the bottle and then shared the next with Atala who decided to try his over ice. It was good each way though I think next time, I'll stick to drinking it over ice so I"m not tempted to have too much.
Michelob ULTRA Light Cider is very light, very drinkable, and quite appealing even to a new palate like mine. Atala loved it too and remarked on the apple flavor which I also thought was very nice. This is one Light Cider that has got new fans in us both. Below is some information from the makers of Michelob ULTRA Light Cider
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Just Love - A Catholic Nun Writes Book on Sex
For Christians with questions about Divorce and Same-Sex Marriage both from a moral (biblical) and ethical (rights-and-justice) point of view, I think this book will come in useful. Titled Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics and written by a Catholic nun and theologian, the book also explores other topical issues on sexuality and marriage. The author, Sister Margaret Farley is a member of the Sisters of Mercy religious order and an emeritus teacher of Christian ethics at Yale Divinity School.
Sister Margaret is also a member of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, the major organization for catholic nuns in the US, and which the Vatican has accused of being radical feminists and having separated themselves from Catholic doctrines. This is based on the fact that these group of nuns come out with independent thinking on societal issues and prefer to focus their energy and resources on battling poverty and economic and social injustice.
What I am trying to say is that this book, even though it is written by a nun, does not have the blessings of the Catholic Church. As may be expected, the Vatican is not very happy with the book and have denounced it outright saying it promotes masturbation, homosexuality, and divorce. Their verdict;
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Just Love - A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics |
Sister Margaret is also a member of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, the major organization for catholic nuns in the US, and which the Vatican has accused of being radical feminists and having separated themselves from Catholic doctrines. This is based on the fact that these group of nuns come out with independent thinking on societal issues and prefer to focus their energy and resources on battling poverty and economic and social injustice.
What I am trying to say is that this book, even though it is written by a nun, does not have the blessings of the Catholic Church. As may be expected, the Vatican is not very happy with the book and have denounced it outright saying it promotes masturbation, homosexuality, and divorce. Their verdict;
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Home Cooking - How I make Puff-Puff or Buns
Quick-rise Yeast |
I try not to eat a lot of fried foods or pastry but sometimes I get nostalgic for Nigerian snacks and buns and puff-puff are some of the easiest to prepare. Puff Puff is a deep fried snack made from plain flour, yeast, sugar, and water. The main difference between puff-puff and buns is that you add eggs and/or milk to the buns. They are both simple to make and can keep in the fridge for up to a week. My recipe is a cross between buns and puff-puff as I add just milk and it comes out not too soft and very chewy.
Ingredients: My apologies for no measurements, I usually go by sight and feel. There's some trial and error too :)
Plain Flour
Mixed Spices
Granulated Sugar
Frying Oil
Friday, June 8, 2012
Dear Myne - His Ex Has Become Our Biggest Nightmare
Posted in:
Relationship Articles
I got an email yesterday that got me fuming along with the sender. Honestly, some exes can be problematic. I replied her and asked if she wanted me to put this on my blog. I was hoping we could get more opinions and also maybe some of you readers have experienced the case of the ex and will be able to share how you dealt with it. The email is below...
Dear Myne, ur a big part of my day. surfing through ur blog everyday is like coffee in the morning…
I write with you now with so much anger. let me explain myself. my bf and I have known each other for 4 years and counting…we’ve been on and off but since about a year we’ve been so in love and am loving everyday. he strengthens me in ways I cannot even mention and pushes me to be the best I can be, but recently his ex from over 5 years ago has been our biggest nightmare.
She keeps calling him and he bluntly tells her to stop, he even blocked her on bbm and she still finds a way to poke herself into his life. recently she sends over 7 text messages a day…all bull crap of how she can’t do without him and that he took a piece of her, she cannot forget given the fact she was a virgin when they met and he was her first....bla bla bla. Am so frustrated and don’t know what to do.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Guest Author - Rita Okoroafor : Against the Perfect Will
Rita describes herself as a “Port Harcourt Girl”! She grew up and spent close to 28 years of her life in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Her education up to Post-Graduate studies were all carried out in the city. The exceptions were when she lived in Mexico City (between 1 and 3) and after her move to Lagos in 2008, where she has been since then.
Interview with Rita Okoroafor
I am married to a beautiful man, and we are blessed with a beautiful daughter. Writing has always been a passion since I was 5, and I do it along-side my career as an engineer. My favorite author is John Grisham – I love his suspense, intricacies and humanness in his works. No favorite book from him. I have thoroughly enjoyed every one of his books that I have read.
It was only when I became a Christian I found there are also Christian authors. I particular enjoy the books by Karen Kingsbury (and she is kind of my role model). I always find a connection with her characters, and I am always taken on a journey when I read her books. One of her books that I have enjoyed is “When Joy Came To Stay”. What Karen made me realize is that my view of the world had been myopic, and she opened my eyes to see that it is possible that people around me could be struggling with one issue or the other.
What’s coming next?
Hmmm…I am currently working on 2 projects. The first is a non-fiction on preparing for marriage. My drive for this is I do not want my “sisters” to make a mistake with marriage by being ignorant of what marriage entails, what baggages need to be dealt with, or what to be looking out for in the man worth spending the rest of one’s life. Even as I write, I am learning of ways to improve my marriage, so I believe married ladies may also benefit.
The second is a fiction, name of novel withheld, but I am trying to see if I can combine a bit of romance with the message I am trying to convey. The main message though is that women are of great worth, and the love and grace of God is available to all of us.
Interview with Rita Okoroafor
It was only when I became a Christian I found there are also Christian authors. I particular enjoy the books by Karen Kingsbury (and she is kind of my role model). I always find a connection with her characters, and I am always taken on a journey when I read her books. One of her books that I have enjoyed is “When Joy Came To Stay”. What Karen made me realize is that my view of the world had been myopic, and she opened my eyes to see that it is possible that people around me could be struggling with one issue or the other.
What’s coming next?
Hmmm…I am currently working on 2 projects. The first is a non-fiction on preparing for marriage. My drive for this is I do not want my “sisters” to make a mistake with marriage by being ignorant of what marriage entails, what baggages need to be dealt with, or what to be looking out for in the man worth spending the rest of one’s life. Even as I write, I am learning of ways to improve my marriage, so I believe married ladies may also benefit.
The second is a fiction, name of novel withheld, but I am trying to see if I can combine a bit of romance with the message I am trying to convey. The main message though is that women are of great worth, and the love and grace of God is available to all of us.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Debut Author Giveaway Hop - International
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Maybe because it hasn't been too long since my first book, I love trying out debut authors especially if they're writers I know, like the author I will be featuring today. Rita Okoroafor is a fellow blogger and her first novel, Against the Perfect Will was published in April 2012. At the end of this post, we'll be giving away an e-copy of her book .
Against the Perfect Will - My Review
This book tells the story of Omolola, a young girl growing up in a middle-class Nigerian home. Quite intelligent and with most of her future mapped out, tragedy strikes and she loses her father. In a very direct and touching manner, Rita Okoroafor describes Lola's life after this tragedy and how she is able to cope. Life is not rosy for Lola and though she gets to go on to university, it is to a course different from one she had earlier intended.
In addition, she faces other pressures and has to find her own place amidst the confusion and freedom of life away from her home and family. This is a coming-of-age story with strong a moral and Christian foundation and the author uses very genuine scenarios of life in a Nigerian university to showcase the benefits of leaning unto God in all things.
Against the Perfect Will - My Review
This book tells the story of Omolola, a young girl growing up in a middle-class Nigerian home. Quite intelligent and with most of her future mapped out, tragedy strikes and she loses her father. In a very direct and touching manner, Rita Okoroafor describes Lola's life after this tragedy and how she is able to cope. Life is not rosy for Lola and though she gets to go on to university, it is to a course different from one she had earlier intended.
In addition, she faces other pressures and has to find her own place amidst the confusion and freedom of life away from her home and family. This is a coming-of-age story with strong a moral and Christian foundation and the author uses very genuine scenarios of life in a Nigerian university to showcase the benefits of leaning unto God in all things.
Pride and Persistence - How Long Should He Wait?
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Relationship Articles
Yesterday, someone sent me a link to a story on another blog and wanted me to weigh in. The conversation was essentially in two parts and I'll be discussing them as such. In this post is the angle about women who keep men who are interested in them waiting for long periods of time and then get annoyed when the men move on to someone else. Which brings me to the title of this post. Pride and Persistence.
A lot of us women have an innate pride and we exhibit this by wanting to make the men who show romantic interest in us prove that they really care in various ways. One way they can prove this is to hang around even when we push them away. We want them to be persistent.
I have nothing against self esteem and knowing your worth, but the problem in a relationship comes when one person uses it as an opportunity to play games and manipulate the other person. I believe in being honest and open, especially when there might be the chance of a romantic relationship. It is important in such situations to start building the blocks of communication from day one.
Most people usually know within three to four episodes of spending time with somebody whether they can see themselves in a romantic relationship with them. I'm not talking marriage yet. Just, can you see this yourself alone in a room with this guy? Can you imagine kissing him, having deep heartfelt conversations? If your answer is yes, then let that be on the table.
Don't let your pride get in the way of enjoying a genuine relationship. If you like a guy say so, and if you don't, let them know too, and let them go. If you choose to keep a man who has declared his feelings dangling for years, and he sticks around, there are several things that might happen;
A lot of us women have an innate pride and we exhibit this by wanting to make the men who show romantic interest in us prove that they really care in various ways. One way they can prove this is to hang around even when we push them away. We want them to be persistent.
I have nothing against self esteem and knowing your worth, but the problem in a relationship comes when one person uses it as an opportunity to play games and manipulate the other person. I believe in being honest and open, especially when there might be the chance of a romantic relationship. It is important in such situations to start building the blocks of communication from day one.
Most people usually know within three to four episodes of spending time with somebody whether they can see themselves in a romantic relationship with them. I'm not talking marriage yet. Just, can you see this yourself alone in a room with this guy? Can you imagine kissing him, having deep heartfelt conversations? If your answer is yes, then let that be on the table.
Don't let your pride get in the way of enjoying a genuine relationship. If you like a guy say so, and if you don't, let them know too, and let them go. If you choose to keep a man who has declared his feelings dangling for years, and he sticks around, there are several things that might happen;
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Linking Up Posts on the Dana Plane Crash
What is that they say about the stages of grief and loss? Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. I think I am getting to acceptance now. I realise that in the end, we do have to move on. While I do not know any one who died personally, it was quite emotional for me knowing that some relatives had just flown from the US to Nigeria the day before the crash. Also, my sister was involved in a nasty road accident last year and we almost lost her. I guess I was carrying over some of that pain. But I've calmed down now.
May the souls of the dead rest and peace, and the living be consoled.
Also, the news show that the response this time was not as bad as usual lackadaisical attitude. The government and the press are doing their own parts diligently. Some of the following have been done, and continue to be reported on.
May the souls of the dead rest and peace, and the living be consoled.
Also, the news show that the response this time was not as bad as usual lackadaisical attitude. The government and the press are doing their own parts diligently. Some of the following have been done, and continue to be reported on.
Monday, June 4, 2012
So We Do Not Forget Those Who Died
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I first got the news of the Dana Airlines plane crash on my BB yesterday. The only group I belong to is one of writing nerdz with ears to the ground, eyes on the prize and hands always on their pens. Or in recent times, their blackberries, cameras and laptops. One of the members, Chiagozie Nwonwu, lived close to the crash site and before long, he wrote that he was on his way there.
Later that evening, I logged onto my laptop and visited a few media sites where I usually get my Nigerian news fix and the images overwhelmed me. All the reportage seemed to agree that there were no survivors. In one of the pictures, I saw a burnt figure that looked like a dead person, it probably was. It just broke my heart.
I was somewhat upset at those who were busy taking pictures, but, I later reasoned to myself that they are largely ignorant and probably meant no harm. I know for sure there's not a lot of public information on how to deal at scenes of disaster and emergency in Nigeria.
Some of these people are also coping with their own shock at witnessing such a gruesome scene. Maybe taking pictures was their own way of dealing with the trauma, of removing themselves, their psyche so to say, from the scene and what had happened. Maybe by processing the scene through inanimate devices, they could sublimate the pain of being powerless bystanders by being active eyewitnesses. So they do not forget.
But we do forget. And quickly too.
I woke up this morning, and while some blogs and newspapers are still reporting on the incident, some have moved on. How can we move on so easily after a tragedy like this? Have we already finished processing the loss, the pain, the guilt, the anger? Can we not think of ways we can help those affected, the victim's families, the crash site wounded and victims of property loss or damage?
Later that evening, I logged onto my laptop and visited a few media sites where I usually get my Nigerian news fix and the images overwhelmed me. All the reportage seemed to agree that there were no survivors. In one of the pictures, I saw a burnt figure that looked like a dead person, it probably was. It just broke my heart.
I was somewhat upset at those who were busy taking pictures, but, I later reasoned to myself that they are largely ignorant and probably meant no harm. I know for sure there's not a lot of public information on how to deal at scenes of disaster and emergency in Nigeria.
Some of these people are also coping with their own shock at witnessing such a gruesome scene. Maybe taking pictures was their own way of dealing with the trauma, of removing themselves, their psyche so to say, from the scene and what had happened. Maybe by processing the scene through inanimate devices, they could sublimate the pain of being powerless bystanders by being active eyewitnesses. So they do not forget.
But we do forget. And quickly too.
I woke up this morning, and while some blogs and newspapers are still reporting on the incident, some have moved on. How can we move on so easily after a tragedy like this? Have we already finished processing the loss, the pain, the guilt, the anger? Can we not think of ways we can help those affected, the victim's families, the crash site wounded and victims of property loss or damage?
Sunday, June 3, 2012
A Sad Day in Nigeria - Plane Crash Claims Hundreds of Lives
A Dana Airlines plane arriving from Abuja crashed earlier today in the Iju/Ishaga area of Lagos. The plane was carrying over 150 passengers and crashed into a residential area. No one knows yet the casualties from the affected houses but the plane manifest is below. The airline and authorities have confirmed that there were no survivors. There are some well known names, including Levi Ajuonoma, NNPC Spokesperson, and several sets of siblings and family relations.
It is indeed a very sad day. President Goodluck Jonathon has declared three days of mourning with the national flag to be flown at half mast.
May the souls of those who lost their lives rest in peace. Amen
It is indeed a very sad day. President Goodluck Jonathon has declared three days of mourning with the national flag to be flown at half mast.
May the souls of those who lost their lives rest in peace. Amen
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Robin Thicke's Lost Without You - Romance Meets Music
Robin Thicke is currently judging the show, Duets, and I'm reminded why he's such a soul master. The guy makes good music and he's on point with the romantic "love jones" character. It is also the case that Robin Thicke is married to beautiful actress, Paula Patton, who once in a while graces his music videos.
I first discovered Robin Thicke in Lost Without You, before I knew the lady in the video was his wife. And even though I know celebs don't have it easy when it comes to relationships, you can't help but wish them the best. In the videos below, he and Paula Patton share a captivating chemistry! No need to ask who his muse is :)
I first discovered Robin Thicke in Lost Without You, before I knew the lady in the video was his wife. And even though I know celebs don't have it easy when it comes to relationships, you can't help but wish them the best. In the videos below, he and Paula Patton share a captivating chemistry! No need to ask who his muse is :)
Friday, June 1, 2012
The Bet by Rita Okoroafor
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Short Stories
With judging assistance from the Romance Writers of West Africa, has shortlisted 15 stories in the writing contest to acquire steamy love stories for the Worldreader book app. The Bet got one of the highest scores and you can also check out the other 14 shortlisted stories. Click on the image to find out more about the Worldreader app.
The Bet by Rita Okoroafor Rating 18+
My holidays after SSCE seemed boring. Mother had sent me to Port Harcourt after my final papers, and I was stuck with Ranti, my cousin. For the three months we had spent so far, our daily routine was television in the mornings, window shopping in the afternoons and evening strolls in the estate where she lived. She strolled on the pretext of seeing her boyfriend Daniel. To me, they were the most boring couple ever. All they did was hold hands, talk and laugh at things that did not make sense. Ranti said she had kissed Daniel a few times. She said they had slept together only once and after that incident they decided not to go that far again as not to ruin their relationship. Stories that touch the heart.
As for me, Port Harcourt was too boring for me. If not for how close Ranti and I were, I may have run away. If I was in Lagos, in that my estate where boys were not scarce, I would have made out with one or two of my neighbors. 3 months of being celibate was my record since I lost my virginity, and I was almost losing my mind.
The Bet by Rita Okoroafor Rating 18+
My holidays after SSCE seemed boring. Mother had sent me to Port Harcourt after my final papers, and I was stuck with Ranti, my cousin. For the three months we had spent so far, our daily routine was television in the mornings, window shopping in the afternoons and evening strolls in the estate where she lived. She strolled on the pretext of seeing her boyfriend Daniel. To me, they were the most boring couple ever. All they did was hold hands, talk and laugh at things that did not make sense. Ranti said she had kissed Daniel a few times. She said they had slept together only once and after that incident they decided not to go that far again as not to ruin their relationship. Stories that touch the heart.
As for me, Port Harcourt was too boring for me. If not for how close Ranti and I were, I may have run away. If I was in Lagos, in that my estate where boys were not scarce, I would have made out with one or two of my neighbors. 3 months of being celibate was my record since I lost my virginity, and I was almost losing my mind.
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